• Issue 2,2016 Table of Contents
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    • >土木工程与建筑学
    • Experimental Study of Bearing Behavior of TJ1 Lunar Soil Simulant Using Physical Model

      2016, 44(2):167-172. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.001

      Abstract (1815) HTML (78) PDF 787.73 K (1180) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The engineering properties of lunar regolith can be studied with the aid of the modern experimental technology, which is a practicable method to solve the problem of geotechnical engineering on the moon. The indoor physical model loading test is of great significance in studying soil bearing capacity. In this paper, the loading device with the loading rate controlled was designed. Then, indoor model loading tests were conducted on TJ1 lunar regolith simulant by using the circular loading plates with four different sizes. The results show that using the same loading plate, the ultimate bearing capacity and deformation modulus of TJ1 lunar regolith simulant increase with the loading rate. Using the same loading rate, the ultimate bearing capacity and deformation modulus of TJ1 lunar soil simulant increase with the loading plate size. In addition, the basal soil pressure at the center is the largest during loading.

    • Deformation Analysis of Anisotropic Sand Using the Method of Macromeso Incorporation

      2016, 44(2):173-179. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.002

      Abstract (1747) HTML (65) PDF 862.30 K (950) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The deformation analysis of anisotropic sand was conducted by employing the constitutive model with the method of macromeso incorporation. A novel anisotropy state variable which is properly defined in the term of fabric tensor was imployed and a constitutive model for anisotropic sand was proposed with incorporation of the novel anisotropy state into the critical state line(CSL). After the introduction of the novel anisotropy state, the critical state surface and other state surfaces of the model offset from the axes of hydrostatic pressure for the degree of anisotropy. The CSL, the harding rule and the dilatancy equation of model are the function of void ratio, confining pressure, shearmode and anisotropy variable. One set of model constants can simulate well the strengthdeformation responses of sand under different confining pressures and different densities. The simulation of strength experimental data and the simulation of the deformation results for Toyoura sand contained analysis of microstructure verify the proposed method can be validated from the verification.

    • Experimental Study of Detection of Void Between Concrete Slab and Soil Based on Impulse Response Method

      2016, 44(2):180-184. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.003

      Abstract (1562) HTML (46) PDF 684.96 K (944) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focused on the application of the impulse response method to detect void under concrete slab. First, the perniciousness of void under concrete slab was introduced, and the limitations of current detection methods were analyzed. Then, the basic principle and the advantages of the impulse response method were described. After that, model tests on detection of void under concrete slab by using the impulse response method were performed to demonstrate the feasibility of the method. During the experiment, soil was first filled into a test chamber to make a model ground, and a concrete slab was casted on the ground surface. The concrete slab was knocked by a hammer at a certain point to create stress wave. The dynamic responses of the concrete slab were measured by the sensors located at different places on the concrete slab. The obtained data were processed and analyzed using the impulse response method, and the positions and ranges of the voids under the concrete slab were further identified. The identification results were compared with the actual void situations under the concrete slab. The impulse response method was proved to be feasible and efficient in detecting the void phenomenon under concrete slab, thus providing a new way to detect void and evaluate the effect of repair.

    • Analysis of Seismic Mitigation Mechanism and Effect on Longitudinal Direction of LongSpan Continuous Bridges

      2016, 44(2):185-191. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.004

      Abstract (2292) HTML (50) PDF 963.98 K (1090) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on an actual longspan continuous bridge, the seismic mitigation mechanism and effect of Lockup device, fluid viscous damper and double spherical seismic bearing were investigated and the applicable condition of these seismic mitigation devices are disscussed. The results show that lockup devices do not dissipate seismic energy and can reasonably distribute the seismic inertial force of girder, but may increase the total inertial forces of girder. Fluid viscous dampers, which do not change the structural dynamic characteristics such as structural period and vibration shape, mainly dissipate the seismic energy and reduce structural dynamic response by damping force. Double spherical seismic bearings provide flexibility to lengthen the natural period of the bridge and increase the energy dissipation capacity. However, compared with the response of corresponding nonisolated bridges, the relative displacements between girder and pier increase while decreasing seismic forces of the fixed pier.

