1.Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS), 斯图加特 70569, 德国;2.Institute of Automotive Engineering (IFS), University of Stuttgart, 斯图加特 70569, 德国
EBEL André(1988—), 男,理学硕士, 主要研究方向为汽车机电一体化。E-mail: andre.ebel@fkfs.de
1.Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS), 70569 Stuttgart, Germany;2.Institute of Automotive Engineering (IFS), University of Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
EBELAndré,RIEMER Thomas, REUSS Hans-Christian.基于机器学习的车队数据分析[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版),2021,49(S1):186~193