Change of Residence and Workplace and Commuting Self-balance

1.College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;2.China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Shanghai Branch, Shanghai 200092, China

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    This paper identifies the residents who have changed their residence and workplace through tracking analysis by the signaling data of shanghai mobile phone in two weeks of 2011 and 2014 as the research object, and to track and study the commuting behavior of the same group of the residents who have changed their residence and workplace by means of data visualization, descriptive statistics and quantitative comparative analysis, so as to analyze the "self-balancing" characteristics existing in the process. And the relationship between the characteristics and urban space is further studied. The results show that: On the overall level, from the change of average commuting distance and over-commuting rate, residents have the characteristics and trends of commuting "self-balance" when they change their residence and workplace; On the individual level, the farther the original commuting distance is, the better their commuting will be through the change of residence and workplace. The more obvious the effect of relationship pursuit of commuting "self-balance"; The commuting "self-balance" characteristics of residents in the change of workplace are more significant than those in the change of residence; At the level of spatial aggregation, there is a general "self-balance" phenomenon in the residential and employment areas with poor occupational-residential relationship.

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WANG De, SHEN Zhuo. Change of Residence and Workplace and Commuting Self-balance[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版),2022,50(12):1778~1787

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  • Received:December 13,2021
  • Online: January 03,2023
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