2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The displacement time history input is recommanded for the seismic analysis of underground structures based on the deduction of the dynamic equation.A threedimensional finite element model of the utility tunnel with a consideration of many effects is established for the seismic analysis. The results reveal that the utility tunnel exhibits global bending deformation pattern under shear wave excitation. On the other hand, the effects of the boundary and the contact condition are significant to the structural strain. On the assumption that the structure is elastic,the strain amplitude of the free boundary condition is rather lower compared to the infinite element boundary condition, and the maximum relative error can reach 123.3%. When the slippage between the soil and structure is not considered, the structural strain amplitude can increase about 1/3.Finally,the paper presents a study of the influence of wave passage effect.
HUANG Dongmei , ZHU Ledong , DING Quanshun
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The aeroelastic model experiment of Shanghai World Financial Center was carried out in TJ2 boundary layer wind tunnel. Then,a study was conducted on the interference effects of distant buildings with half the height of World Financial Center and the nearby Jin Mao Building with nearly the same height of World Financial Center on average and root mean square value of horizontal and rotational displacement, absolute maximum acceleration on the top of World Financial Center.The results show that, when the intensive highrise buildings (excluding Jin Mao Building) concentrate on the upstream or one side of World Financial Center, they have some influence on World Financial Center’s average response and root mean square value(RMS) response, especially the rotational response. When the intensive buildings concentrate on the downstream of World Financial Center, they have little influence on World Financial Center’s response. When Jin Mao Building locates in the upstream of World Financial Center, the average response of horizontal displacement of World Financial Center reduces due to wind block effects. However, the tail flow of Jin Mao Building causes the RMS horizontal displacement response of World Financial Center to increase. When the shielding effect causes uneven distribution of the average or fluctuating pressure at cardiac axis sides, it increases average or root mean square rotational displacement response. Different from previous studies, when Jin Mao Building locates in the downstream of World Financial Center, the frequency of vortex shedding of World Financial Center will change. Moreover, when the vortex shedding frequency is close to structural first natural frequency, it causes vortexinduced resonance phenomenon in direction of vibration of first natural frequency. When Jin Mao Building locates beside World Financial Center, it causes Narrow Road effect, which has some influences on average and RMS displacement response according to Narrow Road position and the pressure distribution.
GU Ming , LI Sunwei , ZHOU Yin
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:In this study, computational fluid dynamics(CFD) simulation is compared with results from the wind tunnel test. The good agreement of wind profile between simulation and wind tunnel test confirms the validation and precision of the CFD simulation.A comparative study is made of the impact of Y+ on the simulation results between CFD simulation and wind tunnel test.The study reveals that validation of CFD simulation relies on fine grid system near the wall.A numerical experiment which modeled an infinitely long wind tunnel is conducted using CFD and the profile of a selfsustaining equilibrium atmosphere boundary layer is obtained.The result shows the simulated wind profile differs from those commonly used in computational wind engineering. Thus, a further study is necessary to analyze the nature of the difference.
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:By niching, population migration and increasing Hamming distance between different populations,an improved adaptive genetic algorithm is proposed.It keeps populations diversity effectively and improves the performance of local convergence and premature convergence and enhances search speed and precision of genetic algorithm.High search speed and precision of the proposed method were further tested through back analysis of geotechnical engineering,and the influence of initial population yielding method, quantity of populations, maximum crossover probability and maximum mutation were discussed on search speed and precision.
CHEN Junling , MA Renle , HE Minjuan
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:Two crossing Xconnections of Anyetang special steel pipe used for Henan Broadcast and TV Tower are investigated on the basis of practical projects.The paper presents the design of reducedscale test setup,experimental and finite element calculating results,and also the major factors influencing the load capacity of these special joints.The experimental results show that the special crossing joints have sufficient strength and rigidity,and can meet the design requirement. The experimental results agree well with finite element(FE) analysis,so this FE analytic model can be applied to other untested joints located in Henan TV tower.
YE Fei , ZHU Hehua , DING Wenqi
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:As to segments joined by bolts, two kinds of friction forces between segments and shear resistance of bolts are in balance with shear force produced by grouting pressure. It is believed that the friction force between segments takes effect before segments displacement happens, while shear resistance of bolts would be dominating afterward. The pressure acting on shield tunnel segments during grouting at the tail was studied by substituting the intrinsic void percentage with the equivalent void percentage of the soil to assess the influence of construction gap. Based on such a theory and derivation, a formula to calculate the pressure was established. It shows that the pressure on segments increases with the increasing of grouting pressure and grouting time period. By combining shear resistance of bolts with the pressure acting on the segments, the grouting pressure and time could be controlled by shear stress of the bolts,which indicates that with the shear stress determined,the shear stress should be less than the allowable stress so as to control the grouting pressure and time.
