ZHOU Mi , WANG Junjie , YUAN Wancheng , ZHANG Xiaotan
2008, 36(2):143-148.
SUN Rujiao , SUN Limin , SUN Zhi
2008, 36(2):149-154.
WU Aihui , B.G.Mellor , S.Syngellakis
2008, 36(2):155-160.
Abstract:对包含多种焊接缺陷(T1)和焊接质量高(T2)的两种角焊接T- 型节点受弯下的力学性能进行了试验研究.焊接缺陷通过金相试验检查,试件的母材、焊材及热影响区的材料特性均由拉伸及硬度试验测得.试验考虑了受弯时两种节点的力-应变曲线、破坏形式、破坏机理,并将试验结果与规范规定的设计承载力进行了对比.结果表明,T1 试件的破坏荷载远低于规范设计值,而T2试件的破坏荷载比设计值高30%~40%.采用有限元方法模拟了节点试验,给出了试件的应变发展过程及其应力分布规律;结合对破坏起始位置及裂纹扩展路径的研究表明,焊接缺
2008, 36(2):161-165.
Abstract:This paper presents a study of the lateral vortex-induced vibration of a two-dimensional square cylinder at high Reynolds number with the code for the aeroelastic problems based on the loosely coupled method, which is programmed by the authors. The results show that with the increasing of the reduced velocity, the lock-in phenomenon occurs at a particular reduced velocity. The beat phenomenon is also detected due to the interaction of the natural frequency for the cylinder and the natural vortex shedding frequency of the vortex-induced vibrating system. With the increasing of the reduced velocity, the vortex shedding mode of the system changes from out-of-phase 2 s to in-phase 2 s, which is the so-called phase switch phenomenon. The results are also compared with the disseminated results.
LIANG Shuguo , ZOU Lianghao , ZHAO Lin , GE Yaojun
2008, 36(2):166-171.
Abstract:Based on base balance technique in a boundary layer wind tunnel, the generalized force spectra and RMS coefficients of the first mode of three typical lattice towers in along-wind, across-wind as well as torsional directions were obtained. In light of these results, the analytical models of generalized force spectra of the first mode of the lattice towers were established by applying least-square method. These models are in good agreement with the experimental results obtain by wind tunnel tests, and a 2 -D or 3-D calculation method can be developed on the basis of the models to evaluate wind-induced dynamic responses of typical lattice towers in frequency domain.
LIAO Shaoming , YU Yan , CHENG Zhigao
2008, 36(2):172-177192.
Abstract:An analysis is made of seepage forces around shield under river by finite differential method and the stability factor of workface with regard to seepage effects is deduced. The computation results show that the pore water pressure will redistribute in sandy soils around the shield tunnel after excavation and the contour lines of the pore water pressure exhibit sphenoid shape. The pore water pressure changes severely at the excavation face. The contour lines of the total water head display circularly around the excavation face of the tunnel and the maximum value of the .seepage forces exists on the excavation face and shield tail. The stability factor of tunnel face decreases due to the existence ofseepage forces, but the slurry pressure in the shield cabinet benefits the face stability. The results also show that the whole shield head will be trapped in the sharply changing zone of pore water pressure and severe consequences will arise if leakage occurs at the shield tail.
2008, 36(2):178-181.
MENG Yan , LI Zhiyong , MEI Yingjun , LU Yuefei
2008, 36(2):182-186.
Abstract:大量的试验数据表明,某一温度下沥青混合料的抗压模量同基准温度(20 ℃)下抗压模量的比值(温度修正系数)与温度之间呈线性比例关系.通过收集我国194个气象观测站点50年的日平均气温资料,根据壳牌沥青路面设计方法,考虑不同地区日气温变化情况和沥青粘滞度性质,采用克里金插值法绘制出全国年有效温度分布图;同时考虑路面温度随深度方向上的变化,绘制出全国沥青混合料温度修正系数分布图,以该系数修正不同地区抗压模量的取值.
