• Volume 0,Issue 10,2009 Table of Contents
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    • Dynamic analysis and model of underground diaphragm wall hydraulic grab control system

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (548) HTML (33) PDF 0.00 Byte (847) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The function and basic principle of underground diaphragm wall hydraulic grab control system were analyzed. With the theory of power bond graph, the bond graph model of the system was established. Independent variable's integrations of capacitive element and inertial element were selected as state variables and state equations of were deduced. Simulation results based on MATLAB prove the control system has very excellent characteristics. Lastly, the influence of changed parameters to the system was also discussed.

    • Element Stiffness Matrix for L-shaped Columns Considering Shear Deformation Effects

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (548) HTML (36) PDF 0.00 Byte (571) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In non-inertial coordinate system, the L -shaped columns element stiffness matrix was derived from the study of load-bearing capacity of the L-shaped columns considering shear deformation effects. Using the matrix, a finite element program of L-shaped column frame structure internal forces analysis was compiled. Final calculated a 3-layer frame structure and compared to ANSYS calculation results and the calculation results of equivalent rectangular column the following conclusions was drew. Shear deformation of the L-shaped column is greatly different from that of equivalent rectangular column; whether to consider the effects of reverse or not has great influence on the torque of L-shaped column.

    • Metal V-belt Continuously Variable Transmission Shifting Principle

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (473) HTML (41) PDF 0.00 Byte (585) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is important for continuously variable transmission (CVT) speed ratio control that gets to the bottom of the CVT shifting principle. In this paper, through analyzing the relative quantities of CVT shifting, a new shifting model is developed based on the CVT dynamic model. After the simulation analysis of new CVT shifting model made a measured condition as the input in the MATLAB\Simulink, it proved that this simulation using the new shifting model can get consistent results with the measurement data in car. And compared with CMM model simulation results, it can find two faults of CMM model: one is the shifting range is too lager; the other is the shifting rate oscillation, but the new variator shifting model can solve these problems.

    • Removal of Halogenated Disinfection By-products Trichloroacetic Acid by Fe/Cu Catalytic Reduction in Drinking Water

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (354) HTML (30) PDF 0.00 Byte (591) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Trichloroacetic acid (TCAA) which has relatively high concentration and carcinogenic risk, one of the most common disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water, seriously endangers the physical health of mankind and eco-environment. Zero-valent iron (ZVI) reductive process had been used in water treatment extensively such as removal of THMs by ZVI. However, little information is available about the removal of TCAA by low-cost Fe/Cu catalytic reduction technology. Some factors affecting removal of TCAA by Fe/Cu catalytic reduction were studied including the impact of Fe/Cu mass ratio, Fe/Cu dosage, pH, organic matter concentration, and rotate speed on removing TCAA. The results show that Fe/Cu catalytic reduction was effective against TCAA in drinking water. The optimum Fe/Cu mass ratio, dosage and pH range were 10:1, 60g and 4~8 respectively. The organic matter affects the removal of TCAA by Fe/Cu catalytic reduction in negative way. 97.39% of TCAA can be effectively removed by Fe/Cu catalytic reduction on the condition that rotate speed of shaker, reaction time, Fe/Cu dosage, pH and UV254 were 200 r/min, 160 min, 60 g, 6.82 and 0.117 cm-1. The influence of external diffusion on Fe/Cu catalytic reductive reaction may be neglected. The degradation process of TCAA by Fe/Cu catalytic reduction was consistent with pseudo first order reaction.

    • Research on Calculation Method of Comprehensive Heat Transfer Coefficient of Glazing Double-skin Façade

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (1623) HTML (37) PDF 0.00 Byte (1324) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article firstly introduces various kind of glazing double-skin façade and models a trunk façade which is applicable to be used in summer hot and winter cold district as research object.Then analyzes the mechanism of heat transfer and establishes energy balance equations.At the same time,presents formular for calculating total absorption rate of each façade and equivalent radiative coefficient in each energy balance equation. Air average flow velocity in ventilation cavity is obtained by CFD simulation method. Sequentially, puts forward formular for calculating comprehensive coefficient K of heat transfer after analyzing the total heat resistance of DSF combined the mechanism of heat transfer.What have done in this paper will provide reference basis for air-conditioning system design of DSF building.

    • Study on preparation and properties of POSS modified polyurethane aqueous dispersions emulsions

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (827) HTML (17) PDF 0.00 Byte (975) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Polyurethane aqueous dispersions chemically doped by POSS were prepared in this paper. The resulting polyurethane dispersions and their thin films were characterized and investigated by TEM, SEM, particle size measurements, TGA, UV-ViS and basic mechanical tests. The results indicated that the POSS have good compatibility and synergistic enhancement performance with polyurethane dispersions, and the resulting doping polyurethane dispersions emulsions have good solution stability at room temperature (> 3 months). By introducing POSS, polyurethane dispersions films have enhanced heat resistance, water resistance and mechanical strength, as well as over much more UV resistance than pure polyurethane film.

    • Studies on PCU cooling system’s design of fuel cell vehicle

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (1364) HTML (31) PDF 0.00 Byte (818) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Power control module is an important component of fuel cell vehicle. Power control unit (PCU for short), due to its own operating principle and function structure, has generating heat components with great power. The cooling system of the power control module designed in this paper provides two options, and checks and calculates them. In the cooling system power control module, the key components are used the forced heat transfer measures, and utilize fluent software to do numerical simulation of cooling structure, according to the results of this simulation, the cooling structure is optimized, the power control module actual operation is good.

