• Issue 2,2009 Table of Contents
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    • >土木工程与建筑学
    • Recursive Decomposition Algorithm Based on Network Reduction Technologies

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (566) HTML (31) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,several network reduction technologies,series edges reduction,parallel edges reduction and sources combination are introduced for the sindependent network.Also the above technologies are introduced into pathbased recursive decomposition algorithm(PRDA) and cutbased recursive decomposition algorithm(CRDA) to reduce the complexity of the subgraphs decomposed by two algorithms.In order to compare the efficiency of these algorithms after introducing network reduction technologies,a network is investigated.The results show that after introducing network reduction technologies,PRDA and CRDA can calculate the reliability of the system in shorter time with much less disjoint events.

    • Spatial Differentiation Effect on Wayfinding and Orientation in Gestalt Space

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (714) HTML (9) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An investigation is made into a shopping mall newly built in Shanghai by tracking,recording,interviewing and questionnaires surveying.Results show that spatial differentiation is helpful to cognitive mapping and the recall of the relative position of two spatial features.As for environment without distinctive spatial differentiation,the outdoor landmarks can ameliorate cognition of the attached indoor landmark and wayfinding behavior.According to the priority level,the indoor wayfinding strategy can be ranked as orientation strategy,building configuration strategy and route strategy.The orientation strategy is the most convenient one for wayfinder.

    • Aerodynamic Admittance Identification for Nonstreamline Section by Method of Zeroseparation

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (700) HTML (18) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Buffeting response of a longspan bridge is an important part in the study of bridge vibration due to stochastic wind loads.Moreover,aerodynamic admittance functions are important parameters on buffeting force expression.At present,there is only an analytical expression for streamline section.The aerodynamic admittance for nonstreamline section is still on the exploration stage.This paper presents a zeroseparation method using the separated action of zero of steady state aerodynamic coefficient to orthogonal turbulence components to identify six aerodynamic admittances of the Scanlan’s modified buffeting force expression group by group.Six aerodynamic admittances are integral identified for the first time,which opens up a new way for aerodynamic admittance testing study.With the pressure measurement method,the stochastic buffeting force were measured with wind tunnel testing.

    • Vibration Effect on Crosssectional Stress Distribution of Short Suspenders in Arch Bridges

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (814) HTML (3) PDF 0.00 Byte (19) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A study is made of the effects of vibration of deck on the nonuniform crosssectional stress distribution on short suspenders of arch bridges with vertical suspenders.It is assumed that the suspenders are fixed at the connections with the ribs and the deck. The stress of suspender caused by the vertical vibration and longitudinal vibration of deck is derived and the influence factors are discussed, such as vehicle speed, vehicle frequency, driving frequencies with shift, etc.From the stress time history of suspender, the nonuniform stress distribution of short suspender is illustrated, and the range of the dynamic enhancement coefficient of stress is suggested based on an engineering project.

    • A Quadrilateral Flat Shell Element with Rotational Degrees of Freedom

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (1094) HTML (68) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on Kirchhoff assumptions and generalized conforming theory,a new 4node and 24degree quadrilateral flat shell element is presented with vertical rotational freedoms of degree,and mutually independent translation displacements and rotational displacements.Furthermore,the tangent stiffness matrix is constructed for the element on the basis of the Update Lagrange formulation.The numerical examples show that the present element performs well for linear and nonlinear bending,which resulting in easy transition between beam element and shell element.

    • Model Test on Mechanical Behavior of Two Shallowburied Closelyspaced Tunnels at Different Elevations Under Unsymmetrical Load

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (687) HTML (23) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Reduced scale model tests of two parallel shallowburied closelyspaced tunnels at different elevations under unsymmetrical load were carried out to simulate the interaction effects of different excavation sequences (excavation of the right tunnel first and excavation of the left tunnel first),and variations of stresses and settlements in the wall rock especially in the rock pillar were obtained.The results of tests show that,for the shallowburied closelyspaced tunnels,especially when the two tunnels are at different elevations,the excavation of both the right tunnel and left tunnel has significant effects on the pillar; moreover,the final surface and subsurface settlements caused by the former excavation sequence are 3% to 48% larger than those caused by the later; and the release of stresses in the rock caused by the former excavation sequence is 3% to 46% higher than those of the later.So,it is believed that excavating the left tunnel first can improne the stability of the two tunnels.The empirical method is not suitable as it suggests the outer tunnel (the right tunnel in this paper) should be excavated first when the closelyspaced tunnels are at a same elevation under unsymmetrical load.Furthermore,the results of numerical simulation and field investigation verify the rationality of model tests.

