• Volume 42,Issue 6,2014 Table of Contents
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    • >土木工程与建筑学
    • Data Missing Mechanism in Construction Monitoring and Its Treatment

      2014, 42(6):0823-0829. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.001

      Abstract (982) HTML (41) PDF 935.98 K (830) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper categorizes the missing data into three kinds by their generating mechanism and characteristics. Data processing and compensation methods are proposed on the basis of the regression analysis by least square method. A comparative study of the monitoring data about the steel structure of Datong Art Gallery in Shanxi Province and “the ring of life” in Shenyang City of Liaoning Province confirms that the proposed methods for missing data treatment are effective and practical.

    • Plastic energy based Seismic Assessment of Steel Frame Steel Shear Wall with Slits

      2014, 42(6):0830-0835. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.002

      Abstract (935) HTML (12) PDF 837.25 K (867) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In view of energy dissipation, the plastic energy based seismic assessment method of system is established. A calculation method of plastic energy dissipation of steel shear wall with slits (SSWS) is established by theoretical and finite element analysis, in which the flexural links are regarded as the basic energy dissipative components of SSWS. Based on the synergetic energy dissipative mechanism, an assessment method with the damage index considering property of ground motions is proposed. The theory is confirmed by the finite element parametric analysis, experimental results and the structural nonlinear dynamic analysis. Results indicate that the proposed calculation approach in consideration of the plastic energy of SSWS and the assessment method exhibits satisfying accuracy and it can be used to estimate the seismic behavior under given ground motion, demonstrating its rationality.

    • Transformation Technique of Structural Models Based on Industry Foundation Classes Standard

      2014, 42(6):0836-0843. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.003

      Abstract (1431) HTML (56) PDF 979.46 K (1163) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Industry foundation classes (IFC) standard for data sharing and exchanging of building information modeling is introduced. The constitutions and the features of IFC files for architectural models and structural models are analyzed and compared. The transformation method of structural models based on IFC standard is investigated. The generation software of IFC files for structural models is developed with the ObjectARX technology on the AutoCAD graphics platform. A case study is implemented to illustrate the method of structural model transformation which shows that the software can extract the complete IFC information of structural models and it can realize structural model transformation from IFC standard to specific structure analysis software.

    • Equivalent Static Wind Load on Light weight Steel Structure with Gabled Frames

      2014, 42(6):0844-0852. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.004

      Abstract (1121) HTML (37) PDF 1.11 M (1106) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The estimation of wind load on light weight steel structure with gabled frames in the current code doesn’t involve the spatial correlation of fluctuating wind load. The distribution and magnitude of wind load on light weight steel structure with gabled frames are obtained with load response correlation (LRC) method according to international wind load codes and standards. Compared with the calculation results based on the current code, the estimation of equivalent static wind load on light weight steel structure with gabled frames is proposed. Based on wind load time series obtained from the synchronous multi pressure measurement on a rigid gable roof building model, a finite element model for light weight steel structure with gabled frames is established. Calculation results show the wind load effects obtained by the proposed estimation method are much closer to the extreme values of dynamic time history analysis, and the expression is concise and practicable.

    • Experimental Investigation of Blockage Effects on Mean Wind Forces on Tall Buildings in Uniform Flow

      2014, 42(6):0853-0858. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.005

      Abstract (1465) HTML (106) PDF 662.28 K (1035) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Blockage effects of single rectangular tall building were investigated by Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council (CAARC) Standard Tall Building Model in the TJ 2 Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel in Tongji University. The wind pressure tests of rigid models whose blockage ratios were 4.1%, 6.1%, 8.4% and 10.1% were carried out in the uniform flow. The blockage effects on mean wind force characteristics of model was emphasized. The results show that in the uniform flow, mean drag coefficient of each layer increases with the increasing of blockage ratio, while the distribution of drag coefficient along the height of buildings changes little. Along wind mean base bending moment coefficient of buildings also increases with the increasing of blockage ratio. Finally, new correction formula of blockage effect of mean drag coefficient and along wind mean base bending moment coefficient were put forward based on the wind tunnel test results.