    • Shaking Table Test of a Bridgewith Cablesliding Isolation Bearing

      2016, 44(2):192-197. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.005

      Abstract (2062) HTML (48) PDF 777.12 K (1077) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A halfstructure shaking table test based on Nanchang Chaoyang Bridge was designed and a detailed introduction of the designing process was performed. Two types of isolated system, i.e., cablesliding bearing system and friction bearing system, were introduced and applied to the structure according to whether or not cablesliding bearings were used. Two sets of seismic wave including the Nanchang artificial wave and El Centro seismic wave were induced as seismic loads during the test. The peak seismic responses of each key node of the structure were analyzed, so were the principle of how the cables could restrict the relative displacement between girder and piers. The results show that, under the seismic load, when the relative displacement response between girder and pier is small, cablesliding bearings have similar isolation features with ordinary sliding bearings. When the relative displacement is large, the cables can provide a momentary acceleration to the girder which can help limit the relative displacement and restrict it from increasing.

    • Vulnerability Analysis and Assessment of Segmeng Joints in Shield Tunnel

      2016, 44(2):198-206. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.006

      Abstract (2513) HTML (57) PDF 1.31 M (1111) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Joints of shield tunnels are the weak but key elements of the whole structure. Considering the resistance capacity to bending moment, shear force and seepage, assessment of the vulnerability of shield tunnel segment joints was conducted and a model of vulnerability evaluation of segment joints subjected to inner forces was established under the consideration of the health state of joints. The stress of segment concrete and bolts, and seepage were taken as the assessment criteria of the model. Then, an analytical joint model was established to analyze the mechanical response of joints, and verified by the 3D refined numerical simulation. Based on a large number of learning cases offered by Monte Carlo simulation analysis, Bayesian networks were employed to evaluate the vulnerability of segment joints. Based on insitu monitoring data, the back analysis of health state of shield tunnel segment joints and the updated prediction of the vulnerability of segment joints are applied to help the operation and maintenance of shield tunnels.

    • Analysis of Behavior of Concretefilled Tshaped Steel Tube Tall Column Subjected to Uniaxial Eccentric Load

      2016, 44(2):207-212. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.007

      Abstract (2014) HTML (59) PDF 706.52 K (1038) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, based on the equivalent uniaxial stressstrain relationship for concretefilled Tshaped steel tube (CFTST) columns without stiffening measures, a fiber element model computing program was proposed for investigating the behavior of concretefilled Tshaped steel tube slender columns, and the effects of different parameters on the behavior of CFTST columns under uniaxial eccentric load were investigated. The parameters in the analysis included the compressive strength of concrete, the yield strength of steel, the depth to thickness ratio of steel plate, the cross sectional depth to width ratio, the angle of the load, the slenderness ratio, and the axial load ratio. The results of theoretical analysis indicated that the normalized interaction curve of axial load versus bending moment was obviously influenced by the load ratio carried by core concrete, the load angle and the slenderness ratio. Based on the parametric analysis and regression analysis of a good many of numerical results, the simplified calculation methods were proposed to predict the loadcarrying capacities of CFTST columns under uniaxial eccentric load. Good agreements between the values predicted by the simplified calculation methods, the fiber element model computing program and the experimental results were achieved, and the simplified calculation methods can be referred for practical engineering design.

    • Reliabilitybased Study on Minimum Reinforcement Ratio of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Beams

      2016, 44(2):213-219. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.008

      Abstract (1749) HTML (52) PDF 901.18 K (1114) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to investigate the influence of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) strength variation on the minimum reinforcement and stirrup ratios of RAC beams, this paper analyzed and compared the ratios of RAC and natural aggregate concrete (NAC) beams subjected to bending moment and shear force with the same target reliability index. The results indicate that the RAC strength variation has limited influence on the flexural capacity variation with the existence of reinforcements. As a result, the minimum reinforcement ratio almost does not increase when the beams are subjected to moment. As for the beams subjected to shear force, when the coefficient of variation of RAC tensile strength is 0.2, the minimum stirrup ratio of RAC beam is 0.17% and increases about 32.0% compared with NAC (grade C30) beam. The reliability indexes of RAC and NAC beams can be equal by increasing the reinforcement and stirrup ratios reasonably.