FANG Min , LU Gang , WANG Libo
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The drilling planning model of wellpath with desired direction is a nonelinear equations.The numeral iteration is requested to get the solutions.The paper presents an elimination method,which can simplify the nonelinear equations to an algebra equation,and can tell whether the equation has solutions and get all the solutions by using the numerical algorithms.
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:Peak hour vehicular OD matrix is used in urban road network traffic assignment.A method to forecast peak hour origin destination(OD) matrix based on trip generation is presented.The forecasting of peak hour vehicular OD and its transition to producing and abstracting(PA) can be carried out by the survey of peak hour vehicular trip generation of different land utilization and its trip composition.After the PA trip distribution forecasting,the transition of PA matrix to OD matrix can be done by the method.
ZHENG Mulian , WANG Songgen , CHEN Shuanfa , MA Qinglei
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:In order to study the influence of some factors on the thermal stress of concrete base of durable asphalt pavement, the thermal field of the pavement structure was analyzed and the thermal stress of cement concrete base was calculated on the basis of threedimensional finite element model.The calculation parameters were determined and the parameter combination was arranged with orthogonality design method. The maximum difference and variance of the calculation results were analyzed. Besides, the thermal stress of concrete base was calculated with arranging parameter combination through uniform design table,and the thermal stress calculation formula was obtained through calculation results regression.
TAN Zhiming , JIANG Yi , GUO Linquan , ZHOU Yumin
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The thermal stresses in asphalt overlay paved on existing cement concrete pavement slabs are systematically discussed, and the effects of void underneath cement concrete pavement slabs and local treatment near joint sides on thermal stresses are analyzed.It is concluded that the most efficient measure in practice to reduce the thermal stresses in asphalt overlay is to place an interlayer between asphalt overlay and existing cement concrete pavement slabs on joints area with low shearing modulus and Possion’s ratio large enough (close to 0.5), in other words, the tangential stiffness factor λu shall be less than 1/20 and the normal stiffness factor λv shall be greater than 1/3, and the placing width of interlayer on one side of joint shall be 0.3~0.4 m.
GUO Qiyi , ZHOU Guifa , ZHOU Qiaolian , MAO Zhongya
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:Urban mass transit system,conform alternating current(AC) to direct current(DC) through rectifiers,supply power to motor and vehiclel equipments,whose harmonics do harm to the safe and economic works of power system.In view of the characteristics of harmonic of urban mass transit system,simulation on adaptive neural network to detect and isolate the harmonics shows the results can be optimal with the moderate parameters.Simulation on the hybrid filter’s effective cooperation of active filter and passive filter shows this method can suppress the harmonics,improve and optimize power factor.
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:At first, a finite element model of metro tunnelsoil is built.The attenuation characteristics of the vibration velocity and acceleration within 170 meters away from tunnel center are analysed.Based on the wheelrail dynamic coupling analysis,the dynamic force loaded on the track bed by different subway tracks is gained which is used in the finite element model.The vibration propagation characteristics on the earth’s surface around the different tracks are calculated and analysed.The results show that within 50 meters,vibration reduction effect of floating slab track is obvious; out of 50 meters,track type has little influence on the vibration.
PAN Luting , SHU Yubao , TU Xiaoqing
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:To address the processing demands and characteristics of municipal sewage, the effect and mechanism of selfmade aluminum and iron/potassium permanganate compound coagulant for advanced treatment of municipal sewage was researched, and the best combination was put forward. The results indicate that the removal rate of turbidity is 95%, the removal rate of CODcr is 75% and the removal rate of TP is 98% when 90 mg·L-1 of coagulant dosage, 15 min of flocculating time,120 r·min-1 of mixing force and 30 min of settling time. In addition, to make the effluent quality meet the reuse standard, relation between dosage of coagulant and COD removal rate of different influent was researched, and the linear relationship between them is obtained, the cost of coagulant is about 0.03~0.07 RMByuan·m-3.
DENG Zifeng , YANG Xiao , XU Wei
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The phenol was oxidized by potassium ferrate.The intermediates were extracted from the degraded mixtures with vaporization,derivation,and ionexchange methods and analyzed with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry(GCMS)techniques.Benzoquinone,hydroquinone,diaphenol,phenoxyl phenol,maleic acid,fumaric acid,and oxalic were determined.Based on the results,the degrading path of phenol was deduced.