    • Effects of strong ground motion duration on the liquefaction behavior of a river levee

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (361) HTML (37) PDF 0.00 Byte (714) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the Chubu region, central Japan, two kinds of earthquakes are likely to occur with different duration characteristics: ① the Tonankai-Tokai coupled earthquake, with duration longer than 100s at a maximum acceleration of about 2.4 m/s2; ② an inland earthquakes due to active faults, with duration shorter than 20s at a maximum acceleration of about 6.0 m/s2. Saturated loose sand deposits are widely distributed over the low alluvial plain in this region and therefore have a high liquefaction potential..Based on the Biot theory for simulating coupled hydro-dynamic behavior in saturated porous media, this study presents a numerical assessment of the seismic behavior of a river levee founded on liquefiable foundation soils under earthquake loading. Analysis is carried out using an effective stress-based, fully coupled, finite element method, in which the behavior of the liquefiable sand is described by means of a cyclic elastoplastic constitutive model. The liquefaction responses of the river levee are compared for two different earthquakes. From the numerical results, it is found that the strong motion duration has a significant effect on the liquefaction behavior of the levee including excess pore water pressures, accelerations, and deformations. The longer ground motion may lead to much larger settlement of the river levee.

    • Study of Economic and Mechanical Properties of Super-long Span Cable-stayed Bridge with V-shaped Pylon

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (395) HTML (5) PDF 0.00 Byte (637) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two finite element models are established in this paper for super-long span cable-stayed bridges with V-shaped pylon or with conventionally erected pylon. Then, some economic and mechanical properties are given by comparative study method. Constructive materials can be saved from the bridge with V-shaped pylon, compared with the bridge with erected pylon. From the derived formula of material saving of pylon and cables, it gets the optimum when the inclination of V-shaped pylon is half of the inclination of farthest cable, and the pylon materials save 6% while cable materials save 1%. But the advantages of V-shaped pylon cable-stayed bridge are reducing the height of tower and the length of hoisting cable and decreasing the moment of tower root by about 26%. At the same time, the inclination of cables in this structural system is larger, the overall stiffness is increased, so the stability factor is improved. In addition, its state manifests better than conventional bridge under horizontal wind load. At last, it is adapt to the development of cable-stayed bridge towards longer span.

    • A Clarification on the Certainty Equivalence Approach in Capital Budgeting

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (482) HTML (34) PDF 0.00 Byte (760) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Unlike the risk adjusted discount rate (RADR) approach, the (subjective) certainty equivalence (CEQ) approach can not results in objective valuation results. Moreover, (subjective) CEQ derived from popular utility functions such as CARA and CRRA normally can not satisfy the requirements of additivity and multiplicativity simultaneously, hence this approach could lead to contradictions during capital budgeting, even under the viewpoints of a given decision maker. Analysis based on the non-arbitrage axiom in a binomial model reveals the relationship among RADR, CEQ, and risk neutral probability (RNP) approach, which implies that CEQ used in capital budgeting should be the risk-neutral expectation in nature. (Objective) CEQ formulated in beta and market risk premium with absolute prices in the CAPM framework restores its objective nature and facilitates its application.


      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (423) HTML (5) PDF 0.00 Byte (703) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With Realizable k-ε Model and Non-equilibrium Wall Functions, the rectangular buildings with L-section and straight-section DSF(Double-Skin Facades) were modeled by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) at full scale、1:10 scale and 1:100 scale respectively. The differences of wind pressure coefficient due to the scale of the gap between double-skin facades in rigid scale model wind tunnel test are studied. The cause of scale effect was explained through the analysis of air flow and flow resistance in the gap of DSF. For L-section DSF the gap flow resistance has a great impact on the mean internal pressure when it lies under the wind direction where the airflow in the gap of DSF is strong. Scale effect influences the mean internal pressure by gap flow resistance, and the effect increases with decrease of the model scale. The gap flow resistance has little effect on the mean internal pressure when the airflow in the gap of L-section DSF is not strong, and the influence of the scale effect on internal pressure is slight. The airflow in the gap of straight DSF is feebleness under all wind directions, so the scale effect can be neglected.

    • A redesign method based on parameter-sensitivity analysis for plate fin-and-tube radiators

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (414) HTML (44) PDF 0.00 Byte (726) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To set up a solid mapping relation between the internal structure of a radiator and its heat dissipation performance to enhance the system’s performance in some bad working conditions, such as in an over-loaded or high-temperature environment, a redesign method based on parameter-sensitivity analysis is introduced here. According to the theoretical descriptions on the heat-transfer process given by forced-convection heat transfer theory, a mathematic model is built to weigh the significance of the radiator’s design parameters to the system’s heat dissipation performance. A sensitivity factor is derived by examining the effect of the variation in each parameter to the output of the system which quantitatively describing the range of the parameter’s influence to the system’s performance. The new design method is expected to be a reference for radiator design under certain circumstance.

    • The Rear Suspension Fatigue Analysis on the basis of the Virtual Proving Ground

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (471) HTML (11) PDF 0.00 Byte (695) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Considering common artificial assumptions in traditional CAE analysis such as the structural nonlinear of tire , contact nonlinear between tire and road surface,stiffness and damping characteristics of rubber connector ,this paper describes the process of calculating road load by using explicit time integration in virtual proving ground where builds an integrated intensify road and full vehicle finite element model . Then apply the road load on rear suspension model which is described by elastic-plastic material to obtain stress-stain time history. Fatigue crack initiation life can be got by strain-life method and effect of mean stress is also considered.