    • Study of WaveCurrent Coupled Hydrodynamic Responses to a Beach Nourishment Project at Longfengtou Beach

      2016, 44(2):220-227. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.009

      Abstract (1761) HTML (69) PDF 1.13 M (1105) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A 2D wavecurrent coupled model for a beach nourishment project sea area at Longfengtou Beach was set up based on MIKE 21 by using a twolevel nested grid. The calibrated model was then adopted to simulate the flow fields and wave fields before and after the project, and the hydrodynamic responses to the nourishment project were analyzed. The simulation results show that the tide in Pingtan sea area is regular semidiurnal and the average tidal range at spring tide in August is about 5 m; the tidal current in Haitan Bay is of typical reversing current with a large flow velocity in the mouth of the bay, and a small and the smallest flow velocity in the middle and top of the bay respectively; the northern breakwater, which greatly reduces the northsouth water exchange, adjusts the ebb current along the breakwater; the flow velocity at the tip of the breakwaters increases due to the deflecting flow, and an anticlockwise circulation generates obviously; the northern and southern breakwaters only have a limited effect on the area behind the breakwaters where the wave height significantly decreases, and the influenced length of shoreline is slightly greater than that of breakwater; the wave height at the tip of breakwaters increases due to the energy convergence caused by wave refraction. Overall, the reduction of wave height and flow velocity in the middle part of the beach is negligible, thus the construction of offshore breakwater is suggested to strengthen the protection of Longfengtou Beach.

    • Components Information Model of Industrialized Residential Buildings with LightWeight Steel Framing System

      2016, 44(2):228-234. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.010

      Abstract (1964) HTML (45) PDF 1.02 M (3683) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The policy of new housing industrialization is being implemented by Chinese government, and using industrialization way to build residential buildings has become a hot competitive area to related enterprises. Up to now, industrialized residential buildings with lightweight steel framing system are much close to the industrialized way in manufacturing products in factory and assembling on site, and the construction management of the industrialized residential buildings is the most likely to apply the advanced management concepts and technology of manufacturing industry. In this paper, the main activities, as well as the corresponding information in the whole construction processes were analyzed for industrialized residential buildings with lightweight steel framing system in the information age. Then, a BIMbased information model for the typical industrialization components, i.e., lightweight steel framing walls, was established considering the whole construction processes using the “family” concept of Revit software. Finally, a coding design rule for common components of the industrialized residential buildings was suggested.

    • >交通运输工程
    • A PassengerClassification Transportation Assignment Model for Urban Public Traffic Corridor

      2016, 44(2):235-241. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.011

      Abstract (3157) HTML (51) PDF 1000.57 K (1111) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By classifying transport passengers, this paper proposed a dynamic traffic assignment model for urban public transport corridor. Based upon the stochastic userequilibrium theory, the proposed model introduced temporal factors and passenger attributes into the existing static equilibrium model. The model aimed to simulate the travel behavior of different passengers, including their selection of the departure time and transit routes. The assumption of the proposed model and a solution algorithm were proposed. The result shows that the timevarying and passenger categorization of the model make it available not only to virtually reflect the temporal and spatial distribution of various passengers, but to investigate the efficiency of different improvement measures for corridors. The adjustments made in the working hour and transit fare lead to a 24% reduction in the passenger flow during peak hours. The passengers of rail transit decrease from 82% to 71%, while the passengers of bus increase from 11% to 20%. These adjustments contribute to a significant reduction in the traffic loading and result in a more even utilization of transport modes. Therefore, the proposed model provides a useful tool for function optimization and efficiency enhancement of urban public transport corridors.

