• Volume 36,Issue 11,2008 Table of Contents
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    • Seismic Performance of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Column of East Sea Bridge

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (555) HTML (3) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The fiber element analytical method for bonded and unbonded prestressing column under cyclic loading is proposed and verified,and then the fiber element model for the pier of East Sea Bridge is built.Study of quasistatic behavior shows that the bonded prestressing high-strength steel bars have obvious effect on the stiffness of the type of pier,and little effect on strength,and there is dramatic residual displacement of the pier of East Sea Bridge.To mitigate the residual displacement of the pier, different configurations of prestressing strands are considered.The hollow rectangular piers with the unbonded prestressing strands at the center of the cross section can satisfy the demands of serviceability limited state and have the most superior seismic performance.Further research should be focused on the prestressing ratio and the prestressing area of this kind of pier.

    • Lateral Load Pattern Study of Pushover Analysis for Elevated Pile Foundation System of Bridges

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (658) HTML (62) PDF 0.00 Byte (9) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Common lateral load patterns are introduced and the cap mass is changed in an attempt to study the equivalent fixing model of elevated pile foundation system.A comparison between pushover curves of these load patterns and results of nonlinear time history analysis is made.The result shows that,when cap mass is relatively large,cap inertial force is underestimated by using the above load patterns and through time history analysis,discrepancy of seismic capacity system against different earthquake waves is distinct,while capacity curves of the above patterns can't tell the difference.Given the cap inertial force of elevated pile foundation system is relatively great,double forces pattern is developed based on top single force pattern.At last,with the elevated pile foundation model of a floating type cable-stayed bridge,pushover analysis with common patterns and new pattern on longitudinal direction is made,then compared with nonlinear time history analysis.The result shows the new pattern works well.

    • Study on Pore Structure Evolution of High Performance Concrete with Elevated Temperatures

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (989) HTML (10) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Solar Radiation Affection on Concrete Box Girder Temperature Effect

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (721) HTML (37) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents a discussion on the characteristics of the solar radiation intensity and solar radiation absorption coefficient.An analysis is made of the thermal behavior of a simply supported concrete box girder with the finite element program.The paper also presents an analysis on the affection of solar radiation absorption coefficient on the variant range of mid-span deflection,axial deformation and max tensile strain of the box girder.The corresponding conclusions are obtained in the form of equivalent temperature difference.For different concrete surface properties,the solar radiation absorption coefficient varies between 0.4 and 0.8.The calculating result shows that the solar radiation absorption coefficient greatly influences the deformation of concrete box girder.Light color and set-shaped steel formwork are proposed to be used to reduce the temperature effect in practical project.

    • Wind-Induced Responses of a Stadium Canopy Roof Based on Non-Steady Wind Pressure

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (484) HTML (22) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wind-induced responses of a stadium canopy roof structure are computed on the basis of the results of rigid model wind tunnel test and the mode-superposition method(CQC method) is adopted in computation of the dynamic responses.The characteristics of the wind-induced responses for different wind directions(especially for the end of cantilevered roof windward/leeward) are investigated.Calculation results show that when the end of cantilevered roof is on the windward side,the largest peak responses occur;while the wind-induced responses are much smaller for the end of cantilevered roof on the leeward side.The background components generally make more contributions when the end of cantilevered roof is on the windward side,and gust response factors are smaller when the end of cantilevered roof is on the leeward side.

    • Acceleration of Vibration Source Induced by Subway Track

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (789) HTML (48) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The track vibration is treated as the source of the environmental vibration induced by underground train,and the vibration accelerations of track are theoretically calculated.Based on the theory of Winkler foundation beam,an analytical model of wheel-track-trackbed is established,and the track vibration accelerations caused by train weight are obtained.Wheel-rail dynamic contact forces are calculated according to Hertz contact theory.Green's function is utilized to model the track deformation caused by wheel-rail dynamic contact forces and rail irregularity,and the track vibration accelerations induced by the contact forces are calculated.By adding the two kinds of acceleration,the train-induced track vibration accelerations causing environmental vibration are obtained.For verification,comparison of measured and analytical accelerations is made.The analytical results show reasonable conformity with the measurements.