    • Multiple-index Comprehensive Evaluation of High Temperature Performance of SBS Modified Asphalt Mixture

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (321) HTML (5) PDF 0.00 Byte (575) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through wheel track test indoors, static creep test as well as dynamic creep test, deformation characteristics have been studied under specific condition of temperature, pressure and so on,and high temperature performance of bituminous mixture is comprehensively evaluated; It is put forward that such indices as dynamic stability, relative deformation, static creep stiffness and dynamic creep stiffness should be used to make a multi-indices evaluation of high temperature performance. Meanwhile, Analysis of the correlation between these indicators shows that both dynamic stability and relative deformation between samples of different thickness (50~70mm) shows a good linear correlation, and there is also a good linear relationship between static stiffness and dynamic stiffness under the conditions of temperature of 40 ℃.

    • Analysis of Multi-factors Influencing Trip Chain Buildup

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (431) HTML (5) PDF 0.00 Byte (803) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:travel behavior has evolved to be one of the most important aspects to analyze the travel situation in urban area since then because managers can know of the activities arrangement and their sequence from such analysis. As a result those demand policies figured out by authorities can better aim at different group people. This paper combined the extant literature and experiences to design a questionnaire to capture as many factors influencing trip chain, a common concept describing travel arrangement, as possible in order to completely understand what kinds of factors should be weighted in the policies. Then structure equation modeling technique is applied to finish the confirmatory factor analysis by which those factors with significant impact are identified to consist of the factor set. Meantime the influence coefficients among the factors are computed based on the data samples. and a cross validity test is run in another sample to prove the generality of the result. Finally the contribution and further research is shown in the conclusion section of this paper.

    • human capital and income distribution in the framework of neo-classical growth theory

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (435) HTML (41) PDF 0.00 Byte (649) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This thesis tries to analyze in the framework of neo-classical growth theory the effects of human capital on income distribution. It first tries to integrate the question of income distribution into the neo-classical growth theory. We try to study the questions in a closed economy with this rate flexible. this thesis tries to investigate an economy with only two levels of human capital. Under some assumptions inclusive that of depreciation on human capital and material capital being 1 and 0, respectively, we solve the social welfare maximum question from the angle of a social planner and come to the conclusion that there would be distributive inequality in the Solow steady growth path and its extent be a constant. On the equilibrium, the rate of wages for both groups of workers would be constant. It is said that the rates of returns to both material and human capital should be the same when the economy equilibrates. For individuals who are able to invest in human capital to become skilled, it is indifferent to invest in both kinds of capital. There are peoples, therefore, who migrate between the labor markets for skilled or unskilled workers. Their mobility may lead the economy go away from the equilibrium, but also, more possibly, lead it return to the new equilibrium again.

    • Aerodynamic Force Characteristics and stabilities of Two Typical Iced Conductors

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (342) HTML (29) PDF 0.00 Byte (628) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper investigates mean and RMS (root mean square) aerodynamic force coefficients of quasi-oval and sector shape iced conductors by tests on their rigid section models using high frequency balance technique in wind tunnel. Then possibility of SDOF (single-degree-of-freedom) galloping is discussed based on the aerodynamic force coefficients. The results presented in this paper could be used as reference of similar analysis for general iced conductors and provide useful data for estimation of their wind induced response.

    • Application of viscoelastic staged incremental back analysis in tunnel construction

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (382) HTML (14) PDF 0.00 Byte (735) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The rheology experiment on tufflava was carried out with tunnel of LianYan expressway of Shenzhen, through analysis of test results and model identification, the rheology model was proposed. Based on measured convergence displacement and vault settlement, physical parameters such as elastic modules and creep coefficients were obtained by viscoelasticity incremental back analysis with adaptive genetic algorithm, which were used to predict deformation of surrounding rock. Research results show that mechanical property of surrounding rock can be simulated reasonably with viscoelasticity increment at back analysis with staged construction to predict deformation, which is very important to construction of tunnel.

    • Study on the Extraction of Calcium from Steel Slag in Acetic Acid

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (543) HTML (11) PDF 0.00 Byte (669) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effects of different factors on the leaching of calcium from steel slag in acetic acid solution were investigated. The results show that calcium can be leached rapidly from steel slag in acetic acid solution, the leaching rate can be accelerated with the increase of the acetic acid concentration of solution and the largest leaching ratio is about 83%~85%. The leaching rate from steel slag in acetic acid solution can also be accelerated with the increase of the fineness of slag or the reaction temperature.

    • The extranuclear electron interaction of Finemet alloy studied by using Doppler broadening spectrum of positron annihilation

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (327) HTML (39) PDF 0.00 Byte (757) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, we measured the Doppler broadening spectrum for positron annihilation of Finemet alloy elements and Finemet amorphous ribbons which annealed at 350℃, 380℃ and 400℃ respectively (10mins) by using two HP-Ge detector coincidence technique, in order to investigate the extranuclear electron interaction during annealing process. Results present that the peak of the ratio curve (the reference sample is Si) for asquenched Finemet ribbon is relatively low compared with those pure alloy elements Nb, Fe and Cu, because there exists a bonding between 3d orbit electrons in Fe atoms and 4d orbit electrons in Nb atoms. With the annealing temperature increasing, the peaks of ratio curves decreased and indicated that the bonding became more intensified. The strengthened extranuclear electron interaction caused that the Cu atoms tend to enrich in the surface and the Nb atoms would redistribute to the iron - rich area of amorphous ribbon.

