Abstract:According to the base test requirements of ‘International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships in Ballast Water and Sediments’, the collimated light beam was employed to irradiate eight species of microalgae, and to investigate on the inactivation efficiencies of UV-C on them in a dark cutivation environment. The results showed that UV-C had some inactivation efficiencies on Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutz, Nitzschia palea., Chlamydomonas microsphaera and Microcystis sp., the inactivation rate increased with the increasing of UV-C doses. Low dose of UV-C could stimulate the growth of Ankistrodesmus falcatus and Scenedesmus obliquus. When the dose was improved to more than 300 mJ/cm2, algal cell numbers started to decrease. UV dosage less than 400 mJ/cm2 presented low inactivation efficiencies on Fragilaria capucina and Cryptomonas ovata Her. Therefore, the inactivation efficiencies by UV-C on microalga were relatively low. In addition, the algal cell size was found not one of the factors influencing on the UV-C inactivation efficiencies. The algal species, the existence and inexistence of the algal cell wall, and the difference components of algal wall might be the main factors influencing on the different inactivation efficiencies.