    • Approaches to Planning of Subway Station Transfer Facility In Urban Areas

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (734) HTML (10) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents a detailed analysis of the transit proportion,space distribution,attractable area of transit passenger on the basis of the subway station passenger's characteristic survey data in urban areas.Then it introduces the optimization planning method of bus line depending on the subway network and subway station,and provides the calculation method of transfer facility area such as bus stops,waiting corridor,loading area and so on.

    • Traffic System Performance Prediction Model Based on Microscopic Traffic Simulation and Short-Term Traffic Volume Prediction

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (587) HTML (12) PDF 0.00 Byte (10) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A prediction framework based on the short-term traffic volume prediction and application microscopic simulation model was developed for short-term prediction of traffic system performance.First,an application simulation model was developed,calibrated and validated based on the real traffic system condition and research objectives.Then,a combined prediction model based on the wavelet analysis and ARIMA model was used to predict the on-line traffic volume for the next time step.The output from the application simulation model was used as the prediction of the traffic system performance based on the input of predicted traffic volume.The case study shows that this prediction model can output good prediction of traffic system performance.

    • Study on Criteria for Subgrade Strength and Deformation of Airport Concrete Pavement

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (611) HTML (41) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:为了确定机场水泥混凝土道面土基的合理强度,运用美国联邦航空局(Federal Aviation Administration,FAA)基于弹性层状理论的道面设计方法(LEDFAA),对比分析了土基反应模量等道面结构参数对混凝土板厚的影响.为了确定土基的容许残余变形,分析了土基均匀沉降对道面使用性能的影响,以及通过有限元数值模拟方法分析了不均匀沉降对道面结构性能的影响.结果表明,土基强度对混凝土板厚度的影响较其他设计参数更为明显,反应模量宜控制在40~60 MN.m-3;土基的均匀沉降主要影响道面的标高和排

    • Uncertainty-Based Strategy of Inspection and Overhauling for Monolithic Track-Bed

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (719) HTML (38) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new theory based on uncertainty was introduced into the inspection and overhauling of monolithic track-bed.In order to minimize the expenses in remaining life,the theory is used to seek optimal interval for inspection and critical value for overhauling with recursion method. Finally,a model was established by using MATLAB and an example was computed to study the relationship between deterioration level and optimal interval.So the key problems of inspection and overhauling of monolithic track-bed were solved on arithmetic aspect.

    • Distribution,Accumulation and Development of Element P in Middle Shoal Plants of Jiuduansha Wetlands

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (971) HTML (3) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents a reach on the distribution,accumulation and development of P in all components of three kinds of wetland plants,scirpus mariqueter,spartina alterniflora and phragmites australis in the middle shoal of the Yangtse River.The results show that P contents are different in three kinds of plants,and their content order from high to low is as follows:scirpus mariqueter>phragmites australis>spartina alterniflora.P contents are different even in the same components.However,the three kinds of plants share a similar seasonal development trend of P content:P content decreases gradually with the growing of plants,and the loss of P is the greatest in the stalk,but the least in the root.P contents change slightly in the components of scirpus mariqueter,but change a lot in spartina alterniflora and phragmites australis.The change of P content in the plant is closely related with the variation of different element content in the soil and water,and in the early growing stage related little with P content of soil and water.The closest correlation appears at different time for these three different plants,which indicates the plants absorb element P at different optimum time.

    • Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Municipal Wastewater

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (801) HTML (46) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper introduces the existence and behavior of pharmaceuticals and personal care products(PPCPs).The way to improve the removal efficiency of PPCPs from urban wastewater is proposed by introducing and analyzing the biological treatment,advanced oxidation processes,ozonation,sludge digestion and membrane bioreactor etc.on the basis of foreign comprehensive study results.

    • Electrochemical Properties and Stability of Biofilm on Stainless Steel Surface

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (506) HTML (16) PDF 0.00 Byte (9) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents a study of the electrochemical property,open circuit potential(OCP),and its relationship with the biomass(measured with polysaccharide and phospholipids) of biofilms.Scanning electronic microscopy(SEM) was used to characterize the biofilm morphology.In addition,the biofilms were treated with UV rays.The results show that certain OCP value variation period is consistent with the biomass increasing on stainless steel surface,and OCP can be an available parameter for biofilm characterization.Biofilms are resistant to UV rays and can not be removed easily after formation.

