Liang Shixue , Li Jie , Sun Weiling
2012, 40(7):0965-0970. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.001
Abstract:The subject of this paper is to propose the stochastic harmonic functions into the multi-dimension, homogeneous, Gaussian random fields. In the first place, it proved that in the two-dimensional random field when the random phase angles and random circular frequencies are independent and uniformly distributed, the amplitude can be obtained by the target power spectral density function and the random circular frequencies specifically. Meanwhile, the power spectral density function is equal to the target one. Then, it proved that stochastic harmonic random field is asymptotic to the normal distribution. In addition, the stochastic harmonic functions can be expanded into multi-dimensional random fields by the uniformed expression in the paper. Finally, several numerical examples are given to clarify the validity of stochastic harmonic function.
2012, 40(7):0971-0976. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.002
Abstract:The non-Gaussian features of fluctuating wind pressures on square tall building are studied by using multi-channel measurement wind tunnel tests. The skewness, kurtosis and probability density function of fluctuating wind pressures are employed to obtain a description and measurement of the non-Gaussian features of the tall building firstly, then the non-Gaussian features of fluctuating wind pressures are analyzed, finally the regions with non-Gaussian feature under different wind angles are given. The results show that wind angle is important for the non-Gaussian features of the building. For the faces which wind directly impinged on, the positive and negative skewness appears simultaneously and the kurtosis is relatively small, so the Gaussian regions are major. However, for those associated with separated and wake flows, the negative skewness covers the whole face and the kurtosis is relatively large, so the non-Gaussian regions are major. As the reattachment happens, the negative skewness will increase and the kurtosis will decrease in the reattachment zones, as a result, non-Gaussian zones transition to Gaussian zones.
suiweining , Chen Yiyi , Wang Zhanfei
2012, 40(7):0977-0981. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.003
Abstract:Finite-element method is adopted in the numerical parametric studies to evaluate the ultimate capacity of doubler( plate reinforced tubular T-joints under tensile loading or compress loading. Based on the design formula of un-reinforced tubular T-joints in the code for design of steel structure, parameter φ has been used to evaluate the ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced T-joints. From the analysis result, the following conclusions can be got: (1) Under tensile loading, the main effective parameter is λ; (2) Under compression loading, the main parameters are β and λ.
2012, 40(7):0982-0991. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.004
Abstract:This study focused on mechanical property of large span three-town cable supported bridges, including suspension bridge, cable-stayed bridge and cable-suspension Bridge. The method was through the design of these type bridges to compare their mechanical characteristic. The main span of these bridges was 1400 meter. The result of this investigation clarify that moment diagram of box girder of the three bridges is similar to each other after cable force optimum. As a whole, internal force of beam and town of cable-stayed bridge is largest. Additionally the stability of cable-stayed bridge is not well because the axis force of its box girder is larger. However, the ratio of the natural frequencies of the flexural and torsional vibrations is larger than others. So the aseismic and wind-resistant behaviors of cable-stayed bridge is best. Internal force of beam and town of suspension bridge is smallest and its stability is highest, except the moment of bottom of the middle town due to live load, while the ratio of the natural frequencies of the flexural and torsional vibrations is lowest. So, the aseismic and wind-resistant behaviors of suspension bridge is worst. Internal force of beam and town of cable-suspension Bridge is between the two formers and the advantages are highlighted.
pengtianbo , yuxuntao , wangzhennan , wanghengguang , wanglizhi , zhangpeiji
2012, 40(7):0992-0995. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.005
Abstract:Because of the uncertainty of the time, location and magnitude of the next earthquake, it seems necessary to specify the seismic performance of bridges beyond the two levels of seismic intensities used in most of the seismic design codes. It’s suggested in this paper that collapse of piers and unseating of girders should be prevented even under earthquakes beyond the two levels of seismic intensities, and seismic performance requirements of a new seismic design method is presented for three levels of seismic intensities. A multi-defense aseismic spherical (MDAS) bearing is used to trigger each seismic defense and change the bridge structure adaptively. The configuration and working mechanism of MDAS bearings are introduced firstly in this paper, the results of mechanical properties test of an MDAS bearing are presented, and it’s shown that the design requirements are all satisfied and the seismic isolation performance of the bearing is effective and reliable.