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The fluorescence nanosized europium(Ⅲ) coordination nanocomplex of [Eu(DB21C7)2(NO3)3] with dibenzo21crown7ether have been successfully synthesized via solvothermal approach in microemulsion(EuNO3 aqueous/CTAB/ ligand organic/hexane).The composition,morphology and the optical properties have been characterized by element analysis,Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR),ultraviolet and visible spectrum(UVVIS),fluorescence(FS),transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:An orthogonal experiment was carried out to study the effects of factors such as current density, initial chloride content, type of electrolytes and extraction time on extraction efficiency and bond strength of reinforced mortar.The test results show that current density is the primary factor to affect the extraction efficiency,and the factor of extraction time the secondary. Increasing current density accelerates the removal rate of chloride, and prolonging extraction time increases the amount of chloride extraction. The factors that remarkably influence extraction efficiency also obviously affect loss of bond strength between rebar and mortar. Thus, in practice engineering, both of these two aspects are proposed to be taken into consideration when choosing extraction parameters.
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The hydration degree and the phase compositions of cement pastes were studied by using isothermal calorimetry,Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetrydifferential scanning calorimetry (TGDSC) and Xray diffraction (XRD).Results show that hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose(HEMC) retards the earlyage hydration of cement paste, decreases the earlyage hydration rate and hydration heat of cement paste, but hardly retards the hydration of cement paste after the deceleratory period. Interactions between HEMC and cement hydration products take place. [SiO4]4-tetrahedron monomers and dimers of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) coexist in cement paste modified with HEMC, while only [SiO4]4-tetrahedron monomers exist in the unmodified cement paste.
LOU Diming , LI Bo , TAN Piqiang , HU Zhiyuan
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:A direct injection(DI) engine for the passenger car is chosen as the test sample,and 5 gas to liquid (GTL) blends with different mixing ratio are used.The total NOx emission and the main constituents of NO, NO2 and N2O are analyzed. According to the results, the NOx emission of different GTL blends shows no great difference,and as the load increases,the difference becomes greater.The total NOx emission is mainly composed of NO and NO2.The NO emission of the blends increases as load rises,and NO occupies the biggest proportion of the total NOx emission.However,NO2 occupies a comparatively big proportion.The NO2 emission is comparatively low under low and high load,while it reaches highest under medium load.High temperature and high load are not in favor of the generation of NO2.The emission of N2O is extremely low,and is mainly generated under low load;while under mid and high load,the emission of N2O is approximately zero.As the blending proportion of GTL increases,the NOx and NO emission decrease sharply,while NO2 emission increases a little.
LI Zhengrong , ZHANG haidong , YU Sheng , GENG Jianguo
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The highreflective coating is used to construct 15 kinds of building wall with 3 other kinds of building materials.An analysis is made of the coating effect with the software DOE2.Results show that the indoor air temperature decreases dramatically in summer for nonairconditioned buildings by using the coating;and the larger the building heat capacity is,the lower the temperature is.The coating can reflect the heat effectively while the indoor air temperature is over 26 ℃.However,the coating’s impact on the solar heat absorption is comparatively small.
LI Zhenhai , SUN Juan , Hiroshi Yoshino
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:In order to grape the residential energy consumption structure of Shanghai,2 residential household were selected.A oneyear measurement is done of its electricity,gas and indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity,then the inspection and analysis are made of the results.According to surveys and the measured results,the trend is conjectured.Residential energy consumption structure of Shanghai can be described as the follows:25%~33% of gas,11%~13% of scouring bath,19%~21% of airconditioning, 5%~6% of lighting,8%~10% of information and entertainment,10%~13% of refrigerators,and 15%~20% of other appliances.And a comparative study is made between the results and those of the apartment houses measured in 2002~2003 in Okinawa of Kyushu,in Japan.Results show that the level of Shanghai’s energy consumption is still very low.Energy consumed on unit area of Okinawa is 2.836 times as that of Shanghai’.Energy consumed by each person of Okinawa is 1.424 times as that of Shanghai’.
PANG Shanchen , JIANG Changjun
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:This paper presents a new necessary and sufficient condition for the soundness of workflow model based on the Petri nets modeling techniques.Some properties of workflow net were analyzed and verified,such as the existence of Tinvariant and Pinvariant of the workflow net(WFnet),the sets of transitions and places be covered by Tinvariants and Pinvariants respectively. A polynomial algorithm of workflow model decomposition based on Tinvariant is presented.Compared with other exponential algorithms, the algorithm is simple, easy to understand and operate,and can also effectively simplify decomposition and analysis of the workflow systems. The effect of the paper’s research results is verfied with an example.
