• Volume 37,Issue 1,2009 Table of Contents
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    • >土木工程与建筑学
    • Cause Analysis for Shear Crack and Deflection of Long Span Concrete BoxGirder Bridge

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (822) HTML (33) PDF 0.00 Byte (62) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents an analysis of the cause for shear crack and deflection of long span prestressed concrete boxgirder bridge.A comparative study is conducted on the calculation results of a practical project based on 7 freedom space straight beam model considering section warping and space beam grid model. The paper also presents an analysis of the amplification coefficient of shear stresses,and a discussion about the influence on deflection by crack of bottom slab and shear lag effect.

    • ElasticPlastic Energy Dissipating Bearing for Seismic Design of Selfanchored Suspension Bridge with Single Tower

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (860) HTML (47) PDF 0.00 Byte (33) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new kind of elasticplastic energy dissipating bearing is applied to the seismic isolation design of the Nanjing Jia River Bridge, a typical selfanchored suspension bridge with single tower. Parameter sensitivity analysis are conducted for the bearing design through nonlinear dynamic timehistory analysis. The results show that compared with the responses of the floating type, the longitudinal displacement of main girder is reduced to 20% while the inner forces are almost as the same. The lateral seismic responses are also reduced to 15%~50% of the conventional lateralfixed system. It indicates that the elasticplastic energy dissipating bearing can be effectively applied to the seismic isolation design of selfanchored suspension bridge with singletower.

    • Effect of Strong Typhoon on Windinduced Performance of LongSpan Steel Truss Arched Bridge

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (1131) HTML (42) PDF 0.00 Byte (37) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the MonteCarlo typhoon simulation results of typhoon field characteristics and the wind parameters of normal climate field from wind loading Codes, both the typhoon and the normal climate field are simulated in the atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel by the passive turbulence generators. Taken as an example, wind resistant performance of Guangzhou Xinguang Bridge,a longspan arched bridge located in the south Mainland China, is compared under the above two climate modes based on the full aeroelastic model wind tunnel testing and the threedimensional numerical algorithm of static wind displacement and its stability with the help of static aerodynamic force coefficients of sectional model of the main girder and the arc rib in midspan. In the process of analysis, more emphases are focused on the effects of design wind speeds of return period, vertical profiles about average wind velocity and turbulence intensity on arc bridge windresistant performance.

    • Application of Hot Spot Stress Method to Fatigue Life Evaluation of Girth Butt Welds of Cast Steel Node

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (875) HTML (32) PDF 0.00 Byte (26) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents the life evaluating process of girth butt welds by hot spot stress method and the calculation methods of hot spot stress range. Hot spot stress range can be calculated by nominal stress range and stress concentrate factor (SCF) or by detailed finite element analysis.The detailed classification methods of S-N curve were explained and the detailed categories of girth butt welds S-N curve were displayed. The weld fatigue life can be evaluated according to hot spot stress range, S-N curve and Miner linear cumulative damage rule. Finally the cast steel nodes in the tour tower structure on the platform of Hangzhou Bay Bridge were introduced to illustrate the process of life prediction of girth butt welds under wave fatigue loading.

    • Study on PostBuckling of Constrained Bar

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (869) HTML (39) PDF 0.00 Byte (21) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The behavior of constrained bar between rigid walls can be divided into different states,such as point contact and line contact phases. The parts of the bar between arbitrary two neighboring contact points are regarded as objects to be analyzed.The buckling equilibrium equations of bilateral constrained bar in different phases are derived based on the assumption of small deformation, point contact and line contact model. The relationship between axial load and different phases can also be established on the basis of the equations. The critical load of phases transition is computed.Analytical results show that the mode transition occurs when the lengths of different segments of the bar equal. In contrast to unconstrained Euler buckling, there are rich bifurcation points in the process of constrained buckling.

    • Characteristics of Microstructure of Densely Compacted Gaomiaozi Bentonite

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (916) HTML (42) PDF 0.00 Byte (23) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The microstructure changes of Gaomiaozi bentonite in the process of hydration, which is deemed as the best buffer or backfilling material for deep disposal of high radioactive waste in China are analyzed under unconfined and confined conditions by using mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP)method and environmental scanning electronic microscopy(ESEM) techniques. Results show that confining conditions and suction greatly influence the changes of microstructure of bentonite. For high suction (3~309 MPa), water content slightly changes with controlling suction under both confined and unconfined conditions, while for low suction (lower than 3 MPa), especially when suction is lower than 1 MPa, there is a significant difference in the relationship between water content and controlling suction under different confining conditions. From the view point of microstructure, as hydration process continues, under unconfined conditions, most of the water enters interaggregates pores and the swelling of compacted specimen mainly comes from the swelling of the interaggregates pores (big pores), while under confined conditions, swelling pressure increases with hydration process, interaggregates pores (big pores) are compacted and quantities of smaller pores increase, resulting in unified pore size in the compacted specimen.