    • Effect of Large Scale Reclamation on Hydrodynamic Circulation in Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (1083) HTML (31) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A calibrated threedimensional hydrodynamic model for the Pearl River Estuary is used to study the changes in hydrodynamic circulation in Victoria Harbour due to the existing reclamation and the maximum possible Central reclamation.Compared to the situation in 1975 (before large scale reclamation),the numerical solutions show the following key changes after reclamation: The peak flow at all cross sections along Victoria Harbour decreases by about 8%~17% with an average value 11.5% in the existing reclamation.The peak velocity in the eastern harbour near Lei Yue Mun decreases after existing reclamation because of the reduction of flow,but it increases in the central and western harbour due to drastic reduction in harbour width.There is a clear twolayer vertical salinity distribution in wet season due to the runoff from the Pearl River,but a quite uniform vertical salinity structure in dry season.Flushing time in Victoria Harbour will increase by about 30% in dry season and 50% in wet season after reclamation due to the flow reduction.In present coastline,the flushing time ranges about 1.5~2.5 days in wet season and 5~7 days in dry season.The tidal flushing rate and flow discharge in the harbour will be practically unchanged after further maximum possible Central reclamation.

    • Simplified Numerical Simulation in Concrete Multiphase Mixing Drum Based on Quasifluidsolid Twofluid Model

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (743) HTML (31) PDF 0.00 Byte (9) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To simulate concrete composed of fluidsolid multiphaseflow,a simplified numerical simulation based on quasifluidsolid twofluid model is put forward.It regards the particulate matter in concrete (stones and gravel) asquasifluidflow .Based on the EulerEuler model,each phase has its own momentum equation and continuity equation.The coupling coefficient of each phase is solved through pressure,volume exchange coefficient and surface coefficient and the simplified numerical simulation in concrete multiphase mixing drum is realized.In the numerical mixing drum design process,this method provides a quantized,visualized design model for improving the mixing performance.By the test,the model proves sound indirectly.

    • Development of Study on Semipermeable Membrane of Clayey Soil

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (696) HTML (32) PDF 0.00 Byte (9) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The concept of chemical osmosis is introduced and a short review is given of laboratory apparatuses to measure the osmotic efficiency parameter σ for clayey soils.The values of σ from experiments and the factors affecting the values of σ are presented.The coupled water flux and solute transport models that account for chemical osmosis are elaborated.The results of simulation of fluid and solute transport based on the models and the data from the laboratory experiments are introduced in details.The indication is that the chemical osmotic phenomenon is important for environmental sciences and geotechnical engineering,because osmotic effect can significantly alter the water flow and solute transport for low permeability soil and under chemical environment.The applications of chemicalosmosis phenomena are specified.Clayey soils can be used as both vertical and horizontal contaminant barriers to reduce the contaminant mass flux through the barrier.It is likely to stabilize soft and high activity clays by chemicalosmotic soil stabilization.The possible future advances in chemical osmosis are pointed out.Up to now,the researches of semipermeable membrane of clayey soil have been confined in laboratory.Little investigation in situ was done.And there is little study on GCL and natural soil.

    • Standardization and Diversity of Steel Housing System

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (601) HTML (4) PDF 0.00 Byte (10) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To address the contradiction of technical standardization and market diversity of factorymade house, this paper presents a study of the integration, modularization and assembly of light steel housing system,experience in prefabrication in mass housing period,and strategies and measures for utilizing manufacturing industry experience to accelerate improvement of industrialized housing.