2012, 40(7):0996-1002. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.006
Abstract:According to the issue of concrete cracking on the hogging moment zone of steel and concrete continuous composite girder, a new type composite girder with prefabricate prestressed concrete slab was proposed. To compare the mechanical behavior difference between this new type continuous composite girder and the common continuous composite girder, static experiments of these two type continuous composite girder were conducted. The main mechanical behaviors including girder deformation, strain distribution, concrete cracks, relative slip between steel and concrete, bearing capacity etc were tested. The testing results show that the initial concrete cracking load and serviceability limit state load of continuous composite girder with prefabricate prestressed concrete slab are 3.16 times and 2.61 times those of common continuous composite girder respectively. The calculation tests the initial concrete cracking moment of this new type continuous composite girder is 1.54 times that of common continuous composite girder when they acted same prestressing force.
yangmin , guhaidong , liubin , sunkuan
2012, 40(7):1003-1007. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.007
Abstract:The whole stability analysis of the soil-nailing protection structure has always been the key checking computation item in the design of the soil-nailing protection, which directly affects normal work of the soil-nailing protection structure. The stability of soil-nailing protection structure was analyzed using the strength-reduction FEM method and the feasibility of this method was validated by centrifuge model test. Then, this method was compared with current specification through a case study. Based on these, a set of analysis is implemented on the stability of soil-nailing protection structure and its effecting factors. The results show that the influence of the diameter and the spacing of the soil-nailing on stability of soil-nailing protection structure is greater than that obtained from the method in the specification. There is a good agreement between the present study and the specification method on the study of stability of soil-nailing protection structure influenced by the length of soil-nailing and the strength parameters of soil.
liuxuezeng , linlianglun , sangyunlong
2012, 40(7):1008-1014. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.008
Abstract:Based on the survey of the earthquake fault cases, through a model experiment, the effect of the thrust fault stick-slip dislocation in the different inclination angles on the road tunnel have been discussed. The experiment results show that the main failure mode of tunnel lining caused by the stick-slip dislocation of the thrust fault is the direct-shear breakage with the fault inclination angle is 75°, The main failure mode of tunnel lining caused by the stick-slip dislocation of the thrust fault is the bent extension breakage with the fault inclination angle is 45°. The smaller fault inclination angle, the longitudinal extensive strain of the tunnel top is larger, and the influence area of tunnel is wider. The tunnel failure range is 2D(D is the diameter of the tunnel) away from the fault in the hanging wall to 0.2D away from the fault in the foot wall, when the inclination angle is 45°. The tunnel failure range is 0.8D away from the fault in the hanging wall to 0.4D away from the fault in the foot wall, when the inclination angle of the fault is 75°.
2012, 40(7):1015-1019. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.009
Abstract:A new calculated model was developed to analyze the seismic responses of MSW landfills. In this model, a geosynthetic liner is replaced by an equivalent soil layer that has characteristics that duplicate the liner interface response under dynamic loads. Then, the effects of liner interface, landfill height and site condition on seismic responses of landfills were studied. The calculated results showed that the shear displacement was very large at the liner interface under medium or strong seismic motion, which limited the propagation of seismic waves. If the effect of the liner interface on the seismic response of the landfill is not taken into account, some errors might occur. It can be seen that the landfill with 15m height showed maximum value of maximum horizontal acceleration (MHA) at the top of the landfill. With the increase of the landfill height, the fundamental period of vibration of the landfill is gradually increasing, and deviating from the resonance range. Thus, the MHA values at the top of the landfills are lower for higher landfills. Additionally, comparing with the calculated results under four different site conditions, it can thus be concluded that different site types have strong effects on seismic responses of landfills.