    • Experimental research of Reverse Balance Flange

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (303) HTML (4) PDF 0.00 Byte (595) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Reverse Balance Flange, which has found wide applications in the industry of wind power, is a new type connection form of huge tower tube. The Reverse Balance Flange of main tower tubes used in the 750 kW wind turbines of No. 65 and 66 in Diaobing Mountain Wind Power Field are taken as test object. Scale tests of two Reverse Balance Flanges and these connected tower tube were performed under static load. The results show that Reverse Balance Flange has excellent bending stiffness; the ultimate carrying capacity of this connection is above 1.5 times as large as the design load. Neither local buckling nor fracture of the pipe in the joint was observed in the tests. It is proved that the reverse balance flanges meet the requirements on strength and rigidity under the designed load and have high emergency capacity.

    • Settlement Behavior of Pile Group Based on single pile Q-S Curve

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (1110) HTML (29) PDF 0.00 Byte (925) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the geotechnical engineering design, it was difficult yet to estimate the settlement of pile group. Empirical coefficient is adopted to correct pile group settlement in national and regional codes, such as Code for design of building foundation and Technical code for building pile foundation. Great attention should be paid to the relationship between pile settlement and pile engineering practice, because pile and soil medium characteristic, relationship of pile top load and displacement and construction influence are all embodied in pile static load test. So it’s more reasonable that static load test results, that is static load test curve, should be combined with the analysis of pile group settlement. Then calculation method of pile group settlement applied with static load test results is proposed . many researches show pile group interaction theory overestimates interaction effect in pile group, this paper collects 77 observational examples including single pile settlement and pile group settlement, there are 71examples are used in calculating settlement ratio. Lastly six examples are analyzed with pile group settlement method applied with Q-S curve. Analysis results show the method is reasonable, more accurate and has strong regional applicability.

    • Removal of oxytetracycline in water by UV/Hydrophobic Zeolite loaded with TiO2

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (301) HTML (26) PDF 0.00 Byte (726) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The composite photocatalysts were made by solid dispersion method with hydrophobic Zeolite and nanometer titanium dioxide. The removals of oxytetracycline (OTC) in water by UV/ Hydrophobic Zeolite loaded with different ratio of TiO2 were investigated respectively under the irradiation of 32W low-pressure mercury lamps. The effects of composite photocatalyst quantity, initial OTC concentration and pH were studied. It is showed that UV/Composite photocatalyst with 40% TiO2 and 60% hydrophobic Zeolite is the best way to remove OTC in water compared to the others. 99% of OTC (50 mg.L-1) in ultrapure water mixed with 500 mg.L-1 composite photocatalyst degrades within 150 min under UV irradiation. And after 6 hours, 86% TOC of the OTC solution is removed. It is found that the degradation rate is quicker when the OTC initial concentration is lower and initial pH is higher.

    • A Comparative Study on setting forms of Public Transport Priority based on sound environment impact assessment

      2009, 37(10).

      Abstract (268) HTML (13) PDF 0.00 Byte (469) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the sound environmental characteristic of different setting forms of public transport priority, Bus lane line, Bus Rapid Transit line, and elevated rail based Metro Rail, Light Rail, Low-speed Maglev are selected to compare with each other. Firstly, the sound influence factors of above mentioned five mode is analyzed; then the sound level calculated method and its parameters are determined; lastly, sound environment impact assessment of five setting forms of Public Transport Priority is carried out under different background scene. The main results of this research are: The setting form of Public Transport Priority has a greater sound environmental impact of the urban passenger corridor then passenger volume; the sound environment impact superiority lies in Light Rail to 20~50 thousand rush hour volume of urban passenger corridor and Metro Rail to 50 thousand more; in the most sound sensitive area, the Low-speed Maglev is the best choice.

    • >土木工程与建筑学
    • Stiffness Matrix for Lshaped Columns Considering Shear Deformation Effects

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.001

      Abstract (877) HTML (13) PDF 0.00 Byte (102) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In noninertial coordinate system,the Lshaped columns element stiffness matrix was derived from the study of loadbearing capacity of the Lshaped columns considering shear deformation effects.Using the matrix,a finite element program of Lshaped column frame structure internal forces analysis was compiled.A 3layer frame structure was calculated and a comparative study is made of the ANSYS calculation results and the calculation results of equivalent rectangular columns.Conclusions are drawn that shear deformation of the Lshaped column is greatly different from that of equivalent rectangular column;the torque of Lshaped column is influenced greatly whether considering the effects of reverse or not.

    • Settlement Behavior of Pile Group Based on Settlment Ratio

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.002

      Abstract (906) HTML (5) PDF 0.00 Byte (86) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The QS curve of single pile contains much information of pilesoil interaction and construction influence.So it’s reasonable that QS curve should be combined with the analysis of pile group settlement.Then calculation method of pile group settlement based on QS curve is proposed.Many researches show pile group interaction theory overestimates interaction effect in pile group.This paper collects 77 observational examples including single pile settlement and pile group settlement.71 examples are used in calculating settlement ratio.Lastly six examples are analyzed with pile group settlement method based on QS curve.Analysis results show the method is reasonable,more accurate and has strong regional applicability.