    • >交通运输工程
    • Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Overlay Paved on Existing Cement Concrete Pavements (Ⅱ):Approximate Solutions to Section Internal Forces and Interface Forces

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (701) HTML (30) PDF 0.00 Byte (9) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The complicated deformation effects in bilayer beams are then decomposed to three types of basic deformation effects including uniaxial tensioncompression effect induced by shrinkage deformation in bottom layered beam regardless of bilayer beams’ bending effect, bending effect caused by horizontal interlayer friction neglecting uniaxial tensioncompression deformation in bottom layered beam, and bending effect created by curling deformation in bottom layered beam, the analytical solutions to the above three basic deformation effects in bilayer beams are obtained accordingly. Furthermore, the combinations and influences among those three basic deformations while shrinkage and curling deformation occurs in bottom layered beam are discussed; a group of concise formulas for sectional internal forces in asphalt overlay, interface reaction force and interface shearing stress is provided, and the concise formulas for calculating internal forces in asphalt overlay also prove to be precise enough.

    • Bi level Objective Model of Display Optimization for Urban Parking Guidance Message Signs

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (730) HTML (43) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To address the problem that the optimal display results can hardly be obtained with singleobjective function model, the optimization model for parking guidance message signs display was formulated based on the bilevelobjective functions of minimizing the total parking queue length and the total arrival time. Through numerical example calculation,the optimal results between singleobjective function model and bilevelobjective functions model were compared. The result shows that the latter model has only one optimal display configuration, which can maximize the guidance benefit and be more coincident with drivers’ parking behavior. The bilevelobjectives model is of better applicability and feasibility,and can better optimize the parking guidance message signs display.

    • ALINEA Algorithmbased Onramp Control for Expressways in Shanghai

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (779) HTML (28) PDF 0.00 Byte (12) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:ALINEA algorithm is adopted to solve the congestion of the merging area of Wuyi onramp with a consideration of the restriction of the queue length by analyzing the the geometric layout and traffic data of the Wuyi onramp.Results show that the speed of the mainline has enhanced and the pulse characteristics of ramp volumes has weakened by offline simulation. So ALINEA algorithm is deemed to be a suitable method for onramp control of Shanghai expressway.

    • Simulation Method Integrating Urban Local Network Traffic Flow with OD Estimation

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (794) HTML (9) PDF 0.00 Byte (11) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to make the best of limited traffic detectors,understand the traffic performance of urban road network,and then take effective management measures,the paper puts forward a loop detectorlayout method called “closeloop”,and a method for estimating link traffic flow and OD matrix for local urban road network.A theoretical model is established based on the stability test of turning split of intersections by real data,and the uniqueness of assigned link flow and OD matrix is discussed.Monte Carlo Stochastic Modeling Method is adopted to design vehicle turning behavior module,and a simulation model integrating link traffic flow and OD matrix estimation is established.The model shows better performance and applicability in real local network,and can provide reference for establishing related traffic models for advanced transportation management system(ATMS) and the layout of traffic detectors.

    • Effectiveness Evaluation on Traffic Accident Black Spot in Mountain Highway with Sharp Radius of Horizontal Curve

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (611) HTML (15) PDF 0.00 Byte (13) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Traffic safety on accident black spot was studied by driving experiment focusing on dynamic sight angle, acceleration, corneringratio and drivers’ heart rate.The results indicate that visual performance and driving security are enhanced,psychological and physical burden suffered by the drivers alleviated,and the traffic accident restrained.Therefore, improvement measure that makes superelevation slope different on one crosssection proves effective.

    • >环境科学与工程
    • Kinetic Model of Denitrification Process with Nitrite Accumulation

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (953) HTML (39) PDF 0.00 Byte (9) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to provide theoretical basis for optimal selection of carbon sources,kinetics of denitrification process with sodium acetate and fresh leachate as external carbon source were studied respectively in this paper.When nitrite accumulation occurred temperately in the system,piecewise zeroorder kinetic model and dynamic model based on Monod equations were both used to describe the experimental data,and related parameters were analyzed.Results show that the denitrification rate of the initial phase with sodium acetate as carbon source was 38% higher than that with fresh leachate.Apparent C/N obtained from piecewise kinetic model indicates that nitrite degradation is the limiting step of denitrification process and carbon deficiency may cause nitrite accumulation permanently.Variations of nitrate and nitrite during denitrification process with both external carbon sources can be well described by differential equations model based on Monod equations,and the efficiency of carbon source can be determined by the kinetic parameters obtained.