    • Experimental Investigation on Single Person’s Jumping Load Model and Its Parameters

      2014, 42(6):0859-0866. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.006

      Abstract (1106) HTML (48) PDF 886.40 K (945) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper aims to develop the load model for single person’s jumping. The three dimension motion capture technology was employed in the experiment in conjunction with force plates to record the jumping load curves. One hundred subjects participated in the experiment and every subject completed five test cases including one free jumping case and four fixed frequency jumping cases. Based on the experimental results and the classical Fourier series function, the jumping load model was developed and its parameters could be determined by the preset jumping frequency or the jumping contact ratio. Maximum order of harmonics of the model was proposed to be as six. Advantages and disadvantages of the two ways were discussed as well as the detailed application procedure of the model.

    • Mutation and Multi scale Characteristics Analysis of Rainfall Series in Dongting Lake Watershed

      2014, 42(6):0867-0872. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.007

      Abstract (1216) HTML (50) PDF 856.47 K (893) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the variations characteristics of rainfall in the Dongting Lake Watershed, the method of Mann Kendall test and Morlet wavelet function were used to analyze the rainfall time series during the period of 1960—2008 in Dongting Lake Watershed. The research results showed that the annual rainfall series took on a weak increasing trend during the period of 1960—2008, while a remarkable decreasing tendency arose after entering the 21st century. The characteristic time scales of changes in annual rainfall were 3, 7 and 24 years, and the characteristic time scales of changes in flood season rainfall were 3 , 7 and 16 years during the period of 1960—2005. According to the analysis of major period of changes in rainfall, it could be conjectured the annual rainfall and flood season rainfall would both be less than the normal level during the period of 2006—2008, which agrees well with the data. The Morlet wavelet analysis method proved to be feasible in prediction of rainfall trends in the future.

    • >交通运输工程
    • Proactive Assessment of Real time Traffic Flow Accident Risk on Urban Expressway

      2014, 42(6):0873-0879. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.008

      Abstract (1561) HTML (55) PDF 1.13 M (889) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on dual loop detector data and accident data collected on Shanghai expressway, the Bayesian networks (BN) model was adopted for the modeling and analysis of real time traffic flow parameters and accident risk on expressways. Gaussian mixture model and the expectation maximization algorithm which could effectively deal with the missing data were also used in the parameters estimation of BN model. Then real time traffic safety risk was evaluated, and accident warning could be carried out in advance. Different combinations of dual loop detector data and time segments before accidents were used to develop the optimal accident risk estimation model by BN. The results show that the BN model adopting the nearest detector data upstream and downstream of the accident site within 5 to 10 minutes before the accident performs the best and the accident prediction accuracy is up to 76.94%. At last, a comparative study was made of the classical accident risk estimation algorithms including naive Bayes classifier, K nearest neighbor and back propagation (BP) neural network as well as the existing real time risk assessment studies. And the results show that the BN model obtains the best predictive results.

    • Capacity Determination Approach of Railway Section in Speed Restriction Conditions

      2014, 42(6):0880-0886. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.009

      Abstract (1254) HTML (57) PDF 974.74 K (918) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Uncertainties parameters of section carrying capacity calculation in speed restriction conditions are analyzed. The capacity calculation method based on Fuzzy Markov Chain is established according to its characteristics of dynamic, fuzziness, randomness and non after effect property. The section carrying capacity in emergency is expressed by fuzzy random variable, which remains the randomness of capacity changing with the impact of emergencies and the fuzziness of the driving behavior and other factors. The case study on Beijing Shanghai Highspeed Line shows that the capacity calculation method based on Fuzzy Markov Chain reflects the capacity dynamic process in emergency. It has an excellent fault tolerance of a variety of factors and uncertainties and provides a wealth of options for policy makers. The capacity calculation gives consideration to a variety of typical transport organization strategies, such as the jacobinical, the conservative or the compromised scheme, which is more coincident with the actual operation of the train in special conditions.