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:Time delay estimation error may decrease the linearization performance of adaptive predistortion for radio frequency(RF) power amplifier. Theory analysis of delay error estimation is made and results show that the predistoter converges at a delay version of the theory value considering the existence of the delay estimation error. And a memory polynomial model is proposed for the predistorter. Simulation results demonstrate that memory polynomial model is more robust to delay estimation error than the general nonlinear polynomial model.
ZHANG Dalu , HOU Cuiping , YANG Zhengyu
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The link load balancing technique is proved in theory to be able to improve system availability greatly.Then the paper presents a dynamic link load balancing algorithm which can avoid the failure path.This new algorithm obtain the length of link waiting queue and response time,which helps distribute all the data traffic loads on multiple links and increase the link bandwidth usage.In addition,the availability of the current links can be managed on real time,and the current disconnected link can be shielded and the mean time to failure(MTTF)can be extended,therefore system availability greatly improves.Finally,the simulation results verify the effectiveness of this algorithm.
WANG Peng , XIAO Xiang , WANG Fengping
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:Phylogenetic studies based on 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis,together with bacterial cultivation were used to study the bacteria diversity in five sites of deep sea sediment from west Pacific warm pool.Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE) profiles reveal the similar bacteria populations in sediments from five sites.16S rDNA gene sequence analyses reveal that all clones fall in proteobacteria (in subdivision gamma,alpha,beta,delta),14.03% clones are related with sulfur metabolism,indicating a relative high activity of sulfur metabolism;32 strains isolated from the samples belong to two divisions: proteobacteria (in subdivision gamma,beta) and grampositive bacteria.Gammaproteobacteria dominated the bacterial community of five sites indicates the widely distributed of gammaproteobacteria in Pacific Ocean.Majority of the bacterial strains are able to secrete diversity cold adaptive hydrolytic enzymes into the medium at 4 ℃,indicates the relatively high metabolic activity in west Pacific Ocean.
CHEN Bao , CUI Yujun , YANG Linde , YE Weimin
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:The oil permeability and its influence factors in unsaturated petroleum chalk were studied by carrying out some experiments with a specially improved constanthead permeameter where the matrix suction was controlled with axistranslation technique.The results show that the permeability is closely related with the confined stress, hydraulic pressure and matrix suction. With the developing of confined stress,the chalk presents an evident pressuresensitive effect that both the void ratio and oil permeability decreas. The oil permeability drops down with the increasing of hydraulic pressure, so that the waterflooding in oil reservoir raises the water content in chalk, which will make the matrix suction and oil permeability decrease consequently. The results provide a reference for increasing the oil recovery in petroleum production.
LIU Ding , XU Huiping , CHEN Huagen
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:Starting from the analysis of difference between large scale ocean and terrain, the paper presents a level of detail(LOD) algorithm based on OpenGL index vertex array.A grid template is built with the viewdependent method.The template treats a grid as 8 normal rectangle areas and 4 repair areas of Tcracks and dynamically calculates index array for each area. By sending vertex array and index arrays of each grid to OpenGL, the template renders each grid of LOD efficiently. Then,a realtime vivid ocean waves scene is achieved by adopting the viewdependent method to decide which vertexes should be inverted by PM wave spectrum.
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:An infeasible sequential systems of linear equations filter algorithm was proposed by author.It combines QPfree methods and filter technique so that it is unnecessary to choose the problematic penalty parameter.That algorithm only needs to solve two systems of linear equations with the same nonsingular coefficient matrix. To some extent,the deficiency of the current SQPtype filter algorithms can be overcome.Based on the algorithm,the second order correction step is computated by adding a system of linear equation,and the Maratos effect can be avoided. Under suitable conditions, the locally superlinear convergence is proved.
2009, 37(3).
Abstract:A study is made of the S1invariant extended solutions of the harmonic maps from a simply connected domain ΩR2 ∪{∞} into the unitary group U(N) (or its real form).S1invariant extended solutions prove to be not only KerAφzinvariant extended solution,but also ImAφzinvariant extended solution.Then another algebraic way to construct S1invariant extended solution is given.It is proved that the extended solution obtained by the flag transformation is also S1invariant. The explicit construction of S1invariant Gextended solution is also presented .
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