    • Scenario Analysis of CO2 and Pollutant Emission Mitigation Potential for China’s Road Transportation Sector

      2016, 44(2):242-248. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.012

      Abstract (2862) HTML (58) PDF 999.00 K (1143) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to assess the emission reduction potential in road transportation sector in China, a LEAPTran model based on long range energy alternatives planning system (LEAP) was developed. With the model, 2 scenarios of CO2 and pollutant emissions in China’s transport sector from 2012 to 2030, Business as Usual (BAU) scenario and Comprehensive Measure (CM) scenario, which included three available emission reduction subscenarios, namely organizationalmanagement (OM) subscenario, technologicalprogress (TP) subscenario and energeticstructure promotion (EP) subscenario, were first simulated. Then, the energy consumption up to 2030 was estimated in these five scenarios. Based on the emission reduction contribution rates of each scenario, the promotion schedule of emission reduction measures and key emission reduction sectors were identified. The simulation results show that the emissions of CO2, CO, NOx, PM10 and HC in 2030 in the CM scenario are respectively 39.6%, 58.6%, 91.5%, 79.9% and 83.9% lower than those in the BAU scenario. In the subscenarios, OM is the most effective measure for reducing CO2 and CO emissions, while TP is the most effective measure for reducing NOx, PM10 and HC emissions. EP has a smaller effect in reducing emissions, but it shows a rapid growth and may play an important role in the future. In conclusion, There is a great potential for reduction in road transportation sector in China. In order to achieve the shortterm emission reduction targets, Chinese government should implement OM and TP measures, such as the promotion of transportation energysaving technologies and development of the more strict emission standard.

    • >环境科学与工程
    • Spectroscopic Characteristics of Mature Leachate During Fenton and H2O2UV Treatment Process

      2016, 44(2):249-254. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.013

      Abstract (1476) HTML (66) PDF 874.45 K (874) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to determine the removal rule of different organic matters during mature landfill leachate Fenton treatment and H2O2UV treatment, the three dimensional fluorescence excitationemission matrix (3DEEM) spectroscopy and specific ultraviolet light absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA254) combined with fluorescence regional integration (FRI) EEM data processing method were applied to analyze component evolution characteristics of different organic matters. The results show that both proteinlike compounds rather than humiclike substances, tyrosinelike compounds rather than tryptophanlike compounds are preferentially removed by these two treatment. A greater proportion of the most difficult degradative humiclike substances is removed when TOC removal efficiency is higher. Under similar TOC removal efficiency, the H2O2UV method is more effective to eliminate humiclike substances than the Fenton method, and can eliminate more humicacidlike compounds. In Fenton treatment, more humicacidlike compounds can be precipitated with an increasing dosage of Fe2+. The H2O2UV method should be chosen as the pretreatment method because of its higher humiclike substances removal efficiency in order that not only a better treatment result can be achieved, but also more cost can be saved.

    • Spatiotemporal Variations of Evapotranspiration and Its Quantitative Relationship with Other Ecosystem Components in Urban Areas

      2016, 44(2):255-260. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.014

      Abstract (1849) HTML (50) PDF 1.03 M (922) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper, taking Fuzhou urban area as an example studied the urban ET variations and its relationship with urban buildup land and vegetation using two Landsat images of 2003 and 2013. The result reveals that the ET has been sharply decreased by 30.62% in urban areas. The regression analysis shows that ET has a strong negative linear correlation with urban buildup land and an obvious positive linear correlation with vegetation. Apparently, urban expansion, buildup land increase and vegetation reduction are the key factors contributing to the decreasing of ET in urban areas.