    • Influence of Solution Characteristics on Swelling and Hydraulic Performance of Geosynthetic Clay Liner

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (887) HTML (44) PDF 0.00 Byte (17) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The influence of solutions with different valence and concentration of cation and different hydrated ionic radiuses on swelling characteristics and hydraulic properties of geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) were explored using free swell tests and hydraulic conductivity tests. It is found that cation valence, concentration and hydrated ionic radius all have impacts on swelling and hydraulic performance of GCL. Test results indicate that the free swell of bentonite decreases,while hydraulic conductivity of GCL gradually increases with the increasing of cation valence and concentration; monovalent cation concentration has greater influence on GCL swell amount and hydraulic conductivity than that of the concentration of divalent or trivalent cations; the free swell amount of bentonite in monovalent cation solutions increases with the increasing of hydrated ionic radius, while hydraulic conductivity of GCL decreases with the hydrated ionic radius. Finally, the mechanical analyses on GCL swelling and hydraulic performance are made based on the related theory and experimental results.

    • >交通运输工程
    • Thermal Stresses of Asphalt Overlay on Cement Concrete Pavement (Ⅰ):Mechanistic Models

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (946) HTML (36) PDF 0.00 Byte (27) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents a comparative study of the applicability of solid model, plane model and bilayer beams on elastic foundation model which are employed to analyze the thermal stresses of asphalt overlay paved on cement concrete pavement slabs.Study results show that it is feasible to represent the structural deformation of asphalt overlay by means of superposition of deformations occurring in two sets of beams perpendicular to each other. Due to the discontinuity at the joints of cement concrete pavement slabs, the thermal stresses of asphalt overlay near the joints concentrate remankably,and are more difficult to converge than sectional inner forces (axial force, sectional moment).It is appropriate to describe the stress state of asphalt overlay with the sectional inner forces.By adjusting the coefficients of horizontal shear and uniaxial tensioncompression effects, the sectional inner forces of asphalt overlay obtained with bilayer beams model agrees well with that based upon plane model.

    • Analysis of Mechanical Performance of Cold Recycled Pavement with Foamed Asphalt

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (855) HTML (39) PDF 0.00 Byte (25) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on a comparative study and an anlysis of the mechanical performance of the foamed asphalt recycled mixture for different road structures with ANSYS finiteelement method, a conclusion is drawn that the stress and strain of the foamed asphalt recycled base are different under different road combinations at different curing periods. Results show that the thickness of the foamed asphalt recycled base should not be less than 15 cm;the foamed asphalt pavement is strengthening with time.Composite base (Flexible materials + Semirigid materials) can increase the carrying capacity of the road significantly. The conclusion of the paper contributes a great to the guiding structure design of foamed asphalt recycled pavement.

    • Analysis of Uplift Deformation and Loose Phenomena of Asphalt Layer

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (1006) HTML (42) PDF 0.00 Byte (22) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents an analysis of the voids and height transformation of samples employed in Loaded Wheel Tracker tests,and derived from the tests road by Accelerated Loaded Facility application and from asphalt pavement insite.The results validate that the uplift deformation and loose phenomena occur in asphalt pavement layers under vehicle loads and then the appearance mechanism and influence factors of loose phenomena of asphalt layers uplift place are explored.An analysis is made of the influence factors and development tendency of uplift coefficient, which is a ratio of uplift deformation to total rutting deformation of asphalt layers.The uplift coefficient value range is recommanded to be 0~0.52 on the basis of a contrastive analysis.Finally,the paper presents a proposal about the upper limit when the road section is narrow,and the lower limit when it is wide.

    • Path Analysis of Influential Elements of Collecting and Dispatching System for Container Port

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (1008) HTML (38) PDF 0.00 Byte (28) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A path analysis model of the influence factors is established in the collecting and dispatching system in the container ports.A case study is made of 10 major largescale container terminals in the world,and an analysis is made of the ways and extent of the factors’ impacts on the volume for different transportation modes.Results show that developing railway ports is a major way to release the pressure on road and the key to improve railway ports is to build special railway container loading and unloading stations for ports.The competition between railway and inland river is proposed to be avoided.Free port policy is recommanded for improving the volume of the feeder lines.