    • Effect of Railway Tunnel Foundation Stiffness on Vibration Response of TunnelBuilding Integrated Structure

      2014, 42(6):0887-0893. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.010

      Abstract (1145) HTML (50) PDF 962.88 K (836) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the effects of railway tunnel foundation stiffness on tunnel building integrated structure vibration response, the vehicle track tunnel soil building coupling dynamic model was established, and the reaction force of fasteners was used to transmit between vehicle track coupling dynamic model and tunnel soil building finite element model. The displacement, velocity and acceleration response of tunnel and building with the change of tunnel foundation stiffness was analyzed by the way of time history analysis, spectrum analysis and vibration level analysis. The results show as follows: the subsidence displacement decreases with the increasing of tunnel foundation stiffness furthermore, the discontinuity of velocity is exacerbated and the periodicity of velocity is weakened, but the correlation between amplitude of oscillation displacement and stiffness of tunnel foundation is not obvious. The vibration acceleration of tunnel is affected by the stiffness of tunnel foundation mainly in 1~5 Hz. The vibration of building structure changes with the stiffness of tunnel foundation, mainly in the low frequency level and the amplitude of variation can be 10 dB.

    • Rail Fatigue Crack Initiation Life Prediction Under Wheelset Creep Condition

      2014, 42(6):0894-0899. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.011

      Abstract (1225) HTML (55) PDF 915.14 K (1160) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Multi body dynamics and three dimensional elastic bodies Non Hertz rolling contact theory were used to obtain wheel rail creep states in several tracks which include different rail cant, superelevation, coefficients of friction (COF) and radius. Pressure and tangential force distribution were loaded to the contact patch of rail finite element model. Then the fatigue parameters of all nodes in the railhead were obtained by stress/strain response analysis. Composition of fatigue parameter was analyzed to decide the prediction formula. If the share stress/strain part was dominating, the share type prediction formula should be used, otherwise the tensile type formula was used. Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) crack initiation life in the leading and trailing wheel was predicted separately. The result shows that the high rail RCF crack is caused by the leading wheel, the influence of the engaged wheel is little. High rail RCF crack initiation life increases with the augment of the curve radius or superelevations, and it decreases with the augment of COF. It can delay high rail RCF crack initiation to set the cant of 1∶20. When COF is over 0.3, the high rail RCF crack is initiated on the surface of railhead; when COF becomes smaller than 0.3, the location of RCF crack initiation transfers to the inside rail head gradually.

    • >环境科学与工程
    • Anaerobic Pretreatment of Black Water with Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor

      2014, 42(6):0900-0905. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.012

      Abstract (1057) HTML (49) PDF 797.79 K (941) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A bench scale up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor(UASB) was used to pre treat black water. The objectives of the research were to investigate the removal transformation rule of organic matter in black water and methane producing properties under different conditions of temperature and hydraulic retention time(HRT). The experimental results show that the UASB reactor has a good removal efficiency on organic matters, the removal efficiency of total chemical oxygen demand is around 80%, and the removal efficiency of the suspended chemical oxygen demand and soluble chemical oxygen demand are above 90% and 40% respectively. Under the condition of HRT(10~30 h)and total chemical oxygen demand volume load rate(1.0~2.4 kg·m-3·d-1), temperature mainly affects soluble chemical oxygen demand removal. The inflow soluble chemical oxygen demand concentration is another limiting factor of hydrolysis acidification except for temperature. For black water anaerobic pretreatment using up flow anaerobic sludge bed reactor, the HRT should better not be lower than 30 h, and the water temperature is around 30 ℃, at this point, total chemical oxygen demand, suspended chemical oxygen demand and soluble chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency are 79.1%, 91.6% and 42.1% respectively. The biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand ratio of effluent is up to 0.60.

