• Issue 5,2023 Table of Contents
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    • >特约专题:创新生态
    • Platform Empowerment Model Construction and Simulation of Embedded Innovation Ecosystem

      2023, 51(5):643-651. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.23052

      Abstract (272) HTML (1057) PDF 930.10 K (574) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the platform empowerment characteristics of embedded innovation ecosystem, this study constructs the platform empowerment model between core enterprises and cooperative member enterprises according to the law of entropy increase and dissipative structure theory in physics, and conducts simulation analysis. This research figures out the basic features and uniqueness of platform empowerment in the embedded innovation ecosystem as well as reveals the intrinsic effect, it is helpful to enrich relevant research and provide reference for enterprise innovation performance improvement and platform empowerment strategy.

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    • Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model-based Research on System of Ethical Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence

      2023, 51(5):652-659. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.23054

      Abstract (202) HTML (734) PDF 1.78 M (447) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA )model, an analysis was made of the content of the global artificial intelligence ethical guidelines system.Six major trends of the worldwide consensus on artificial intelligence governance were summarized by comparing the stage differences of keywords and aggregating the core themes of the guidelines. Results indicate that practice orientation becomes the core consensus. However, the implement of the artificial intelligence ethical guidelines faces the dilemmas such as limited operability, heterogeneous considerations, ethical whitewashing, and difficult legal translation. Fianally, a discussion was made on the details to bridge the practical gap.

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    • Evolutionary Game of Investment in Electric Vehicle Power Battery Blockchain Technology

      2023, 51(5):660-666. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.23086

      Abstract (159) HTML (1049) PDF 952.99 K (414) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to promote automobile manufacturers to actively invest in blockchain technology, based on evolutionary game theory, a three-party evolutionary game model of battery manufacturers, vehicle manufacturers, and the government is created to explore the investment behavior of automobile manufacturers in blockchain technology with participation from the government, analyze the behavioral choice, and determine the evolutionary equilibrium state among the three types of participants. And simulate the influence of the characteristic parameters of blockchain technology and government participation behaviour on the system steady state. The study shows that the additional benefits brought by blockchain technology, and the indirect rate of return provided by the government all contribute to the quicker convergence of the blockchain technology investment system to the ideal equilibrium, while the fluctuations in the incentives for technology introduction have less impact on this rate. The study's findings might offer some theoretical direction for facilitating the adoption of blockchain technology in the power battery recycling sector.

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    • Firm Patent Portfolio Quality Evaluation Based on Combinatorial Weighting Method

      2023, 51(5):667-673. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.23053

      Abstract (166) HTML (1005) PDF 762.85 K (436) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A model constructed by combining the triangular fuzzy number, multi-objective optimization method, and two-stage optimization method is proposed to evaluate firm patent portfolio quality. First, the evaluation index of firm patent portfolio quality is determined from five aspects: scale, innovation, stability, economy, and strategy. Second, the triangle fuzzy number and multi-objective optimization method are used to determine the subjective weight of the index, and two-stage optimization method is used to determine the index weight objectively. Then the comprehensive weight of the evaluation index is determined. Moreover, the patent portfolio quality of firms is ranked according to the index value and index weight. The proposed model is applied to the patent portfolio evaluation of power battery firms. The results show that the model integrates expert decision-making information and objective data, and the firm’s patent portfolio can be effectively evaluated.

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    • Quality Evaluation of Scientific Research Based on Relative Benchmarking

      2023, 51(5):674-681. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.23056

      Abstract (175) HTML (888) PDF 884.31 K (319) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The selection and learning of suitable relative scientific research benchmarking is beneficial for research institutions to compensate for the negative effects caused by the current quantitative scientific research evaluation. This research takes a page from benchmarking, quality evaluation, and data envelopment analysis method and constructs a relatively benchmark-based scientific research quality evaluation system from the perspective of efficiency and quality, which includes evaluation objectives, criteria, ideas, and methods. This research takes 31 typical 985 universities in mainland China as the target, and diagnoses and analyzes the scientific research quality problems of a university on the base of the evaluation of research efficiency. In addition, the paper selects relative scientific research benchmarks for learning, and gives suggestions for improving scientific research quality. This study found that: learning relative benchmarking is helpful to overcome the limitations of traditional benchmarking management; the research quality evaluation method based on relative benchmarking provides useful insights for universities to effectively identify and improve research quality issues.