2012, 40(7):1020-1026. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.010
Abstract:Uncoupled blast has wide applications in engineering practice. However, the blast using EPS foam as filling material is rarely investigated so far. Based on the large-scale finite element code, LS-DYNA, with explicit integration, the numerical simulations on radical uncoupled blast with filled EPS foam of three initial densities (12.0、21.0、27.0 kg•m-3 ) are performed. The distribution of concrete damage and the evolution laws of peak hydrostatic pressure, velocity and acceleration of particles around the blasthole are analyzed. The comparisons between the radical foam uncoupled blast with the radical air and water uncoupled cases are also made. Results show that EPS foam can effectively absorb blast energy, reduce the damaged zone around the blasthole. The initial density of EPS foam ρ0 exerts a significant impact on the concrete’s damage distribution. With the increase of ρ0, EPS foam has less capacity of energy absorption and vibration attenuation. Furthermore, increasing the initial density of EPS foam and reducing the decoupling coefficient may achieve similar blast result to a certain extent. Besides, Kd should be confined to 2.0 in EPS foam decoupled case for better effects and lower blast cost.
2012, 40(7):1027-1030. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.011
Abstract:The OD matrix is the important data for transit line adjusting and optimizing. The public transportation passenger’s travel behavior was researched based on data from IC cards. A public transportation estimating OD matrix model was presented from the passenger’s boarding and alighting probability and producing and attracting factors of transit site, with the constraints of the boarding and alighting passenger number. The results of a rigorous validation with data from a real bus route reveal that the proposed model is quite effective and reliable.
ShaoMinhua , litianye , SunLijun
2012, 40(7):1031-1034. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.012
Abstract:Crowding Level in the bus will influence the passengers’ cost perception and change their route choice. Value of time of passengers under different crowding level in bus is obtained by using Binary Logit model. Then the relationship between the crowding level in bus and the value of time is derived. By converting crowding level in bus to equivalent travel time, the model of passengers’ cost perception to the crowding level is built finally.
2012, 40(7):1035-1040. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.013
Abstract:Based on the surveys and analysis of terminals of city distribution in Shanghai, a bi-level programming model for a kind of terminals of city distribution is created. In terms of planners, the upper level of the bi-level programming model optimizes the whole system; In terms of customers, while the lower level optimizes the customer systerm by considering the distance of terminal to customers, the price and quality of the service of terminals. Then, through reaction function, a heuristic algorithm is designed. Finally, it is proved by a practical example of Xujiahui that the model and algorithm to solve the layout problem of terminals of city distribution is reasonably feasible.
2012, 40(7):1041-1045. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.014
Abstract:By using measured data of temperatures in asphalt and concrete pavements placed at meteorological observation stations in Guangzhou, Ningbo and Datong cities as well as those in pavements at Zhenli and Jilai expressway jobsites over 1 year, the basic features and relationship among pavement diurnal temperature variation, diurnal average temperature and the ratio of positive temperature variations were studied, and the rules of variables mentioned above versus the pavement depth were summarized, and corresponding regressed formulas were provided; a generalized depth (α is the material thermal diffusivity coefficient)was introduced to eliminate the discrepancies caused by pavement materials, thus the methods and formulas by using characteristic temperatures on road surface to estimate diurnal temperature variation in pavements at any depth were issued, furthermore, the formulas were extended to circumstances of given diurnal temperature variation in pavements at arbitrary depth, and the model’s accuracy was verified by measured data in the 01-0101 section of Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program in USA. The results show that the methods and formulas proposed hereof are accurate enough to estimate the diurnal maximum and minimum temperatures in pavements at any depth, the standard deviations arising out of the formulas are not greater than 2.0℃, and the averages of standard deviations are less than 0.6℃, however, the formulas can meet the requirements of engineering practice.
2012, 40(7):1046-1050. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.015
Abstract:The damage problem of composite material caused by laser irradiation is solved in consideration of microstructure model. The finite element software ANSYS is used to simulate the temperature field,thermal stress field and evolution of the ablation hole. The damage factors of composite materials and ablation process have been researched in this paper, such as power density and thermal conductivity .Furthermore, the temperature field, thermal stress and ablation field changing with time are also given in this paper. This research shows that compared with the uniform model,the microstructure model simulates the damage of composite material better.