    • Parameter Calibration and Simulation Application of Onedimensional Layered and Hydraulic Settler Model

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (652) HTML (26) PDF 0.00 Byte (10) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A onedimensional (1D) layered and hydraulic settler model with Takács settling velocity model was constructed by the incorporation of dispersion item and density current.Evaluation indices for parameter calibration were put forward based on sludge blanket height (SBH) algorithm and the operational characteristics of settlers.A general parameter calibration protocol was advanced by empirical formula estimation together with sensitivity analysis for the settler model with multiple parameters.With parameter calibration,the settler model fits well for SS profile,overflow and underflow SS concentrations,and SBHs measured in three pilotscale settler tests.

    • >材料科学与工程
    • Glass Formation Area and Structure Study of Dysprosium Lithium Borate System Used for in Vivo Radiation Synovectomy

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (732) HTML (40) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Glass formation region in the Dy2O3Li2OB2O3 (DyLB) ternary system was determined by normal meltingquenching method. The relationship between composition and structure for the DyLB glasses were investigated by differential thermal analysis (DTA), Fourier transformation infrared spectra (FTIR) and Xray diffractive methods. Preliminary results show that the glass formation region of DyLB ternary system is about (0~31%)Dy2O3·(3%~13%)Li2O·(97%~60%)B2O3 (wt %), and that Dy2O3’s replacement of B2O3 turns part of [BO3] in the structure into[BO4], and Dy2O3 has aggregating effect on glass network unit, resulting in the increase of the bond energy between B2O3 chains / rings. In this region, the increase of Dy2O3 content can enhance the crosslinking density in the structure, thus increasing tg and tc of the glasses.

    • Effect of Activated Gangue on Plasticizing Efficiency of Plasticizers

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (597) HTML (6) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effect of activated ground gangue(AG), while equally replacing cement with different proportions, on fluidity of cement pastes added with plasticizers was investigated by experiments. The effect of AG on plasticizing efficiency of plasiticizers was also compared with that of other mineral admixtures, i.e. slag powder(Slag) and high calcium fly ash(HCFA). The results show that as for 3brand Portland cements and 3type plasticizers used in the experiment,replacing partial cement with AG reduces the plasticizing efficiency of plasticizers;however, replacing partial cement with Slag or HCFA can increase the plasticizing efficiency of plasticizers.Finally,the paper presents an analysis of the acting mechanism of AG, Slag and HCFA on plasticizing efficiency of plasticizers.

    • >机械、车辆与能源工程
    • Investigation Into Road Simulation Experiment of Powertrain and Its Key Components of a Fuel Cell Passenger Car

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (1358) HTML (35) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An elementary but integrated experiment is described, including the real road load sample on proving ground,road load reproduction on vibration test rig, total vehicle road simulation test and key components vibration tests. Remote parameter control technology is adopted to reproduce the real road load on 4 poster road simulator and sixdegreeoffreedom vibration table which are used respectively for total vehicle and components vibration tests. After the total vehicle vibration test, vehicle driving performance and fuel economy are regularly measured on chassis dynamometer to validate powertrain system degradation resulting from vibration.The fuel economy was found to have decreased by 17.59% and structural damage of vehicle body structure and components were observed in the evaluation of structure strength and operation malfunction of powertrain system.The systematic experiment process and validation method helped to improve the durability,reliability and life of fuel cell vehicle, powertrain and its key components.

    • CFD Analysis of Intake Port Flow Characteristics for Fourvalve Gasoline Engine

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (737) HTML (7) PDF 0.00 Byte (9) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To improve the performance of the intake port for some practical fourvalve gasoline engine,the threedimensional numerical simulation of steady air flows was performed with CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) software AVLFire.Analysis of the port shows that its figure design is inconsequent and a new design method based upon practical needs was put forward.The improved port proves better in terms of flow Characteristics.

    • Buffeting Phenomenon of Openjet Automotive Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (614) HTML (40) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on a 1/15 model wind tunnel of the Shanghai Automotive Wind Tunnel Center,an experimental study is made of the buffeting phenomenon of openjet wind tunnel on the basis of three limiting configurations in charge of the vortex of nozzle (source of noise),feedback of collector and the structure of plenum,respectively.A comparative study of the spectrum of sound pressure,coefficient of pressure pulsation and movements of frequency that shifted with wind speed and where buffeting occurs,reveals the coupling factors more clearly.For the wind tunnel model,the coupling factors of buffeting are as follows:vortex of nozzle excites the helmholtz resonation of plenum and is coupled with the acoustic modal of full circuit,and the selfexcited system,is resonated by the vortex of nozzle and the feedback of collector.