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    • Data Envelopment Analysis-based Innovation Performance Evaluation of Knowledge Economy Circle Around Universities

      2023, 51(5):682-686. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.23066

      Abstract (143) HTML (771) PDF 487.97 K (461) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method, an index system model is proposed to evaluate the innovation performance of the knowledge economy circle around universities. This paper analyzes the innovation development situation and evolution characteristics of the Knowledge Economy Circle Around Tongji University(Hereinafter referred to as "Around Tongji") to construct the innovation performance input-output framework. Taking the historical data of "Around Tongji" as the empirical object, this paper evaluates its innovation performance, and finds that the overall resource allocation of "Around Tongji" is relatively reasonable, and the scale benefit is expanding year by year; The effective use of policy support and university innovation elements has obviously promoted the expansion of innovation system scale; The transformation benefits of the innovative achievements of the "Around Tongji" need improving. Therefore,suggestions are put forward to improve the innovation performance and promote collaborative innovation in the knowledge economy circle around universities.

    • >土木工程与建筑学
    • Comparative Study on Applicability of Combined Extremum Methods for Extrapolating Bridge Vehicle Load Effect

      2023, 51(5):687-695. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.21545

      Abstract (246) HTML (101) PDF 1.77 M (362) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of long-span bridges include the overall effect of long loading length and the local effect of short loading length. Their extreme value may be affected by multiple traffic loading events. Two combined methods should be used for extreme value prediction on the mixed traffic flow. The combined method can solve the problem that the traditional extreme value theory is not suitable for samples with different bottom distributions. To further clarify the application range of the two combined extreme value methods in various traffic flow scenarios, combined with the simulated traffic flow under different traffic conditions, as well as the effects on a long-span suspension bridge, based on the analysis of the assumptions and algorithms of the two methods, the effect extreme value prediction results at different loading lengths are calculated, and the influencing factors and applicable scope are discussed. The results indicate that the combined generalized extreme value method is more sensitive to the sample size change and the bottom distribution fitting. When the samples are insuffcient, the combined generalized Pareto distribution method is enjoyable. However, when the samples are sufficient, the combined generalized extreme value method tends to be easier for calculation. The distribution fitting curve of each event in the long loading length effect extreme value presumption doesn’t have a cross area on the condition of sufficient samples, and the extrapolation extreme value in the multi-event mixed situation is directly determined by the controlling event (peak status).

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    • Early-age Shrinkage Experiment of Micro-expansive-concrete and Numerical Analysis

      2023, 51(5):696-705. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.21526

      Abstract (243) HTML (106) PDF 2.89 M (577) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By establishing the mechanism parameter models of the early shrinkage of cement mortar and expansion effect of agent, the mesoscopic simulation analysis of micro-expansive concrete early expansion behavior was completed with mesoscopic modelling method. With parameter modification based on the measuring results of material test, the simulation accuracy was verified and the influence of material mesoscopic variability and aggregate particle types on the distribution of material shrinkage strain was discussed. The investigation results show that the mesoscopic shrinkage model of micro-expansive concrete can describe the rule of material strain time-depending distribution accurately and conveniently. The influence of aggregate random distribution on the material internal shrinkage strain distribution is remarkable. The peak tensile stress appears on in the angular position of slender aggregates and the cement mortar narrow gay between particles, and in the specified micro-expansive concrete material, the effect of expansion agent can reduce the tensile stress to about 20% of the normal concrete material, which can alleviate the potential risk of micro-scale shrinkage cracking damage and ensure the stress reserve in material for engineering structural applications. According to the discussion, it is necessary to control and optimize the aggregate types and shapes based on the detailed requirement on structural performance, and the low and uniformed initial shrinkage stress distribution in material can be realize.

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    • Mechanical Properties of Textile Reinforced Concrete Composite Materials

      2023, 51(5):706-717. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.21541

      Abstract (220) HTML (105) PDF 4.64 M (676) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Textile reinforced concrete (TRC) is a new type of composite material with fiber woven grid as the reinforcing material and polymer mortar as the matrix. Its mechanical properties are obviously affected by the different number of strands and layers of the fiber grids. In order to study the mechanical properties of this new composite material and the bond-slip performance between TRC and the reinforced concrete, tensile tests of fiber mesh and TRC with different strands and layers were carried out, and also TRC-concrete interface bond-slip test with different reinforcement layers. The tensile constitutive model of fiber mesh and TRC that varies with the number of layers and strands, the TRC-concrete interface bond-slip constitutive model is established, which provides the theoretical basis for subsequent research and engineering applications.

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    • Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties and Activation-recovery Performance of Fe-based Shape Memory Alloys