    • Numerical Analyses for Scale Effect on Wind Pressure of Doubleskin Facades and Its Mechanism

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.003

      Abstract (768) HTML (36) PDF 0.00 Byte (66) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With realizable kε model and nonequilibrium wall functions,the rectangular buildings with Lsection and straightsection DSF(DoubleSkin Facades)were modeled by computational fluid dynamics(CFD)at full scale,1∶10 scale and 1∶100 scale,respectively.The differences of wind pressure coefficient due to the scale of the gap between doubleskin facades in rigid scale model wind tunnel test were studied.The cause of scale effect was explained through the analysis of air flow and flow resistance in the gap of DSF.For Lsection DSF,the gap flow resistance has a great impact on the mean internal pressure when it lies under the wind direction where the airflow in the gap of DSF is strong.Scale effect influences the mean internal pressure by gap flow resistance,that is,the effect increases though the model scale decreases.The gap flow resistance has little effect on the mean internal pressure when the airflow in the gap of Lsection DSF is not strong,and the scale effect on internal pressure is slight.The airflow in the gap of straight DSF is feeble under all wind directions,where the scale effect can be neglected.

    • On Bond Behavior Between HPC and Fine Grain Steel Bar After Elevated Temperatures

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.004

      Abstract (1162) HTML (38) PDF 0.00 Byte (110) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Standard cube compressive specimens and central pullout test specimens are cast with C100 highperformance concrete(HPC).In the pullout test specimen,fine grain steel bars with strength grade of 500MPa are applied.After being exposed to 200 ℃,400 ℃,600 ℃ and 800 ℃,the compressive strength of the cube specimens are tested and the loadslip curves between HPC and fine grain steel bars are recorded.Based on the test results,the bond behavior between HPC and fine grain steel bars is analyzed.Finally,the difference of the postfire bond behavior between normal concrete and highperformance concrete is discussed.

    • Mechanical Behavior of Preloaded Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Pretensioned Carbon Fiber Composite Sheets

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.005

      Abstract (971) HTML (30) PDF 0.00 Byte (64) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the characteristic of preloaded reinforced concrete beams strengthened by pretensioned carbon fiber composite sheets,a suitable finite element model and corresponding calculation steps were proposed.The method was verified by the testing results of two groups of strengthened beam specimens.Comparison between simulation and testing results shows that the proposed method is a precise numerical tool.Further parameter analysis using the proposed method shows that the bearing capacity of a strengthened beam might be notably reduced if the preload applied on the beam is larger than 40% of the initial bearing capacity of the beam,the strength of carbon fiber composite sheets can be fully used by using pretensioning technique,and the negative influence of the preload on the bending behavior of a strengthened beam can be made up when the prestrain of carbon fiber composite sheets is between 0.003~0.004.

    • Application of Viscoelastic Staged Incremental Back Analysis in Tunnel Construction

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.006

      Abstract (921) HTML (6) PDF 0.00 Byte (72) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the rheology experiment on tufflava on tunnel of Lianyan expressway of Shenzhen and the analysis of test results as well as the model identification,a rheology model was proposed.Based on the measured convergence displacement and vault settlement,physical parameters such as elastic modules and creep coefficients were obtained by viscoelasticity incremental back analysis with adaptive genetic algorithm,which were used to predict deformation of surrounding rock.Research results show that mechanical property of surrounding rock can be simulated reasonably with viscoelasticity increment at back analysis with staged construction to predict deformation,which is very important to tunnel construction.

    • Effects of Strong Ground Motion Duration on Liquefaction Behavior of River Levee

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.007

      Abstract (874) HTML (40) PDF 0.00 Byte (62) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the Chubu region,central Japan,two kinds of earthquakes are likely to occur with different duration characteristics:① the TonankaiTokai coupled earthquake,with duration longer than 100 s at a maximum acceleration of about 2.4 m·s-2;② an inland earthquakes due to active faults,with duration shorter than 20 s at a maximum acceleration of about 6.0 m·s-2.Saturated loose sand deposits are widely distributed over the low alluvial plain in this region which,therefore,have a high liquefaction potential.Based on the Biot theory for simulating coupled hydrodynamic behavior in saturated porous media,this study presents a numerical assessment of the seismic behavior of a river levee founded on liquefiable foundation soils under earthquake loading.Analysis is carried out by using an effective stressbased,fully coupled,finite element method,in which the behavior of the liquefiable sand is described by a cyclic elastoplastic constitutive model.The liquefaction responses of the river levee are compared between two different earthquakes.Numerical results show that the strong motion duration has a significant effect on the liquefaction behavior of the levee including excess pore water pressures,accelerations,and deformations.The longer ground motion may lead to much larger settlement of the river levee.

    • Economic and Mechanical Properties of Superlong Span Cablestayed Bridge with Vshaped Pylon

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.008

      Abstract (901) HTML (15) PDF 0.00 Byte (81) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two finite element models are established for superlong span cablestayed bridges with Vshaped pylon or with conventionally erected pylon.Then,some economic and mechanical properties are given by comparative study method.Compared with the bridge with the erected pylon,constructive materials can be saved from the bridge with Vshaped pylon.From the derived formula of material saving of pylon and cables,the optimum effect occurs when the inclination of Vshaped pylon is half of the inclination of farthest cable,and the pylon materials save 6% while cable materials save 1%.Since the Vshaped pylon cablestayed bridge has a lower height of tower and the shortened hoisting cable and the decreased moment of tower root by about 26%,the inclination of cables in this structural system is larger and the overall stiffness is increased.As a result,the stability factor is improved.In addition,the Vshaped pylon cablestayed bridge manifests a better resistance than conventional bridge under horizontal wind load,which is more adaptable to the development of cablestayed bridge towards a longer span.