    • >计算机与信息工程
    • Complex Networkbased Ontology Structure Analysis

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (789) HTML (22) PDF 0.00 Byte (18) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Concepts and relations between concepts in ontology can be considered as the vertex and edges in network due to their similarity in structure.As a result,the analyzing method and metrics for complex network may also be used to define the complexity of ontology.In the study the degree distribution,clustering coefficient and average distance of GO ontology are measured to analyze its complexity.The result shows that the GO ontology has smallworld property but does not have scale free property.There is no clustering characteristic in GO ontology.The study can be used to evaluate importance of ontology concepts and to improve the efficiency of semantic matching.

    • An Approach with Partical Swarm Optimizer to Optimize Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (918) HTML (36) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper preseats an efficient way to improve the network coverage by artificially deploying the critical Sink nodes. Thus,a study is made to find the best Sink node with the practical swarm optimizer (PSO) algorithm. Simulation shows that PSO algorithm is an easier and reliable way to improve the capability and integrity of networks.

    • >测绘科学与技术
    • Point Cloudbased Stratified Contour Extraction and Its MultiLOD Expression with Ground Laser Range Scanning

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (959) HTML (8) PDF 0.00 Byte (15) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 3D point cloud captured from laser range scanning feafures high precision and complicated describing of a real object. However, some traditional approaches still can not be used to extract object feature efficiently because of the large data size. The stratified point model is put forward in this paper to present an object feature with different level of detail (LOD),in which point cloud is sliced with a regular interval in vertical direction Z. Based on a case data set, the quantity and distribution of point cloud is analyzed in vertical direction.It shows that the stratified point model can be used as sampling data of a contour in vertical within required accuracy. A new approach, iterative convex hull algorithm, is then proposed in order to connect stratified point data together without prior relationship information. The result of the connection shows that the gained contours are consistent with common contours and will not result in the problem of intercross on the edge. Meanwhile, based on the number of iteration, classification of contours is also proposed to obtain contours in different level of detail. Actually, the information of contour is abundant enough when the iteration number is increased. Finally, the feasibility of the approach is validated by a case study.

    • Visualization of Multidimension Oceanographic Data in Geography Information System

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (1150) HTML (29) PDF 0.00 Byte (17) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents a solution of designing a combined geography information system(GIS) which can visualize and analyze 2D, 2.5D and 3D vector or raster oceanographic data from the surface, inner, floor and deep of marine in the same view. The Geodatabase geographic data model is benefit to organize, manage and visualize multidimension oceanographic data, therefore it is the best way to use Geodatabase to construct oceanographic database. With the development of combined GIS based on ArcEngine, geometry position of spatial data can be exactly located, in other words,both the planar relation of spatial data and the vertical relation of spatial data can be described, as a result, users can operate multidimension oceanographic data in the combined GIS.

    • >数理科学与化学
    • Robust Global Stabilization of Uncertain Chained Nonholonomic Systems Using Back stepping

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (703) HTML (32) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper deals with nonholonomic control systems in chained form with strongly nonlinear disturbances and drift terms.The objective is to design a robust nonlinear state feedback law which can steer the closedloop systems globally converge to the origin.The systematic strategy combines the inputstate scaling technique with the backstepping procedure.The design rules of backstepping are based on Lyapunov stabilization.The control design not only makes the system globally stabilization,but also achieves good dynamic and static performance.The simulation results demonstrate the efficiency and robust features of the proposed controllers in this paper.

    • Irreducible Representations of Cartantype Lie Algebras

      2009, 37(2).

      Abstract (749) HTML (42) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Let L=X(m,n)(X=W,S,H) be a Lie algebra of Cartan type.Based on the concept of generalized restricted Lie algebras,the paper presents a study of the irreducible representations of Cartantype Lie algbras L and the structure of irreducible modules is determined whose character height is no less than 2 and less than p-2.

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