    • Bayesian Updating of Trip Generation Rate

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (1186) HTML (39) PDF 0.00 Byte (21) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper introduces a specific method to update shortterm trip generation rate applicable in Chinese cities on the basis of theoretical analysis of Bayesian statistical methodology and previous method of updating parameters related to transportation analysis.According to this method, the historic trip investigation data are assumed to be the prior information and prior distribution,a limited number of recent cases are taken as new sample, and the shortterm trip generation rate taken as posterior probability to be predited. If the number of historic and new samples are both more than 30,and their mean and standard deviation are assurned to be the unbiased estimator of the prior and sample variance,the expectancy of posterior distribution, viz. the shortterm trip generation rate,can be calculated using Bayesian statistical methodology.The feasibility of this method is exemplified and its deficiency and suitability are also pointed out.

    • Method of Handover Road Network Calibration Based on Mobile Phone Handover Location Technology

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (921) HTML (29) PDF 0.00 Byte (19) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents a review of the principle of road travel speed data collection based on mobile phone handover location technology and the road travel speed calculation and handover road network calibration method.Handover fluctuation seriously affects handover road network calibration and the cause is explained by wireless signal propagation.The calibration method is proved by searching the path with the biggest weight in directed graph. Finally, the applicability of this method is discussed about the handover sequence stability, handover coordinate precision, mobile phone sample number. The calibration method is of great applicability in the open and low density areas.

    • Comparison Investigation on Acting Force and Dynamic Behavior of Articulated Switch Sleeper in Turnout System

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (809) HTML (43) PDF 0.00 Byte (16) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The nonlinear characteristic of ballast’s support under sleeper and the special construction of articulated joints being considered, the acting force and vibration response of articulated and ordinary switch sleeper are simulated as the trains running through the turnout with a calculation model for global turnout based on finite element method(FEM).Results show that compared with the common one, the track with articulated switch sleepers has a lower rigidity which changes evenly along the railway’s longitudinal direction and improves its dynamic performance. Furthermore, the fatigue strength of articulated switch sleeper is higher with its lower stress amplitude. Additionally, when the vehicles running on the turnout main (or turnout branch),the switch sleepers’ vibration curves have changed, the articulated joints have weakened effectively the attack from switch sleeper’s end in the turnout branch (or turnout main) to ballast bed underneath whose service life will be prolonged greatly.

    • >环境科学与工程
    • Review of Mechanism of Bioflocculation and Settleability of Activated Sludge Bioflocs

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (855) HTML (40) PDF 0.00 Byte (38) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bioflocculation of activated sludge is crucial to overall performance and efficiency of the treatment process as well as the settleability. The bindings between flocs are due to the intermolecular interactions, which can be mainly categorized into 3 interdependent and interactional types including bridging of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), DLVOtype interactions and hydrophobic interactions. Flocs and EPS carry negative charges and zeta potentials that not only produce the electrostatic interactions but create bridges among cells by means of divalent and trivalent cations. EPS contains more protein and carbohydrate than any other substances, the low concentration of which is believed to correlate with good settleability but poorly hydrophobic interactions. Moreover, low hydrophobicity which is also affected by surface charge, is associated with poor flocculation. Also high ionic strength contributes to good performance of bioflocculation. The goal of this study is to gain a comprehensive insight into sludge floc characteristics and to identify the key factors which determine the solidliquid separation properties of activated sludge.

    • Function Localization and Its Flocculating Ingredient Analysis of BioflocculantProducing Microorganism

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (628) HTML (57) PDF 0.00 Byte (29) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Preliminary localization of flocculating gene was conducted by processing plasmid transformation and plasmid elimination to bioflocculantproducing microorganism F2. An analysis of the relationship between the flocculating gene and metabolic pathway of flocculent bacterium shows F2 still has flocculent characteristic after plasmid elimination by high temperature SDS technique, and the bacillus coli DH5α without flocculent capability doesn’t obtain flocculent capability after acquiring the plasmid from F2.F2’s flocculent capability proves to be independent of its plasmid, which provides primary evidence that flocculent gene locates on chromosome DNA rather than plasmid. The metabolic components are controlled by chromosome DNA and the corresponding metabolic pathway is primary metabolism, which is characterized by taking glycolytic pathway as its cycle and saccharide substances as its metabolites.