ZHOU Gang , ZHOU Jinchuan , HUA Bin , SHE Zhaoyu
2008, 36(2):187-192.
Abstract:为了分析厚沥青层的柔性基层和半刚性基层沥青路面在轮载作用下各结构层永久变形发生发展的规律,通过在50~60 ℃高温下进行的室内大型足尺环道路面加速加载试验,测试了不同轮载作用次数下沥青路面各结构层的永久变形.环道试验测定结果表明:对于本试验三种沥青层厚度超过20 cm的沥青路面结构,土基对车辙的影响很小,级配碎石柔性基层和水泥稳定碎石半刚性基层对车辙的影响也很小,路面永久变形主要发生在20 cm深度范围的沥青层内.
2008, 36(2):193-196.
2008, 36(2):197-201.
Abstract:According to the establishment goal of the general bus lane and the advanced bus lane, the average travel speed serves as key indicator to build different levels of service. Then, based on the capacity theory, the theoretical model and the simulation model are used to study two types of bus lane capacities under given levels of service.
LI Weiying , TANG Qianjing , DONG Bingzhi , GAO Naiyun
2008, 36(2):202-206.
Abstract:以完全去除类似隐孢子虫等微粒子为目标,实验选用与隐孢子虫外观尺寸相似的Crypto-tracer-1号示踪微粒子,对金属膜过滤系统在饮用水中的处理性能进行评价和研究.试验选用三种金属膜:金属薄片筛网膜过滤器(Fuji FP -0.3),金属非织网式膜过滤器(Fuji FA- 3),金属粉末烧结膜过滤器(SIKA-R0.5AS).试验对金属膜处理工艺中的水质参数和膜间压力进行测试分析,结果表明,在大规模的给水处理厂中,采用金属膜过滤系统可以在高滤速下完全将类似于隐孢子虫微粒子去除.
WANG Xiaogang , WU Qingsheng , DING Yaping , FAN Yajuan
2008, 36(2):207-211.
Abstract:用氢气还原法制备了线度为10 nm的铂纳米粒子.利用Nafion 的协同作用,将纳米铂和碳纳米管同时修饰到玻碳电极表面,形成纳米管、纳米铂网状结构.此复合修饰电极在HAc -NaAc体系中对萘酚的氧化表现出良好的电催化性能,不仅测量灵敏度高,而且克服了单一碳纳米管修饰电极在萘酚测定中重现性差的问题,结合微分技术,实现了萘酚异构体的同时测定.在浓度为1.0×10-6~8×10-4 mol·-1范围内,1-萘酚和2 -萘酚的半微分氧化峰电流值均与其浓度呈线性关系,检测限分别为5.0×10-7和6.0×10-7
LI Yinsheng , ZENG Zhenling , CHEN Zhangliu , QIU Jiangping
2008, 36(2):212-217.
2008, 36(2):218-221.
Abstract:以降低管网造价和运行费用为目标,将基因表达混乱遗传算法(GEMGA)引入到供水管网系统的扩建优化设计中,对其在供水管网优化扩建实践领域进行了深入探索.模拟管网扩建实例计算表明:采用优化设计方案后,总投资比采用传统经验法节省近17%;与简单遗传算法(SGA)相比,GEMGA收敛速度大大加快,算例中只搜索约0.000 2%的可行域便找到问题的最优解.
2008, 36(2):222-226.
2008, 36(2):227-230.
WEI Xuezhe , SUN Zechang , TIAN Jiaqing
2008, 36(2):231-235.
WEI Chuanfeng , ZHOU Hong , CHEN Donghua , CHEN Zushan
2008, 36(2):236-240.
