Abstract:It is investigated whether random simulated wind field can reflect the random characteristics of the given wind environment on the basis of wind field simulation algorithm of random Fourier spectrum. This investigation is based on a comparative study of the mean spectrum and the standard spectrum of the random Fourier amplitude spectrum and the random coherence function between the simulated wind field and the objective wind field. A case study shows that the proposed random wind field simulation algorithm can reflect accurately the random characteristics of the given wind field.
ZHANG Wei , WEI Zhigang , YANG Yongxin , GE Yaojun
SHI Weixing , LI Zhengang , LI Suzhen , DING Mei
Abstract:An analytic study of stress and displacement during dynamic construction is conducted on the immerged underground tunnel. The coupling influence of viscous aging and construction on the displacement is considered during derivation. Rock mass is simulated to Maxwell viscoelastic model, and basic equations of this problem are presented then. Analytic displacement solution of infinite homogeneous plane with one circular tunnel under uniform ground stress is derived by solving basic equations directly. Solutions of stresses are obtained by correspondence principle method. Stress and displacement solutions available for the analysis of circular tunnel with radius random time varying. Then viscoelastic solution is obtained for the time after construction with radius linear and non-linear time-varying, For different construction path with the same ultimate shape, influence of construction speed and acceleration is analyzed quantitatively, and the phenomenon of time-radius correlation is also studied.
LING Jianming , HAO Hangcheng , LV Lixuan
Abstract:Element model of pavement performance extension assessment is established on the basis of extenics theory. Based on extension set theory and dependent function, correlative degree of assessment of pavement performance can be accurately calculated with this model;and the state of pavement performance can be estimated, which provides a scientific and credible guide line to road maintenance.
Abstract:针对我国现有道路交通条件下典型的信号控制交叉口,对不同车道宽度、转弯半径的右转车道的饱和车头时距进行现场测定.在确定和排除了数据中的异常值后进行数据分布分析,结果表明右转车道饱和车头时距服从对数正态分布或正态分布.考虑右转车道宽度、转弯半径的影响,给出了右转车道饱和流量的回归计算模型.比较结果表明,所给计算模型比美国HCM2000(Hghway Capacity Manual 2000)更符合国内的实际情况.
YAO Hongyun , SUN Lijun , FENG Xiao
Abstract:No-Wardrop-equilibrium theory is introduced into this paper. An analysis is made of the road-net systemic welfare when the fixed user and elastic user are coexisting in congestion-pricing. Result shows that the elastic user is an efficient colony on an inferior position while the fixed user is an inefficient one but on a preponderant position. The paper illustrates the negative effect of enterprisevehicle on implementing congestion pricing strategy with a theoretic analysis and an example, controlling of the numbers of enterprise-vehicle or changing enterprise-vehicle choice rule on the basis Of the Wardrop-equilibrium theory will be helpful to the road-net systemic welfare.
Abstract:Based on numerous research works on road traffic safety, the difference between the designed speed and the operating speed and the operating speed difference between successive road segments were chosen as the evaluation indexes. Some tests were carried out to obtain the best adaptation of the fuzzy judgment to the expected accident late to define the shape of the membership functions. Consequently, a fuzzy model for road traffic safety evaluation is established. Moreover, a more careful evaluation is obtained on the basis of fuzzy model classification. Finally, the evaluation process is illustrated by a case study.
Abstract:This paper presents a description of the two completely contrary evaluation conclusions from two intercity train scheduling evaluation models based on the fuzzy mathematics, and an analysis of the fundamental reason causing these conflicting conclusions after comparing the differences between the two models. Finally, a proposal is put forward on how to apply these two models in a reasonable way.
HUANG Meirong , WANG Haiyan , LI Xingui
Abstract:比较了不同种类金离子吸附剂的吸附能力以及应用范围,特别是新近出现的含有大量胺基和亚胺基的芳香聚合物的优良吸附能力.作为芳香胺聚合物吸附剂的杰出代表,聚1,8-萘二胺对于金离子的吸附容量高达2 874mg·g-1,远高于性能较好的活性炭纤维的吸附容量,而且可以直接将金离子还原为单质金,有可能成为新型的金溶液电解后处理工序.
GUO Fangfang , LIN Cong , XU Zheng , SUN Danfeng
Abstract:This paper presents a study of the precipitation and coprecipitation of the B species ions which can be only complexed with hydroxyl by a numerical stimulation method based on the mechanism of balance on multi-ions reaction. The coprecipitation of A and B species ions is also investigated. The dependences of coprecipitation rate, side reaction rate and pH value on the ammonia contents are exhibited and discussed.
Abstract:由一系列不同细度的辅助胶凝材料、纯硅酸盐水泥按4:6(质量比)组成各种复合胶凝体系试样,以各试样的早期水化结合水指标作为化学活性匹配参数,各试样实测堆积密度与计算堆积密度之比作为颗粒群堆积密实程度参数,将各试样28 d胶砂活性分别与化学活性匹配参数、颗粒群匹配密实程度参数进行灰色关联分析.结果表明:复合体系颗粒群的化学活性匹配以及颗粒群堆积密实程度与28 d胶砂活性的关联度较为相近,在0.65~0.75之间,说明它们对复合体系的活性影响程度相近;化学活性匹配和颗粒群堆积密实程度对强度影响的权值也较为相近,
ZHOU Qicai , CHEN Junru , HE Ziqiang , ZHANG Heng
Abstract:Based on the theoretical deduction of jack thrust, the historical data are analyzed and the relationship between geological condition and the thrust of jack is derived. In real-time control, the controller sets the value of the jack thrust based on the prediction of Radar. According to fuzzy control theory, the deviation thrust of jack is obtained on the basis of the automatic measuring system. With prediction thrust and deviation thrust, the controller controls the shield machine successfully.