    • Oxidative Treatment of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid Aqueous Solution by Bimetallic Fe0 Al0/O2 System

      2014, 42(6):0906-0911. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.013

      Abstract (1155) HTML (47) PDF 778.93 K (776) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fe0 Al0/O2 green advanced oxidation process in which reactive oxygen species (ROS) of H2O2 and ·OH is generated by the O2 spontaneous reduction at normal temperature and pressure was developed. Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) simulated wastewater as the research object, effects including the initial pH, the mass ratio of Fe0 and Al0 and the initial EDTA concentration were investigated. The in situ generation of H2O2 and ·OH, as well as the oxidative degradation mechanism of EDTA degradation were confirmed by the determine methods of N,N diethyl p phenylene diamine horseradish peroxidase(DPD POD), benzoic capturing, oxygen stripping, total oxygen carbon (TOC) changes and EDTA degradation products. The results show that EDTA degradation efficiency by the Fe0 Al0/O2 system decreases with the initial pH increasing, but it is still high at the pH range of 3~9. With the mass ratio of Al0 and Fe0 increasing and the initial concentration of EDTA reducing the removal rate of EDTA increases. Under the conditions that the initial pH is 9, initial EDTA concentration is 0.5 mmol·L-1 and mass ratio of Fe0∶Al0 is 1∶1, the EDTA removal efficiency reached at 90% above. EDTA is removed mainly through advanced oxidation. The intermediates include iminodiacetic acid, formic acid and acetic acid which are eventually mineralized to CO2 and H2O. The TOC removal efficiency reaches 72.5% after 3 h. The studies indicate that Fe0 Al0/O2 system for the EDTA degradation shows many advantages, such as no external H2O2 adding, running cost saving and wide range of pH for application.

    • Struvite Pellet Crystallization for Phosphorus Recovery from Sludge Liquor and Characterization of Pellet Quality

      2014, 42(6):0912-0917. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.014

      Abstract (1156) HTML (27) PDF 859.42 K (785) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the recovery of phosphorous from sludge liquor using struvite(MAP) pellet crystallization, the synthetic sludge fermentation liquid was first used to obtain the optimal conditions for struvite pellet formation, and then the recovery of phosphorous and growth of struvite fed with sludge dewatering liquor was investigated. When fed with synthetic fermentation liquid, the optimal conditions for struvite pellet formation were as follows: pH was 8.2; hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 41 min; inflow rising velocity was 400 cm·min-1, and phosphorus to nitrogen molar ratio was 1∶6. The maximum struvite particle size reached 4~5 mm; the purity was all above 97.5%; the particle hardness was (43.8±1) kg·mm-2. Under the above optimal conditions, real sludge dewatering liquor was used to recover phosphorus. The highest removal efficiency of PO3-4P could reach 90.5%. High concentration of suspended solid (SS) went against the formation of struvite, and the extension of incubation time could not effectively increase the removal efficiencies of ions and struvite particle size. The maximum particle size was 2.0~3.2 mm while the purity of harvested pellets was more than 80% (ρSS<150 mg·L-1). The concentrations of heavy metals were below the limits of heavy metal contents for fertilizer standards in China.

    • Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Treating Cassava Ethanol Wastewater Under Thermophilic Condition

      2014, 42(6):0918-0923. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.015

      Abstract (1200) HTML (56) PDF 892.90 K (951) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The research focuses on the characteristics of the start up, operation and methane production of the expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) treating cassava ethanol wastewater. The results show that the start up of the EGSB reactor inoculated with mesophilic granular sludge needs only 20 days. The second start up needs only 10 days after 54 days’ shutdown. The optimal organic load rate range of EGSB is within 10~14 kg·m-3·d-1, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal rate maintains 80%~90% during the stable operation. The biogas conversion rate(BCR)of EGSB is 0.315 m3·kg-1 under standard temperature and pressure(STP) condition. It is found that the granulation of sludge in EGSB is good and the large granules with diameter more than 2 mm grow rapidly. The ρVSS/ρTSS ratio of sludge increases from 0.51 to 0.84 after 260 d test. The pH value of the effluent fluctuates with the COD removal rate of the system, and pH can be regarded as a primary indicator of EGSB operation condition.