    • >材料科学与工程
    • Properties of Dy2O3Li2OB2O3 Glass Used as Radiotherapy

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (488) HTML (41) PDF 0.00 Byte (23) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dy2O3Li2O-B2O3 (DyLB) glasses were prepared by traditional melting method. Properties of the glasses with seven different compositions were investigated by density and hardness measurements. The chemical durability of these glasses in simulated body fluid (SBF) was also studied. Results show that when the Dy2O3 content ranges from 10 to 22% and the Li2O content is 11%,the density increases and the dissolution rate decreases,but their hardness first decreases and then increases.With the increasing of Dy2O3 content,the dissolution rate of all glasses increases with the prolonging of the immersion time.Glass microspheres were made from one of the seven compositions and were testd by a neutron bombardment reactor. The radiation results for DyLB glass microspheres show that the radiated 8Li and 12B are nuclides with short halflife.Only 165Dy nuclide with halflife of 2.4 h can emit β rays, which can be used in radiotherapy in clinic.

    • Damage Behavior of Eutectic Silicon Particles in ZL101 Aluminum Cast Alloys During Cyclic Loading

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (702) HTML (33) PDF 0.00 Byte (21) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mechanical fatigue tests were conducted on specimens machined from cylindrical cast ZL101 T6 materials with the equivalent strain amplitude of 0.22% under uniaxial, proportional and nonproportional loadings, respectively. Optical microscope was used to examine the damage behavior of eutectic silicon particles when fatigue to any given number of cycles. Particle debonding and cracking are both existence, but the particle cracking takes the primary, especially under multiaxial loadings.The size, aspect ratio and distribution of eutectic silicon particle have great influence on its damage behavior. Enlongated particles with their major axes parallel to the tensile axis, as well as the particles distributed around specimen’s outside surface and pore’s sharp notches, show the greatest tendency to cracking. The cracking modes of particles are affected by the loading path used. Large particles can crack in several different directions under nonproportional loading but always crack in one direction under uniaxial and proportional loadings, which results in faster cracking rate of eutectic silicon particles and shorter fatigue life under multiaxial nonproportional loading.

    • >机械、车辆与能源工程
    • Virtual Test RigBased Study on Fatigue Life Prediction

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (1148) HTML (48) PDF 0.00 Byte (23) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The procedure of fatigue life prediction is illustrated.The multibody system(MBS) model of the rear axle and the suspension system of a car is built in the LMS.Virtuallab with an introduction of the virtual test rig concept.With the help of road test spectrum and the finite element analysis(FEA) method, the fatigue life of the rear axle is predicted successfully.The indoor test rig results validate the simuiation results.This method proves to be able to calculate the fatigue life of the components,which are under complicated forces.

    • FEM Analysis of ConnectingRod for OffRoad Turbocharged Diesel Engine

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (756) HTML (41) PDF 0.00 Byte (23) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 3D Finite Element Method (FEM) model of connecting rod assembly for offroad turbocharged diesel engine was established. And, nonlinear analysis was made of connecting rod assembly for offroad turbocharged diesel engine.Moreover, the fatigue safety coefficient under the fourth strength theory was calculated. The result shows that connectingrod can satisfy the strength requirement, and the fatigue safety coefficient of the transition area between small end and connectingrod body is lower than that of other sites,and thus the transition area is more dangerous than other positions.

    • >计算机与信息工程
    • Optimized Strategies Approached for Time Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (750) HTML (32) PDF 0.00 Byte (24) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is based on the premise that the powerefficiency and timescheduling of wireless sensor networks would be optimized.Analytical models are established on the performances about the time scheduling of both the nodes themselves and their coordination which aims to enhance the network integrity.The optimal frontier of the portfolios that comes from nodes power consummation and timepower tradeoff are presented by utilizing the meanvariance model. Hereafter,the paper presents the heuristic conclusions involved in the arrangement of timescheduling, keeping the network equilibrium, and making full use of the power endowment.

    • Study and Implementation of Cooperation Mechanism in Grid Workflow

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (749) HTML (38) PDF 0.00 Byte (23) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents a profound study of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and workflow system.Based on the former researches,the paper presents a more useful grid workflow system reference model with a consideration of the properties of grid environment.An analysis is made of the cooperative mechanism based on cooperation context of Grid workflow system and technologies about message middleware.The implementation method of the cooperation mechanism for grid workflow is proposed,and then an application instance is provided to illustrate our approach.