    • Precise Integration Method of Dynamic Analysis for Naturally Curved and Twisted Beams

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.009

      Abstract (836) HTML (4) PDF 0.00 Byte (70) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on spatial curved beam theory,vibrational behavior for naturally curved and twisted beams with general crosssectional shapes is theoretically investigated.The effects of transverse shear deformations,rotary inertia and torsionrelated warping are included in the present formulations.The governing equations can be transformed to a set of ordinary differential equations with respect to time by utilizing a finite difference discretization in the spatial domain.Natural frequencies of the beams can be determined by solving these equations.In analyzing the dynamic response of the structures under harmonic excitation,NewtonCotes formula,which avoids the trouble of the inverse matrix calculation,is used to evaluate vector integration in precise timeintegration method.The present analysis will be used to solve the natural frequencies and the response curve of displacement of forced vibration of the beams fixed at both ends.Calculations show that the numerical results obtained are very close to the FEresults.Another example is related to the natural frequencies of cylindrical helical springs of circular crosssections with both ends fixed.Results are in good agreement with other published data.

    • Aerodynamic Force Characteristics and stabilities of Two Typical Iced Conductors

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.010

      Abstract (1055) HTML (30) PDF 0.00 Byte (66) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper investigates mean and RMS(root mean square)aerodynamic force coefficients of quasioval and sector shape iced conductors by tests on their rigid section models using high frequency balance technique in wind tunnel.Then possibility of SDOF(singledegreeoffreedom)galloping is discussed based on the aerodynamic force coefficients.The results presented in this paper can be used as reference of similar analysis for general iced conductors and provide useful data for estimation of their wind induced response.

    • Experimental Research of Reverse Balance Flange

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.011

      Abstract (1008) HTML (21) PDF 0.00 Byte (82) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Reverse balance flange,which has found wide applications in the industry of wind power,is a new type connection form of huge tower tube.The reverse nalance flange of main tower tubes used in the 750 kW wind turbines of No.65 and 66 in Diaobing Mountain Wind Power Field are taken as the test objects.Scale tests of two reverse balance flanges and these connected tower tube were performed under static load.The results show that reverse balance flange has excellent bending stiffness; the ultimate carrying capacity of this connection is above 1.5 times as large as the design load.Neither local buckling nor fracture of the pipe in the joint was observed in the tests.It is proved that the reverse balance flange can meet the requirements on strength and rigidity under the designed load and has high emergency capacity.

    • >交通运输工程
    • Analysis of Multifactors Influencing Trip Chain Buildup

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.012

      Abstract (647) HTML (7) PDF 0.00 Byte (89) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper combines the extant literature and experiences to design a questionnaire to capture as many factors influencing trip chain,a common concept describing travel arrangement,as possible in order to completely understand what kinds of factors should be weighted in the policies.Then structure equation modeling technique is applied to finishing the confirmatory factor analysis by which those factors with significant impact are identified to make up of the factor set.Meantime the influence coefficients among the factors are computed based on the data samples.

    • Multipleindex Comprehensive Evaluation of High Temperature Performance of SBS Modified Asphalt Mixture

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.013

      Abstract (775) HTML (5) PDF 0.00 Byte (78) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the indoor wheel track test,static creep test as well as dynamic creep test,deformation characteristics were studied under the specific conditions of temperature,pressure and so on,and high temperature performance of bituminous mixture was comprehensively evaluated.A proposal was put forward that such indices as dynamic stability,relative deformation,static creep stiffness and dynamic creep stiffness should be used to make a multiindices evaluation of high temperature performance.Analysis of the correlation between these indicators shows that both dynamic stability and relative deformation of samples of different thicknesses(50,70 mm)present a good linear correlation,and there is also an obvious linear relationship between static stiffness and dynamic stiffness at the temperature of 40 ℃.

    • A Comparative Study on Setting Forms of Public Transport Priority Based on Sound Environment Impact Assessment

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.014

      Abstract (873) HTML (31) PDF 0.00 Byte (68) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the sound environmental characteristic of different setting forms of public transport priority,bus lane line,bus rapid transit line,elevatedrailbased metro rail,light rail,lowspeed maglev are compared with each other.First,the sound influence factors of the above mentioned five modes are analyzed;then the sound level calculation method and its parameters are determined;Finally,the sound environment impact assessment of five setting forms of public transport priority is carried out under different background.Results show that the setting form of public transport priority has a greater impact on sound environment of the urban passenger corridor than passenger volume;the sound environment impact superiority lies in light rail in the case of 20~50 thousand rush hour volume of urban passenger corridor and metro rail in the case of 50 thousand above;in the most sensitive area,the lowspeed maglev is the best choice.