Abstract:This paper presents a research of the dynamic characteristics testing method of the rear wheel of a typical car and new experimental project and testing method based on the four-post vehicle road simulation system. The dynamic characteristics of the toe-in and camber of the rear wheel were measured on the vibration test table. The influences of different input manners were investigated such as the swept input and the stochastic input, the single input and the dual input. And an analysis was made of the testing results and the testing error. The analysis result shows that the testing method is simple and feasible and of great accuracy of measurement. The experiment study provides a new way for the dynamic characteristics testing of the vehicle wheels.
2008, 36(2):241-245.
ZHOU Weiguo , XU Xun , WU Lijun , CHENG Huier
2008, 36(2):246-249.
Abstract:基于边界条件替代法建立了高炉冷却壁热表面与炉气间的传热系数计算模型.采用试验测量冷却壁温度场和温度场数值计算相结合的方法,确定了炉气温度为505~1 248 ℃时炉气与冷却壁壁体及炉气与捣打料间的传热系数.理论分析了在炉气温度较高时炉气与捣打料间传热系数大于炉气与冷却壁壁体间传热系数的原因,从而改变了以往在冷却壁传热模型计算中冷却壁热表面传热系数只用一个综合传热系数的观点,两种传热系数的区分使传热数值计算精度更高.
PIRKO Anton , GE Wancheng , HOFFMANN Klaus , SHI Xiaohong
2008, 36(2):250-253.
ZHANG Hailing , WANG Jialin , WU Jiansheng , SHI Rong
2008, 36(2):254-257.
Abstract:This paper presents a study of the application methods of rough sets theory to the main image features obtaining, image automatically recognizing and edges detecting. The color image from the field research was processed. The color characters and texture characters were used to build a decision table including seventeen features. The objects were classified and enhanced by cutting attributes, classifying and rule-obtaining. At the same time,the region edge image was made. The test result shows that this method can better segment the image, enhance the regional image and detect the edge of the image. And the blue standard deviation, red variation, correlation index between red and blue, color feature, contrast and entropy are regarded as the main condition attributes.
SHAO Yongshe , CHEN Ying , LIN Yi , LI Jing
2008, 36(2):258-262284.
2008, 36(2):263-267.
Abstract:This paper aims at the network performance of MCU-system. According to the interface and net-driver of ENC28J60, the tasks and moudles are analyzed about the UART-Enternet Bridge, the UART--IP Gateway and the embedded Web Server in control net. A RS485-Entemet Gateway exam- ple is provided based on Microchip TCP/IP stack; and a conception of fresh-value is proposed to uphold arp-cache, The embedded gateway with ENC28J60 and MCU is of simple-inteface and easy to develop,which is suitable for the concentration of meter reading.
2008, 36(2):268-272.
Abstract:Based on a non-smooth equation of KKT optimality condition, this paper presents a new QPfree method for inequality constrained optimization by using the Fischer-Burmeister NCP function, which ensures the feasibility of all iterates and makes it unnecessary to search along an arc. To avoid Maratos effect, a high-order modified correction is introduced. Compared with the traditional SQP method, this new method only needs to solve no more than three systems of linear equation per iteration with global convergence and local superlinear convergence under some reachable conditions. Without assuming isolateness of the accumulation point or boundedness of the Lagrangian multiplier approximation sequence, every accumulation point of the iterative sequence generated by this method is a KKT point.
2008, 36(2):273-276.
Abstract:This paper deals with the H^2 Corona problem in the Polydise. The problem of Polydise is transformed into that of unit disk and an operator by H^2 Hardy space is defined in the unit disk. This operator proves bounded, and Hahn-Banaeh Theorem and Reize representation are adopted to solve the equation. Furthermore, the estimate of the solution is given.
FANG Xiaochun , YU Jing , WANG Lin
2008, 36(2):277-279.
2008, 36(2):280-284.
Abstract:讨论一类非强极大的三角UHF代数上的Lie导子.证明如果L是非强极大的三角UHF代数T上的Lie导子,则L形如D λ,其中D是T上的结合导子,λ是从T到其中心Z上的线性映射且零化T中的括积.
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