Simulation method was used for realtime estimation of performance indices at signalized intersection.The dynamic iterative relationship among vehicle delay,stops,and queues at intersection and signal status was modeled based on simulation step.Characteristics of traffic flow on link were simulated by cell transmission model (CTM) while those of evolution at intersection described by micro traffic state.Delay incurred by straightforward vehicle flow on an approach of a signalized intersection was researched.Results show that variance among several classical delay models will increase as degree of saturation increases.Analyses show that estimation result based on simulation step is basically in the range of variance among the classical delay models.For one intersection,time complexity of the iterative algorithm is O(n).
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GAO Yunfeng, XU Lihong, WANG Tao, HAN Hao. Dynamic Estimation Model on Performance Indexes of Signalized Intersection[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版),2011,39(6):837~841