    • Evaluation and Further Improvement of Existing Criteria for Human Stability in Floodwaters

      2016, 44(2):261-268. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.015

      Abstract (1838) HTML (70) PDF 972.20 K (1170) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There have been numerous urban flood disasters in recent years, causing considerable loss of life. Therefore, the current investigation can provide a scientific basis for flood risk management for people living in urban areas. This paper reviewed previous investigations into human stability in floodwaters. Most of the existing criteria are empirical; other theoretical analyses usually neglect the effects of body buoyance and nonuniform velocity profile of incoming flow, which does not agree with real situations. Although the latest research results have overcome those deficiencies, further improvement is still required because the adopted approach neglects the difference of body structure attributes between the European and Chinese people. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the criterion of human body stability in floodwaters. This paper modified the existing equation of buoyancy force with the parameters of human body structure of Americans or Europeans. Two parameters in the formulas of incipient velocity were recalibrated based on existing experimental data and an improved criterion for the stability of children and adults in floodwaters was presented. Finally, the proposed formula was validated in detail against existing field experimental data. Because the control conditions for the laboratory experiments were better than those in real floodwaters, the criterion for human stability proposed in this paper tends to be more dangerous in terms of flood risk management.

    • >机械、车辆与能源工程
    • Assembly Line Balancing Problem2 with Task Zoning Constraints and Workstation Related Constraints

      2016, 44(2):269-275. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.016

      Abstract (2198) HTML (61) PDF 843.79 K (956) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The balance of assembly line has a great effect on the output of products, and is also a problem to be dealt with at the phases of designing and reconfiguring. Aimed at the current assembly line balancing problem type2(ALBP2), a multiobjective model was proposed, taking task sequence constraints, task zoning constraints and workstation related constraints into account, to minimize cycle time and workloading smoothness index. First, a dynamic step length method was applied, which gradually shrank the searching span of cycle time, to improve the efficiency of computing. Then, an improved PSO algorithm based on a Back Algorithm (BA) was introduced to promote the rationality of tasksallocating. After that task allocation matrix was described to show details of task allocations in stations and clarify the result. Finally, a case was illustrated to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    • Review of Automotive Transmission Gear Rattle

      2016, 44(2):276-285. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.017

      Abstract (2488) HTML (61) PDF 1.53 M (1250) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper discussed the research status and development for the dynamical problem of automotive gear rattle. It made a review from those five aspects of the mechanism of gear rattle, solution to mathematical modeling, objective evaluation method of gear rattle, experiment and data processing of gear rattle, and solution to gear rattle. Based on the analysis of the problems and defects in the study of gear rattle, some research suggestions for the study of automotive transmission gear rattle in the future was proposed in this paper from those points of simulation model improvement, testing program effectiveness and objective evaluation method rationalization and so on.

    • Torque Measurement Method of Electric Wheel Drive System for Electric Vehicles

      2016, 44(2):286-290. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.018

      Abstract (1936) HTML (58) PDF 689.14 K (1039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel torque measurement method of electric wheel drive system for electric vehicles was proposed based on gear transmission and force sensor to provide real time and accurate feedback information of output torque for drive motor control of distributed electric wheel drive vehicles. The working principle of eccentric sleeve torque measurement mechanism was presented to set up at the end of transmission bearing, and a torque measurement equation of wheel drive motor was deduced by force analysis of transmission mechanism. Then, by simulation analysis, prototype manufacturing and experimental measurement, the feasibility and accuracy of the torque measurement method were verified. This torque measurement method is beneficial to control drive motor in electric vehicles and can improve the energy utilization and driving performance of electric vehicles.

    • Effects of EGR on Emission Characteristics of LowDuty Engine Fueled with Biodiesel

      2016, 44(2):291-297. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.019

      Abstract (1465) HTML (45) PDF 924.29 K (1023) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on a common rail diesel engine with cooling EGR and fueled with biodiesel, an experiment about the coupled effects of EGR and main injection time on engine emissions characteristics was conducted. The results show that at full load, the NOxemission increases, but THC emission and ultra particulate concentration decrease when the engine is fueled with biodiesel. At a load of 25% and a speed of 2 200 r?min-1, when the EGR rate increases, NOx emission, ultraparticulate concentration, THC emission and BSFC (brake specific fuel consumption) decrease. However, with the main injection time retarded, NOx emission and ultraparticulate concentration also decrease, but THC emission and BSFC increase. At a load of 25%, with the EGR rate increasing and main injection time retarded, NOx emission, ultraparticulate concentration decrease, but THC emission and BSFC increase. The effect of main injection time on ultraparticulate concentration is not so significant. Considering both emission and BSFC, at a load of 25%, a 26% of EGR and a main injection time of 7.7° CA BTDC are chosen. At a load of 50%, a 18% of EGR and a main injection time of 6.3° CA BTDC are chosen.

