试验在砖-混模型箱内完成。模型箱内部尺寸为1.72 m×0.76 m×0.72 m(长×宽×高),壁厚为17.20 cm。模型箱内底部铺设的约5 cm厚的碎石垫层用作排水通道,土体与碎石垫层之间采用土工布进行分隔。模型箱外设水箱系统,用于反渗饱和土
图1 试验装置示意图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of test set-up
吸力基础由不锈钢制成,桶壁和顶板厚度分别为2 mm和10 mm,长径比L/D=1.5,具体尺寸如
图2 吸力基础模型 (单位:mm)
Fig.2 Suction caisson model (unit:mm)
图3 水平荷载加载示意图
Fig.3 Schematic diagram of horizontal loading
图4 试验用土及其颗粒级配曲线
Fig.4 Silt in tests and its particle grading curve
图5 单桥静力触探试验曲线
Fig.5 Curves of single bridge cone penetration tests
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
图6 累积转角和卸载刚度定义
Fig.6 Definition of accumulated rotation and unloading stiffness
粉土试件制备完成后,以0.1 mm·
图7 单调荷载作用下水平荷载与转角关系
Fig.7 Relationship between lateral load and rotation under monotonic loading
图8 循环荷载-水平转角响应
Fig.8 Cyclic loading-lateral rotation response
图9 水平刚度-水平转角响应
Fig.9 Lateral stiffness-lateral rotation response
图10 累积转角和循环次数关系
Fig.10 Relationship between accumulated rotation and number of loading cycles
(4) |
(5) |
图11 β与ξb的关系
Fig.11 Variation of β with ξb
(6) |
图12 循环加载下吸力基础与土相互作用示意图
Fig.12 Schematic diagram of interaction between suction caisson and soil under cyclic loading
图13 桶内压强与水平转角关系
Fig.13 Relationship between pressure in suction caisson and lateral rotation
(7) |
图14 转动中心与水平转角关系
Fig.14 Relationship between location of rotation center and lateral rotation
图15 卸载刚度与循环次数关系
Fig.15 Relationship between unloading stiffness and number of loading cycles
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