    • Multiple Scattering of Thermal Waves From Subsurface Spheroids in Semi-infinite Structures

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (827) HTML (32) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on wave equation of non-Fourier's law of heat conduction,image method and the expansion method of wave functions,an investigation is made of the thermal wave scattering of subsurface spheroid in solid materials.This paper presents a general solution of scattered waves based on wave equations of heat conduction.An analysis is made of the effect of different physical parameters on the temperature distribution.The thermal waves are excited at surfaces of opaque materials by modulated optical beams.The circular spheroid is taken as a cavity under thermal insulation conditions.

    • A New Parking Control Method for Automatic Guided Vehicle

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (374) HTML (3) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new parking control method is proposed to guide the parking of auto-guided vehicle(AGV) which has two working patterns:normal pattern and parking pattern,and is used for tran-sporting containers in port.An optimal path from current place to ready-to-parking place is planned first;then FLC is used to guide AGV to follow the planned path;the control parameters within membership function are optimized by using genetic algorithm(GA) to reduce the tracking error between real running path and the planned path.Numerical results show that this method is feasible and effective.

    • Collaborative Production Planning and Scheduling System and Enabling Technologies

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (889) HTML (8) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on an analysis of new requirements and characteristics of production planning and scheduling(PPS) on networked manufacturing mode,a new collaborative PPS system model for dynamic alliance is proposed and the enabling technologies are delivered.To achieve the collaboration and optimization of PPS system,the information exchange of three-dimensional structure and collaborative mechanism based XML(eXtensible Markup Language) were firstly analyzed,and then coordination mechanism based on negotiation and strategies of conflict resolution were introduced.Finally,PPS rapid optimization algorithm was discussed.Based on the theory,a prototype system was designed and the enabling technologies were verified.The application shows that the system has a good scalability and adaptability to realize the autonomy and collaboration during the production process.

    • Rational Person Hypothesis Based on Economic Theory and Benefit Field

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (765) HTML (31) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An analysis is made of the meaning of rational person hypothesis based on economic theory.The human motivation has been classified from the viewpoint of psychology.It is pointed out that the rational person hypothesis applies to the people inspired by ordinary motivation rather than exceeding motivation.They aim at maximizing their benefits and minimizing their damages.To measure the benefit and damage,and give a regular description,the concept of benefit field and a new definition of rational person have been proposed based on field theory of mathematics and physics with the concept of space state in AI.It emphasizes that the game players in the benefit field should consider six important factors including situation changes,evaluation function and so on.The paper presents a typical case study of the second hand cars trade to illustrate the method of description and computation of six factors in the benefit field.

    • Application of Brand Niche Theory to Internet Brands Measurement

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (1079) HTML (43) PDF 0.00 Byte (8) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Brand position overlap is a common phenomenon in real business world.Based on the theory of ecology,a set of quantitative method was put forward to assess the status of brand position.In the first part of the paper,a brief introduction about the concept of niche as well as how to measure it was made.Then the paper presents a new concept of brand niche and indexes of it:brand niche breadth and brand overlap.With a review of the existing methods of niche,a formula of brand niche breadth was given based on a symmetrica method and brand niche overlap theory was used to describe the competition of brands in market environment.Finally,the method of measuring brand breadth was applied to five major Chinese internet portal brands,and the results show that the assessment approximates to reality.

    • "Jinchengli"Equity Linked Policy Model with Jump Diffusion

      2008, 36(11).

      Abstract (488) HTML (25) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the risk-neutral environment,a mathematical model is set up for one kind of equity-linked policy with jump diffusion.With the fundamental solution to the differential equation,the explicit formula for the equity-linked policy without jump diffusion is obtained.On the other hand,the boundary of jump diffusion is addressed with the character of fundamental solution.With the operator split iteration method,the numerical conclusion under the jump-diffusion situation is achieved.

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