    • Enhanced Biodegradation Characteristics of Oil Degrading Strains Supplemented with Nitrogen Source

      2014, 42(6):0924-0929. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.016

      Abstract (1054) HTML (39) PDF 849.36 K (821) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper studies the effects of adding nitrogen source on single strains and mixed strains isolated from seawater of Tianjin, Dalian and Shanghai. The results show that adding nitrogen source promotes the biodegradation of diesel oil and enhances the cell surface hydrophobicity. NH4NO3 is the optimal nitrogen source to T4 while NaNO3 the optimal to D3 and R4 as well as the optimal ρ(C)/ρ(N) to the three strains is 20:1.There is a close relationship between biodegradation and cell surface hydrophobicity. It is found that there is a lipopeptide structure in the metabolin of petroleum degrading bacteria and the hydrophobic group increases significantly with the addition of nitrogen source. Adding nitrogen source improves biodegradation rate of microbial consortium greatly, in the meantime,T4/R4, T4/D3, T4/R4/D3 show the synergistic degradation.

    • Simulation for Reliability of Pressured Gravity Water Transportation in Long Distance

      2014, 42(6):0930-0936. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.017

      Abstract (929) HTML (42) PDF 878.18 K (848) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By studying the pressured gravity water transportation in long distance, a reliability model was proposed with the fulfillment of water demand (the ratio between water delivered and water demand) as the reliability (Re) quantitative index. A case study was made of the model in simulating the system reliability variety in different connection pipe distance(CPD) during failure states due to the unavailability of a pipe by taking into account the probability of the failure events. The result shows as the number of the connection pipes goes on, the system reliability begins to stabilize; with the same connection pipe distance, a longer transportation distance results in a lower system reliability and the reliability difference caused by transportation distance reduces with the decreasing of the connection pipe distance. Based on the above, the connection pipe distance was quantitatively calculated under the required reliability of the long distance pressured gravity water transfer system, then, the reference value of the connection pipe distance was proposed during different transportation distances, which provides the basis for improving the long distance water transportation.

    • >机械、车辆与能源工程
    • Comparative Study on Accuracy of Several Diffuse Radiation Models

      2014, 42(6):0937-0943. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.018

      Abstract (1990) HTML (66) PDF 970.13 K (848) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on an analysis of the existing diffuse radiation models in combination with the measured solar radiation data in Shanghai, a new anisotropic diffuse radiation model was established. Then, its accuracy was compared with the existing models in terms of the weather type, orientation, season and inclination. Research on weather types shows that for cloudy and partially cloudy days, Klucher model, Hay model and Skartveit & Olseth model are more consistent with the measured values, but for clear days, Perez model and new anisotropic diffuse radiation (NADR) model are better. Research on orientation shows that for the east and the north, Perez model and NADR model are more accurate, but for the south and the west, Liu & Jordan model and NADR model are better. Research on season shows that for summer and autumn, Perez model and NADR model are more accurate, but for autumn and winter, Liu & Jordan model and NADR model are better. Research on inclination shows that Klucher model is more consistent with the measured values. All kinds of diffuse radiation models in calculation diffuse radiation of small angle of inclination are better than the large angle of inclination. A comprehensive consideration of weather type, orientation, season, inclination and son on shows that the Temps & Coulson model and Gueymard model are of a lower accuracy, while NADR model is of the highest accuracy of all.

    • Fluid structure Interaction of Traversing System in Shear Layer

      2014, 42(6):0944-0948. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.019

      Abstract (632) HTML (10) PDF 609.53 K (529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on a combination of numerical simulation and wind tunnel, flow behavior of the traversing system was investigated and the feasibility of numerical method was proved. The aerodynamic forces acting on the traversing system under different situations were calculated. It is found that with the increasing of the distance between the traversing system and the nozzle, the force increases, and the growth rate peaks at a distance of 5 m. Based on the method of fluid structure interaction, it is found that the maximum unsteady lift force is larger than the average forces, which is about 3 times. The single frequency characteristic isn’t found at the power spectral density of drag and lift forces. High amplitude occurs at the frequency from 2 to 60 Hz, which is easy to lead to resonate the traversing system. It must cause a severe vibration of the system, which results in the inaccuracy of the automotive wind tunnel test data.

    • Influence of Rotating Wheels on Vehicle Aerodynamics

      2014, 42(6):0949-0955. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.020

      Abstract (1376) HTML (65) PDF 911.08 K (1208) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A full scaled vehicle was applied to a research of the local and global flow characteristics. Two different conditions including stationary and rotation were employed in computational simulation by steady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) calculation. Furthermore, a detailed analysis on flow, surface pressure coefficient, drag coefficient and lift coefficient affected by rotating wheel figures out that rotating wheel has a great influence on the flow around wheel and the vehicle. Pressure difference, drag coefficient and lift coefficient are decreased by rotation, which improves aerodynamic performance.