Xiao Jianzhuang , Ying Jingwei
2012, 40(7):1051-1057. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.016
Abstract:According to the chloride diffusivity and geometric parameter of the five-phase recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), the chloride diffusion characteristics in modeled RAC is numerically simulated. The effect of relevant parameters, i.e., the replacement ratio of recycled coarse aggregate, the diffusivity of new and old hardened cement mortar and the interfacial transition zones, as well as the thickness of old hardened cement mortar on the diffusion properties of RAC is analyzed comparatively. The results obtained from the numerical simulation indicate that the distribution of chloride concentration is non-uniform within the modeled RAC; and the chloride concentration in recycled aggregate concrete declines wavelike along the diffusion depth. Furthermore, the influence of recycled coarse aggregate replacement ratio, cement mortar, ITZ, etc., on the chloride concentration is distinctly increased with the increase of the depth, and more obvious at the ITZ.
wangkun , qu wenjin , 张俊喜 , lujinliang
2012, 40(7):1058-1063. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.017
Abstract:A re-carbonation test of Realkalisated reinforced concrete (cement mortar) was carried out. The re-carbonation time was the same as the first carbonation time before realkalisation. The surface state of steel and the alkaline of the cement mortar was studied with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), polarization curve and the measurement of pH. The test results show that under the experimental conditions, the pH of cement mortar is above 10 after re-carbonation; after re-carbonation, the corrosion current density of steel increases and is less than before realkalisation; the corrosion potential of steel decreases, but is more than before realkalisation.
Wei Xuezhe , Dai Haifeng , Xu Xinmin , Sun Zechang
2012, 40(7):1064-1070. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.018
Abstract:The development of the automotive embedded system has been more and more complex. This paper reviews the history of the automotive embedded system, and its principles and future characteristics are also introduced and analyzed. It concludes that to develop a high efficient and reliable automotive embedded system relies on an accurate developing method, a systematic architecture and a reasonable process. A detailed introduction to this methodology including the Model Based Development (MBD), the AUTOSAR architecture and the V mode development process is also given. The MBD defines the description of the object, the AUTOSAR architecture describes the structure of the object, and V mode process guides the sequence of the development steps. With the methodology, the reliability and integrity of the automotive embedded system development could be guaranteed.
2012, 40(7):1071-1076. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.019
Abstract:The development trend of automotive electrical system is analyzed through the distribution index. A complete distributed automotive electronic system is introduced. The new architecture concept features a set of hierarchy backbone and local digital signal network, power supply network together with a central coordination controller. The electrical/electronic devices are connected through backbone/local networks, and are supplied through the distributed power supply network. The harness in this so called Pan-electronic automotive system is standardized and invariant. The system achieves good configurability, extendibility and reliability. A bus as a demonstration is developed and the system is improved feasible and economy.
WangShuangquan , ZhuYuan , WuZhihong , LuKe , TianGuangyu
2012, 40(7):1077-1082. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.020
Abstract:The field current component and torque current component can not be decoupled completely in rotor field oriented vector control. According to series decoupling theory, a deviation decoupling method is proposed. The mathematical calculations process of this method is given. The feedback decoupling control and the proposed deviation decoupling control were contrastive analyzed. Simulation and experimental results show that the deviation decoupling algorithm is robust against parameter changes, and has a good decoupling ability in high-speed.
LOU Di-ming , Ren Hong-juan , Tan Pi-qiang,Hu Zhi-yuan
2012, 40(7):1083-1088. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.021
Abstract:In this paper, particle number size distribution, total particle number concentration, nucleation mode particle number concentration and accumulation mode particle number concentration for pure diesel and emulsified diesel fueled in a turbocharged diesel engine were studied by experiments. The fuels used in the experiments were the pure diesel E0 and emulsified diesel E10, E15 and ED. The findings show that when emulsified diesel is fueled, particle number size distribution would show unimodal or bimodal log-normal distribution, and the maximum of the number is at 10-20nm. While compared to pure diesel E0 fueled, the nucleation mode particle number and volume concentration increases, the accumulation mode particle number and volume concentration decreases, however the total particle number concentration increases,and the total particle volume concentration decreases.