HU Zhengfei , YANG Zhenguo , HE Guoqiu , CHEN Chengshu
Abstract:高温持久强度试验和微观结构分析显示,某热电厂材质为F12(X20CrMoV12.1)主蒸汽管道经1.65×105 h运行后,材料的力学性能和组织结构产生明显的退化或损伤.尽管没有发现蠕变空洞或裂纹等动态缺陷,但微观结构表现出明显的脆化倾向和蠕变损伤特征,弯管部分尤为显著.服役材料的持久强度试验结果和主蒸汽管线运行状态下的有限元方法应力计算分析表明,该主蒸汽管道的再设计许用应力值已不能满足继续安全运行1×105 h的基本条件.最后对其剩余使用寿命做出评价.
Abstract:This paper presents an introduction of the methods of natural ventilation potential analysis of office building. Analyses were made of the natural ventilation potential of office buildings in some cities of China and the influence factors on the natural ventilation potential. Finally, the paper provides the results of the effectiveness of natural ventilation, average ventilation rates and standard deviation of the office buildings in these cities.
CAO Zhengcai , WU Qidi , QIAO Fei , WANG Zuntong
Abstract:Scheduling for semiconductor wafer fabrication is an important problem in actual production of manufacturing system, it is also one of the difficult problems of theory research. Genetic algorithm is a major object of computational intelligence study. So, the study on genetic algorithm-based semiconductor wafer fabrication scheduling has been paid much attention in the past few years due to its research value and significance in numerous applications. The application of genetic algorithm in semiconductor wafer fabrication scheduling is reviewed. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on the issues such as encoding, operation, parameter choice, improvement and real application. Some problems worthy of further study and the probable developing trends in the field are also presented.
SHI Rong , XU Huiping , Chen Huagen
Abstract:介绍"Jupiter"GPS接收机与计算机的异步串行传输技术,以及WGS-84坐标与北京54坐标之间的转换方法.采用MapX5.0控件内嵌可视化编程语言VC 进行开发,实现GPS信号的采集、存储和显示,并建立基于GIS的定位系统,实现数据的实时显示、记录回放、点击定位等多种功能.该GPS接收机软件不但可用于"Jupiter"GPS接收器,还可通过串口配置,适用于任意遵循NMEA-0183协议的接收机,通用性和扩展性强.
Abstract:This paper presents some improvements on the convergent criterion and activation function of the traditional BP neural network algorithm, and also the measures to prevent vibration, accelerate convergence and avoid falling into local minimum. The result of applying the improved network to deformation monitoring data processing indicates that the improved one is better than the traditional one in the aspect of precision.
Abstract:利用单位球上的Green形式将单位球上的问题转化到了单位球面上,利用单位球上的H2 Hardy空间定义出一个算子.在证明这样的算子有界的情况下,利用Hahn-Banach定理及Reize表示找到了(-6)方程的解,并且给出了此解的范数估计.
JIANG Zhongliang , ZONG Jie , WU Yao , Duan Hui
Abstract:对新型的液晶材料5-正丙基-2-(3,5-二氟苯基)嘧啶的合成路线进行了改进.从3,5-二氟苯甲腈出发,通过加成、取代、环合等反应得到5-正丙基-2-(3,5-氟苯基)嘧啶,总收率为51.6%.其中通过正戊醛,利用Vilsmeier 试剂,以81.8%的收率实现了中间体2-正丙基-3-二甲氨基丙稀醛的合成.
GENG Zhengsong , LU Shaojun , XIE Jianjun , LIAO Jingying
Abstract:报道了用改进的布里奇曼(Bridgmam)法生长的大尺寸PbWO4:Y晶体光谱性能均匀性的研究.通过对依次切自大尺寸PbWO4:Y毛坯晶体的籽晶端、中间部位和顶端三块晶体(24 mm×24 mm×24 mm)的透射光谱、X-ray激发发射光谱、发光衰减寿命、光产额和辐照损伤等方面的光谱性能测试,表明了Y掺杂能显著改善PbWO4晶体的光谱性能,使晶体在短波330~420 nm范围的透过率明显提高,抗辐照能力增强.
YANG Guobiao , ZENG Weiming , ZHU Qirong , WU Kui
Abstract:This paper presents a study of oriented carrier-wave in photo-elasticity mechanics and the distributing of luminous intensity. At the same time the distributing rule of stripe of oriented carrierwave of photo-elasticity has also been analyzed, presenting a new method of photo-elasticity with oriented carrier-wave for testing direction of principal stress. According to this method, an apparatus of oriented carrier-wave of photo-elasticity was designed and fabricated and, then put into traditional photo-elastic equipment, so the stress trajectories map was obtained including the direction of principal stress, The number of photo-elastic stress patters and stress trajectories was obtained with image processing methods and the precision of photo-elasticity method was improved a lot,paving a way for the application of optical engineering in the photo-elasticity mechanics field.
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