    • Effect of Tube Arrangement on Performance of Rectangular Finned Elliptical Tube Bundles

      2016, 44(2):298-302. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.020

      Abstract (1658) HTML (40) PDF 681.37 K (1014) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A standard kε model was used to analyze the performance of staggered row and staggered column arrangements with different tube pitches. The results show that staggered column structure is superior to staggered row arrangement in performance. As transverse tube pitch has a large impact on staggered row arrangement, staggered column structure is not sensitive to tube pitches. Staggered row arrangement is more sensitive to Reynolds number than staggered column arrangement. Based on the analysis of temperature field and flow field, it is found that the flow field of staggered row structure is similar to that of staggered round tube bundles. Besides, staggered column structure enhances heat transfer through fins as well as tubes. The big air side pressure loss of this structure is mainly caused by the large inlet loss.

    • Preparation and Performance of Lanthanum Manganate Perovskite Desulfurizer

      2016, 44(2):303-308. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.021

      Abstract (2063) HTML (45) PDF 807.49 K (891) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Perovskite lanthanum manganate hightemperature desulfurizer was prepared using lanthanum nitrate, manganese nitrate, and zeolite as the support via citric acid method. The fabrication, phase, and microstructure of asprepared adsorbents were characterized by the nitrogen adsorption/desorption, Xray diffraction, and scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive Xray spectrum techniques, respectively. The desulphurization mechanism was investigated based on the characterization results. The effects of reaction temperature, space velocity, inlet hydrogen sulfide content, and the support on desulphurization performance were studied. The results show that the desulfurizer has a high breakthrough sulfur capacity and exhibits a high degree of purification in the temperature range of 500 to 700 ℃, and the optimal reaction temperature is 600 ℃. As the space velocity and inlet hydrogen sulfide content increase, the breakthrough sulfur capacity and breakthrough time decrease. Compared to aluminium oxide and nanosilica, zeolite supported perovskite lanthanum manganate desulfurizer has a larger breakthrough sulfur capacity and a higher desulfurization precision.

    • >经济与管理科学
    • Evaluation of the Risk of Outsourcing Failure Modes Using Interval 2Tuple Linguistic FMEA Model

      2016, 44(2):309-316. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.022

      Abstract (2015) HTML (88) PDF 1.12 M (1082) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is an important quality management and reliability assessment tool. However, the conventional model has some weaknesses when applied in actual situations. In this paper, a new risk priority model using interval 2tuple hybrid weighted distance (ITHWD) measure was proposed to improve the performance of the traditional FMEA. It is shown that the improved model has not only considered the subjective and objective weights of risk factors, but also avoided information distortion and loss. Besides, a case study of tool management was provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

    • Analysis of Virtual Supply Chain Platform Enterprise Quality Constitution

      2016, 44(2):317-323. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2016.02.023

      Abstract (1832) HTML (72) PDF 906.39 K (1022) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is inevitable that the virtual supply chain confronts the problem of quality control if it wants to win the competition in the market. The overall presence of platform quality is influenced by the quality of enterprises. Therefore, the research on the platform quality control should be focused on the constitution of the quality of enterprises. Based on the reputation model, an imperfect information static game model was established to analyze the optimal strategy. It is concluded that when the game is carried out twice or more, the platform presents high quantity only if the high quality enterprise quantity ratio is greater than a certain a value. It cannot influence the equilibrium solution path if the prior probability changes with the game result. The ratio can be used as the reference of the selection of platform enterprise.

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