    • >环境科学与工程
    • Removal of Halogenated Disinfection Byproducts Trichloroacetic Acid by Fe/Cu Catalytic Reduction in Drinking Water

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.015

      Abstract (744) HTML (4) PDF 0.00 Byte (66) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Trichloroacetic acid(TCAA)which has relatively high concentration and carcinogenic risk,one of the most common disinfection byproducts(DBPs)in drinking water,seriously endangers the physical health of mankind and ecoenvironment.Zerovalent iron(ZVI)reductive process is used in water treatment extensively for the removal of THMs by ZVI.However,little information is available on the removal of TCAA by lowcost Fe/Cu catalytic reduction technology.Some factors affecting the removal of TCAA by Fe/Cu catalytic reduction were studied including the impact of Fe/Cu mass ratio,Fe/Cu dosage,pH,organic matter concentration,and rotate speed on removing TCAA.The results show that Fe/Cu catalytic reduction can effectively remove TCAA from drinking water.The optimum Fe/Cu mass ratio,is 10:1,the dosage 30 g·L-1,and the pH between 4~8.The organic matter affects the removal of TCAA by Fe/Cu catalytic reduction in a negative way.97.39% of TCAA can be effectively removed by Fe/Cu catalytic reduction on the condition that the rotate speed of shaker is 200 r·min-1,the reaction time 160 min,Fe/Cu dosage 30 g·L-1,pH6.82 and UV254 0.117 cm-1.The influence of external diffusion on Fe/Cu catalytic reductive reaction may be neglected.The degradation process of TCAA by Fe/Cu catalytic reduction is consistent with pseudo first order reaction.

    • Removal of Oxytetracycline in Water by UV/Hydrophobic Zeolite Loaded with TiO2.

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.016

      Abstract (910) HTML (46) PDF 0.00 Byte (63) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The composite photocatalysts were made by solid dispersion method with hydrophobic Zeolite and nanometer titanium dioxide.The removal of oxytetracycline (OTC) in water by UV/ Hydrophobic Zeolite loaded with different ratio of TiO2 was investigated respectively under the irradiation of 32 W lowpressure mercury lamps.The effects of composite photocatalyst quantity,initial OTC concentration and pH were studied.Results show that UV/composite photocatalyst with 40% TiO2 and 60% hydrophobic Zeolite is the best way to remove OTC in water compared to the others.99% of OTC (50 mg·L-1) in ultrapure water mixed with 500 mg·L-1 composite photocatalyst degrades within 150 min under UV irradiation.And after 6 hours,86% TOC of the OTC solution is removed.It is found that the degradation rate is quicker when the OTC initial concentration is lower and initial pH is higher.

    • >材料科学与工程
    • Study of POSS Modified Polyurethane Aqueous Dispersions Emulsions

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.017

      Abstract (684) HTML (5) PDF 0.00 Byte (73) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Polyurethane aqueous dispersions chemically doped by polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane(POSS) were prepared in this paper.The resulting polyurethane dispersions and their thin films were characterized and investigated by transmission electron microscopy(TEM),scanning electron microscope(SEM) based on the particle size measurements,thermo gravimetric analysis(TGA),UV-Vis and basic mechanical tests.The results show that the POSS has good compatibility and synergistic enhancement performance with polyurethane dispersions,and the resulting doping polyurethane dispersions emulsions have good solution stability at room temperature (> 90 d).By introducing POSS,polyurethane dispersions films have enhanced heat resistance,water resistance and mechanical strength as well as much more UV resistance than pure polyurethane film.

    • Extranuclear Electron Interaction of Finemet Alloy Studied by Using Doppler Broadening Spectrum of Positron Annihilation

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.018

      Abstract (652) HTML (6) PDF 0.00 Byte (65) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ratio curves of Finemet alloy elements and Finemet amorphous ribbons(annealed at 350 ℃,380 ℃ and 400 ℃ for 10min respectively)were measured with the Doppler broadening spectrum of positron annihilation which adopted two HPGe detector coincidence technique to investigate the extranuclear electron interaction during annealing process.Results show that the peaks of asquenched Finemet ribbons is relatively low after a comparison with the ratio curves of pure elements Nb,Fe and Cu.There exists a bonding between 3d orbit electrons in Fe atoms and 4d orbit electrons in Nb atoms.The bonding become more strengthened with the increment of annealing temperature,which leads the peaks of ratio curves to decrease.Meanwhile,the Cu atoms tend to be enriched in the surface and the Nb atoms redistribute to the amorphous layer of ribbon where the Fe atoms are rich.

    • Study on Extraction of Calcium from Steel Slag with Acetic Acid

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.019

      Abstract (802) HTML (29) PDF 0.00 Byte (64) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effects of different factors on the leaching of calcium from steel slag with acetic acid were investigated.The results show that calcium can be leached rapidly from steel slag in acetic acid solution,the leaching rate can be accelerated with the increase of acetic acid concentration of the solution and the largest leaching ratio is about 83%~85%.The leaching rate can also be accelerated with the increase of the fineness of steel slag or reaction temperature.

    • >机械、车辆与能源工程
    • Virtual Proving GroundBased Rear Suspension Fatigue Analysis

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.020

      Abstract (910) HTML (35) PDF 0.00 Byte (88) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Considering common artificial assumptions in traditional CAE analysis such as the structural nonlinear of tire,contact nonlinear between tire and road surface,stiffness and damping characteristics of rubber connector ,this paper presents a description of the process of calculating road load by using explicit time integration in virtual proving ground where builds an integrated intensify road and full vehicle finite element model.Then the road load is applied to the rear suspension model which is described by elasticplastic material to obtain stressstain time history.Fatigue crack initiation life can be got by strainlife method and effect of mean stress is also considered.