      2023, 51(5):718-727. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.21576

      Abstract (397) HTML (764) PDF 2.50 M (540) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An experimental study on the mechanical properties and activation-recovery performance of hot-rolled and cold-rolled Fe-based shape memory aloys (Fe-SMA) plate was carried out and presented herein. The basic mechanical parameters and recovery stress level under different activation conditions were obtained. The results indicate that the developed Fe-SMA exhibits strong strength and excellent ductility. The average elastic modulus of hot-rolled Fe-SMA plate is 182GPa, and its tensile strength is 1136MPa, while its total elongation is 45.0%. The elasticity modulus of cold-rolled Fe-SMA plate is basically equal with that of hot-rolled plate, but its tensile strength and total elongation are relatively low. The recovery stress level of Fe-SMA obtained under different combinations of pre-tension strain and activation temperature is 165MPa~366MPa, which can meet the requirements of engineering application for crack repair of steel plates and capacity improvement of beam structures. The shape memory performance of cold-rolled Fe-SMA plate deteriorates during cold rolling process, and the cumulative effect during repeated heating activation is reduced. Compared with cold-rolled Fe-SMA, hot-rolled Fe-SMA is more suitable for structural reinforcement applications that require multiple activations to compensate for prestress loss. On the comprehensive level, the basic material properties and activation-recoverystress of Fe-SMA studied in this paper can keep pace with international product levels of Fe-SMA. However, the Fe-SMA studied in this paper is more suitable for the rehabilitation application of engineering structures due to its low cost in comparison to the international products.

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    • Effects of Double Groins on Motion Characteristics of Density Current in Estuarine Navigation Channel

      2023, 51(5):728-737. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.22376

      Abstract (159) HTML (83) PDF 2.04 M (338) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In estuaries, the density current driven by the density gradient is one of the most important factors affecting sediment transport in the channel. As the common buildings in the channel regulation, the groin group can alleviate the siltation and improve the navigation capacity. In order to explore the influence of double groins on the motion characteristics of density current, the particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure the flow fields and turbulence characteristics of the lock-exchange density current in the stable stage under different narrowing coefficients. The unit flowrate and total flowrate of the density current at the two groin sections were compared. The results show that the double groins change the flow field in the channel. After passing through the narrowed sections, the density current diffuses laterally to the rear area of the second groin, resulting in the increase of velocity and the decrease of height. The unit flowrate of the density current in both sections of the two groins is approximately the same, which is independent of the narrowing coefficient. The total flowrate of the density current in the narrowed section is proportional to the width of this section. In practical engineering, the appropriate lengths of the groins can control the total amount of density current intruding channel.

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    • A New Semi-explicit Model-based Integration Algorithm with High Accuracy

      2023, 51(5):738-746. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.21547

      Abstract (210) HTML (57) PDF 1.45 M (391) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new model-based integration algorithm with high accuracy is proposed. The proposed algorithm adopts the formulations of velocity and displacement of the semi-explicit Chang algorithm but uses different integration parameters. The integration parameters of the new algorithm are derived by using the zero-pole matching in discrete control theory and second-order Pade approximation. The numerical properties including accuracy, stability, period elongation and amplitude decay are analyzed. Compared with the Newmark family algorithms and two typical model-based integration algorithms, the proposed algorithm is fourth-order accurate and possess extremely small period error. Finally, the high accuracy of the algorithm is demonstrated by three numerical examples.

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    • >交通运输工程
    • Methodology of Identifying Causes of Abnormal Map Matching

      2023, 51(5):747-753. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.22040

      Abstract (177) HTML (76) PDF 2.03 M (372) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abnormal map matching refers to that partial vehicle trajectory is matched to a road segment incorrectly, typically caused by physical occlusion, road missing, and complex road configuration. This study proposes adata-driven methodology of identifying the causes ofabnormal map matching, which supports fast identification and classification of abnormal matching results. First, we summarize the statistical features of abnormal matching results with different causes and present criteria for representation. Second, we propose a segmentation algorithm to distinguish the abnormal results from the trajectory. Third, a classification algorithm is developed based on the random forest model. Finally, the proposed methodology is validated based on the real-world data of urban taxi operations in Shanghai. The case study reveals that the algorithms are effective in identifying the abnormal matching results caused by physical occlusion, local road missing, and complex road configuration, with a precision of 93.5%. In addition, the experiments show the high spatial suitability of the proposed methodology.

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    • An Optimization Method for Loading/Unloading Sequence and Truck Dynamic Scheduling Based on Dual-cycling Model in Container Terminal

      2023, 51(5):754-762. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.22042

      Abstract (147) HTML (92) PDF 1.68 M (540) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the dual cycling operation of container terminal, the decision-making of quay crane loading and unloading sequence and the collaborative optimization of truck scheduling are the key to dual cycling, which is a NP hard problem. Considering the close relationship between container truck and quay crane operation, the impact of container relocation and the space restraint such as hatch cover, a joint optimization mathematical model of quay crane loading and unloading sequence and truck scheduling was established, which aimed at minimizing the number of empty driving of quay crane and the number of container relocation in yard, minimizing the maximum completion time of the ship and minimizing the waiting time of container trucks. IGA-INSGA-II decision-making algorithm was designed and the improved genetic algorithm (IGA) was used to solve the container loading and unloading sequence at the ship bay; Based on the optimization scheme of loading and unloading sequence, the non-dominated sorting multi-objective genetic algorithm (INSGA-II) was improved, truck dispatching strategy with priority to earliest quay crane operational time was proposed, and the segmented coding and decoding method was designed to solve the truck dispatching problem. The algorithm was compared with intelligent algorithms to verify the effectiveness of the model and algorithm.