mi zhinan , pan liuping , chen jianping , chen longan , wu renzhi
2012, 40(7):1089-1092. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.022
Abstract:Different from anti-drag system (ADS), front jacking (FJ) and endless self-advancing (ESA), a new synchronously jacking hydraulic system is presented. Under the condition of non-artificial ground freezing, it can fulfill jacking operation before excavating operation. Three-level structure of the system improves reliability. A “double-object synchronization” control scheme of displacement synchronization and even-pressure enables groups of hydraulic cylinders to control the jacking speed and posture of box. The system is saving-energy. The features of antiinterferencing hardware circuits are presented also. And the system is applied successfully in Beihong Vehicular Undercrossing Tunnel project in Shanghai, China. The tunnel is 126.00m long, 34.20m wide, and 7.85m high. And the project itself is also the one constructed with the largest cross-section under shallow saturated soft clay formation in China.
HU Anrui , ZHANG Lin , TAO Fei , LUO Yongliang
2012, 40(7):1093-1101. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.023
Abstract:In order to realize the unified optimal resource service management (RSM) in cloud manufacturing (CMfg), the resource services characteristics were studied as well as the role of knowledge in the whole resource services life cycle. A RSM mechanism based on knowledge was put forward. A knowledge base system construction method was designed for the RSM in CMfg. The RSM process was analyzed. Finally, a prototype system was developed to validate the proposed method.
2012, 40(7):1102-1105. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.024
Abstract:Since lack of reliability metrics in software testing process, we presented a new software reliability assessment method based on Bayesian theory. In the method, we analyzed the relationships between software modules and constructing Bayesian networks, and then used the empirical data to assess the reliability of each node. The paper described the detailed steps of calculating numerical reliability of software modules, and explained the calculation process by a specific example. This method can reuse the existing test results and make the calculation faster. Numerical reliability assessment for each module can be the basis of test case selection and reduced the cost, thus providing good support for software testing.
2012, 40(7):1106-1110. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.025
Abstract:Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of synchronization of a class of SQCF-like chaotic system based on high-gain observer. By imposing a sliding mode term to suppress the unknown disturbance, a robust high-gain observer can be realized. The high-gain matrix of the proposed observer depends on the solution of an algebraic Riccati equation, so the existence of the solution for this equation is discussed. The sliding-mode gain is designed to ensure that the sliding mode can be reached and maintained. The convergence of the synchronization is proved based on a coordinate transformation and the Lyapunov theory. Finally some simulation results for SQCF chaotic system demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Chen Guoqiang , WU Zhihong , ZHU Yuan
2012, 40(7):1111-1117. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.026
Abstract:Random pulse position space vector pulse width modulation (RPPPWM) can reduce the cluster effect of the output voltage and current pulse spectrum because RPPPWM destroys the symmetry characteristic of the traditional pulse width modulation. The mathematic formulas for the ripple current are analyzed based on the prominent inductance load with the delta connection. Based on the mean square root value, the harmonic distortion factor (HDF) formulas were deduced through the ripple current on the microscopic level (switching period) and macroscopic level (fundamental period). The theoretical formulas of HDF are random functions with three random variables, and the numerical characteristics are difficult to get. Therefore Monte Carlo method was utilized, and the process was given. Through programming some numerical characteristics were presented, such as the characteristic function, values of the three random variables where the macro HDF reached the limited values. The relationships between RPPPWM and the other PWM strategies were analyzed on the aspect of HDF. The paper provides the qualitative and quantitative assessment on RPPPWM, and the foundation for application and further research.
2012, 40(7):1118-1122. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.07.027
Abstract:This paper formulates an overall framework of distributed smart grid model, and presents an overall pattern of distributed generation planning and optimal control. Considering distributed generator fault problems in power network, an improved particle swarm optimization is used to calculate the power flow under generator fault conditions, to obtain the optimal power dispatching strategies for normal generators with a certain optimization objectives. The proposed method is verified through simulation based on the standard IEEE 14-bus test system.
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