    • Metal Vbelt Continuously Variable Transmission Shifting Principle

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.021

      Abstract (807) HTML (10) PDF 0.00 Byte (89) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on an analysis of the relative quantities of continuously variable transmisson(CVT) shifting,a new shifting model is developed on the basis of the CVT dynamic model.With the measured condition as the input in the MATLAB Simulink,simulation results agree well with the measured data.The new variator shifting model can avoid large shifting range and shifting rate oscillation.

    • Numerical Simulation of Power Control Module Cooling Plate of Fuel Cell Vehicle

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.022

      Abstract (1248) HTML (55) PDF 0.00 Byte (64) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cooling system of the power control module was designed,checked and calculated with two schemes.In the cooling system power control module,the enforced heat transfer measures are adopted in the key components and numerical simulation of cooling structure is made by using the fluent software.Based on the simulation results,the cooling structure is optimized,therefore,the power control module operates well.

    • Dynamic Analysis and Model of Underground Diaphragm Wall Hydraulic Grab Control System

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.023

      Abstract (615) HTML (60) PDF 0.00 Byte (70) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The function and basic principle of underground diaphragm wall hydraulic grab control system were analyzed.Based on the theory of power bond graph,the bond graph model of the system was established.Independent variable’s integrations of capacitive element and inertial element were selected as state variables,and the state equations were deduced.Simulation results based on MATLAB prove the control system has very excellent characteristics.Finally,the influence of the changed parameters on the system was also discussed.

    • A Redesign Method Based on Parametersensitivity Analysis for Plate Finandtube Radiators

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.024

      Abstract (773) HTML (2) PDF 0.00 Byte (66) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To set up a solid mapping relation between the internal structure of a radiator and its heat dissipation performance to enhance the system’s performance in some bad working conditions,such as in an overloaded or hightemperature environment,a redesign method based on parametersensitivity analysis is introduced here.According to the theoretical descriptions on the heattransfer process given by forcedconvection heat transfer theory,a mathematic model is built to weigh the significance of the radiator’s design parameters to the system’s heat dissipation performance.A sensitivity factor is derived by examining the effect of the variation in each parameter to the output of the system which quantitatively describing the range of the parameter’s influence to the system’s performance.The new design method is expected to be a reference for radiator design under certain circumstance.

    • Calculation Model of Comprehensive Heat Transfer Coefficient of Glazing Doubleskin Faade in Summer Working Condition

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.025

      Abstract (931) HTML (33) PDF 0.00 Byte (89) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A trunk glazing doubleskin faade applicable to the summer hot and winter cold is selected as the research object.An analysis is made of the mechanism of heat transfer and energy balance equations are obtained.At the same time,formulas for calculating total absorption rate of each faade and equivalent radiative coefficient in each energy balance equation.Air average flow velocity in ventilation cavity is obtained by computational fluid dynamics(CFD) simulation method.Finally in combination with the mechanism of heat transfer,formulas for calculating comprehensive coefficient K of heat transfer are put forward on the basis of an anlysis of the total heat resistance of DSF

    • >计算机与信息工程
    • Performance Analysis of Quasicyclic Low Density Parity Check Codes for Acoustic Communication System in Shallow Water

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.026

      Abstract (918) HTML (30) PDF 0.00 Byte (64) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the suitable channel model,an implementation of quasicyclic low density parity check codes(QCLDPC)for acoustic communication system in shallow water is demonstrated.The simulation of the application shows with the sumproduct algorithms,the almost equal performance to that of the random LDPC is obtained with less complexity of QCLDPC.Although the BER of QCLDPC in shallow water,which counteracts the violent interference of multipath signals,slightly declines with the decrease of the fading rate,the errorcorrection performance remains perfect.

    • >经济与管理科学
    • Clarification of Certainty Equivalence Approach in Capital Budgeting

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.027

      Abstract (1117) HTML (2) PDF 0.00 Byte (63) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Unlike the risk adjusted discount rate(RADR)approach,the(subjective)certainty equivalence(CEQ)approach can not lead to objective valuation results.Moreover,(subjective)CEQ derived from popular utility functions such as CARA and CRRA normally can not satisfy the requirements of additivity and multiplicativity simultaneously,hence this approach can lead to contradictions during capital budgeting,even from the viewpoint of a given decision maker.Analysis based on the nonarbitrage axiom in a binomial model reveals the relationship among RADR,CEQ,and risk neutral probability(RNP)approach,which implies that CEQ used in capital budgeting should be the riskneutral expectation in nature.(Objective)CEQ formulated in beta and market risk premium with absolute prices in the CAPM framework restores its objective nature and facilitates its application.

    • Human Capital and Income Distribution:A Neoclassical Economic View

      2009, 37(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253374x.2009.10.028

      Abstract (755) HTML (2) PDF 0.00 Byte (64) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper tries to integrate income distribution into the framework of neoclassical growth theory through the analysis of effects of human capital on income distribution.Labor market is divided into markets for the skilled and the unskilled workers.To become skilled one involves the investment of human capital and the decision of the worker.Based on the assumptions of the depreciation rates of human and physical capital to be 1 and 0,respectively,the way for social welfare maximization is proposed.But there will still exist distributive inequality,and the inequality index may even be a constant.The rates of returns to both human and physical capital should be the same when the economy equilibrates.For individuals who are able to invest in human capital,there is no difference in investing both kinds of capital.These workers can migrate between the two labor markets according to fluctuations in relative wages of both workers and in relative rates of returns of both capitals.Their migration may lead the economy to go away from equilibrium on the one hand and bring it back to new equilibrium on the other hand,meanwhile,the inequality remains within a certain range.

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