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    • >机械、车辆与能源工程
    • Energy Saving Delay Window Opportunity Maintenance Strategy of Production System Based on Energy Efficiency

      2023, 51(5):763-774. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.22069

      Abstract (92) HTML (73) PDF 1.29 M (314) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Combined with the effective output of the system and the energy consumption, the energy efficiency indicator (EEI) was put forward. Taking the multi-machine series system as the research object, the machines’ degradation was subjected to the Tweedie exponential-dispersion process. By considering the output loss in production, and using the opportunity maintenance strategy based on the energy-saving delay time window, the decision point of the earliest optimal maintenance moment changed to the decision point of the maintenance combination window. Opportunity maintenance models were built with the goal of minimizing the energy efficiency (EE) of the system during the planning period. Finally, an example analysis was carried out by MonteCarlo simulation experiment. Results showed that the opportunity maintenance model was feasible in reducing the total energy consumption and increasing the effective output of the system.

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    • Integrated Optimization of Material Delivery and Container Pickup Problem Considering Transfer Strategy

      2023, 51(5):775-784. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.22018

      Abstract (191) HTML (63) PDF 1.37 M (364) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An integrated material delivery and container pickup decision-making model considering transfer strategy and corresponding algorithm were constructed to reduce the material supply cost of aircraft moving assembly line.The decision of transfer task and line-side storage was introduced on the basis of delivery and recycle task scheduling. A mathematical model was established to minimize the travel cost, and a two-level iterative algorithm based on chaotic differential evolution algorithm was designed. The upper layer of the algorithm searches the batches and makes decisions on the delivery time and storage location of the jobs through heuristic algorithms comprehensively by taking the delivery capability and line-side space constraints into consideration.Combined with the line-side cycle mode of the transfer vehicle, repairing algorithms were designed to re-optimize the scheduling and storage scheme of materials. The lower layer of the algorithm searches for batches of container that cannot be loaded immediately, and decodes them using the transfer scheduling algorithm. Numerical experiments verify the effectiveness of the model and algorithm.

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    • Perception Limitation of LiDAR Sensor in Autonomous Vehicles Under Rainfall Condition

      2023, 51(5):785-793. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.21595

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      Abstract:A study was made of the performance limitations of LiDAR under rainfall conditions. Based on the artificial rainfall facility in a proving ground, we collected point cloud data from a mechanical rotating LiDAR and a hybrid solid-state LiDAR separately. By constructing a metrics set including five objective indicators, the degree of influences of rainfall conditions on two kinds of LiDAR were compared and analyzed. The test results show that the point cloud number decreases, the reflectivity is weakened, but the information entropy of reflectivity increases.The signal-to-noise ratio reduces. The fogging phenomenon of rainfall significantly deteriorates the performance of the LiDAR. Within 20~40m, a 91.49% reduction of the average point cloud number and a 96.77% reduction of the average reflectivity of the mechanical rotating LiDAR are found. In comparison, the hybrid solid-state LiDAR with a longer wavelength and non-repetitive scanning has better penetrability under rainfall, resulting in a relatively stable number of point clouds. However, the point cloud of the hybrid solid-state LiDAR will contain more raindrop echoes with lower reflectivity, so a more effective noise filtering algorithm is necessary for application.

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    • Preparation and Properties of Superhydrophobic Composite Coating on Condensing Heat Transfer Surface

      2023, 51(5):794-804. DOI: 10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.21428

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      Abstract:The work aims to the problems of high cost, low thermal conductivity and weak comprehensive performance of superhydrophobic surfaces that promote drop condensation heat transfer at present, using polyfluoroalkoxy, functionalized graphene (c) and fumed silica as raw materials, a high thermal conductivity and superhydrophobic composite coating for condensation heat transfer surface was prepared on stainless steel substrate by blending method.The corrosion resistance, thermal conductivity, strength and steam condensation heat transfer performance were tested and analyzed.The results show that the acid corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity of the coating are stronger than those of 304 stainless steel.When it contains 3% of C, the thermal conductivity is 18.188W(m·K),the corrosion rate was 0.201 mg/cm2·h at a constant temperature of 30 ℃ with 20% sulfuric acid concentration, and the bonding strength to the substrate is 38MPa.SEM analysis shows that the hydrophobicity of the coating is related to the content of fumed silica, and the contact angle reaches 155° when the mass fraction is 10%.Condensation experiment demonstrates that the heat transfer coefficient of atmospheric steam reaches 120kW/(m2·K) ,nearly 10 times larger than the surface of stainless steel,when the coating surface is condensed,and clarify the reason why the dropwise condensation is not lasting.

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