    • >测绘科学与技术
    • Airport Targets Extraction from SAR Imagery Based on Wavelet Texture and Improved Fuzzy Cmeans Clustering

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (542) HTML (39) PDF 0.00 Byte (26) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents definitions of several wavelet textures and a novel automatic airport targets extraction method, an unsupervised method without seed point and training areas, from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. Wavelet channels at different directions through multiscale wavelet transformation were obtained. Then the four crucial frequency cooccurrence matrix features for the textures were computed in each channel of wavelet to get the eigenvectors of the wavelet textures.Principal component analysis (PCA) was adopted to eliminate the correlation of features; the feature reduction was successful and the segmentation performance could be maintained.Finally followed by implementing the improved fuzzy cmeans clustering method to the feature space, the desirable airports extraction was achieved. Experiments show that with the method,the extracting and the location precision are 97.3% and 99.3% respectively.This study provides a good reference for the location of airports in the SAR imagery.

    • Robust Algorithm of Matching SAR Image to Optical Image Using Multiple Subarea

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (830) HTML (45) PDF 0.00 Byte (18) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel algorithm of scene matching with spatial relation constrain was presented. The edge feature of SAR image was extracted via an improved contour detecting algorithm, which computed the gradient of pixels using wavelet packet transform. The realtime image was divided into multiple subarea and each subarea was evaluated by the gray level standard deviation and the distance of spectral histogram. The spatial relationship of the subarea was applied to correct the matching result. The multiplelayer search strategy based on lifting wavelet transform was used to improve the performance of the algorithm. The experiment result shows that the algorithm is effective and robust.

    • >数理科学与化学
    • Estimation of Upper Bound of Generalized Ramsey Numbers

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (836) HTML (44) PDF 0.00 Byte (22) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Let f1, f2,…, fk be graph parameters.This paper presents an estimation of upper bound of generalized Ramsey numbers r(f1≥n1, f2≥n2,…,fk≥nk) by induction.Based on the definition of the mixed Ramseynumber v(f; m; H),the paper presents an upper bound of the mixed Ramseynumber and an expression of v(f; m; H) when the graph parameter is χF.

    • Ordering of Unicyclic Graphs with Cycle Length g and Vertices n

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (921) HTML (60) PDF 0.00 Byte (18) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A unicyclic graph is either a cycle or a cycle with trees attached. GUO Jiming gave the first largest Laplacian spectral radius among all unicyclic graphs with cycle length g and n vertices. In this paper,the first largest [g/2]graphs is determined according to Laplacian spectral radii among all unicyclic graphs with cycle length g and n=g+k(g≥5,k≥3) vertices.

    • >经济与管理科学
    • Study on Supply Chain Aggregation Effects Based on Variety of Products or Customers Ordering Strategy

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (650) HTML (23) PDF 0.00 Byte (18) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For a variety of products or customers ordering strategy in supply chain,three models of the ordering strategy including single ordering strategy, joint ordering strategy, carry ordering strategy are established,and so do three total costs functions of the ordering strategy.Analysis of the three ordering strategies aggregation effects show that carry ordering strategy carries the aggregation effects much better than the joint ordering strategy, and joint ordering strategy carries the aggregation effects better than the single ordering strategy; when additional ordering costs in the total ordering costs accounts for a large proportion, carry ordering strategy will minimize the total costs, and aggregation effects is obvious; when additional ordering costs accounts for a small proportion in the total ordering costs,carry ordering strategy becomes unfeasible, and the joint ordering strategy will cost less.

    • DecisionMaking for Synergic Supply Chain

      2009, 37(1).

      Abstract (801) HTML (34) PDF 0.00 Byte (23) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To explore the importance of synergic knowledge innovation to supply chain existence and development,the meanings and the characteristics of knowledge innovation in the supply chain are revealed and synergy is established as the character of knowledge innovation.Four models reflecting different levels of manufacturers’ involvement are proposed.The fourth level of involvement is defined as positive.Based on the supply chain model of one manufacturer and one supplier, and the assumption that market demand is steady,the profit functions of supplier and manufacturer are constructed respectively.Through solving the function, economic decisionmaking of manufacturer for knowledge innovation subsidiary to supplier can be obtained. And an example is given to explain the process. In the end, further research orientation is discussed.

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