    • Effect of Vortex Generator to Flow Field Quality in 3/4 Open Jet Automotive Wind Tunnel

      2014, 42(6):0956-0962. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.021

      Abstract (1108) HTML (48) PDF 800.33 K (753) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method was applied to studying the vortex generator effects toward 3/4 open jet automotive wind tunnel. Three vortex generators with varied plate numbers were studied separately. Firstly, the steady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes(RANS) method was adopted to get the steady characteristics of the flow field. Then the large eddy simulation (LES) method was used to get the unsteady characteristics of the flow field. The corresponding tests were carried out to validate the simulation methods. A comparison of the simulation results show that with the vortex generators especially the generator with three plates, the uniformity inside the flow field increases. The test section range with high speed flow is enlarged. The static pressure gradient in the axial direction is reduced and the turbulence intensity inside test section and prism layer is reduced, too. The length of test section with low turbulence intensity is extended. The turbulence energy inside flow is dispersed. The energy is minimized within the frequency range sensitive to the buffeting phenomenon.

    • Simulation of Two phase Flow with Large Viscosity Difference by Lattice Boltzmann Method

      2014, 42(6):0963-0968. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.022

      Abstract (1009) HTML (49) PDF 816.44 K (854) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The pseudo potential multi component model in Lattice Boltzmann(LB) Method is improved to simulate two phase flow with large viscosity difference. In the pseudo potential model, the interparticle forces are turned into velocity form and introduced into the discrete LB equation. In the improved model, the interparticle forces are discretized and added to the discrete LB equation, which leads to the better numerical stability. The improved model can get smaller spurious velocity and larger viscosity difference than the pseudo potential model. Simulation of asphalt water two phase flow, which is with large viscosity difference, and fingering in a channel are carried out to validate the improved model. It has a good applicability for simulation of fluids with viscosity difference, and the maximal viscosity difference of two phase fluids is 4 510 times.

    • >经济与管理科学
    • Environmental Quality Cost Control Modeling Based on Power Battery Recycling

      2014, 42(6):0969-0975. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.023

      Abstract (1601) HTML (55) PDF 1017.93 K (1002) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on agent theories and game theories, we built an environmental quality cost control model of waste battery under symmetric information, unilateral moral risk environmental quality control model of waste battery recyclers under asymmetric information, and government unilateral moral risk environmental quality test cost control model separately. Moreover, we calculated and analyzed the data with Matlab. The results show that under symmetric information, there is common optimal environmental quality cost prevention level and environmental quality test level for both government and recyclers; with asymmetric information, no matter when the government or recyclers exists unilateral moral risk, recyclers have always been in negative income status during environmental quality control process, and so to the joint average income of the entire reverse supply chain.

    • Economy Benefit and Business Operating Service Pricing Model of Electric Taxi

      2014, 42(6):0976-0982. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.024

      Abstract (1174) HTML (58) PDF 930.18 K (1031) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Electric taxi was tested on the basis of the existing fuel oil taxi business model in Shanghai. The 6 kinds of operation model were structured based on battery charging and leasing model, charging time and swapping frequencies, and daily operation time. The energy consumption regression model based on the electric taxi driving quality was used to define vehicle power battery capacity of 6 different models. The whole lifecycle evaluation model of economy benefit was made with a consideration of purchase cost, usage cost, driver salary, and business revenue. Three scenarios were defined including gasoline price increasing, electric power increasing, and battery cost decreasing. The business operation service pricing model of electric taxi was made based on previous 6 models and three scenarios. The results show that the profitability of battery swapping model is higher than that of the charging model. With annually increasing of 5% of the gasoline price, the electric taxi will get the same profit with fuel oil taxi in 5 years. With annually increasing of 10% of the electric power price, the business operation service price of electric taxi will rise by 1%. When battery cost decreases by 50%, the business operation service price of electric taxi will be 7% lower than the fuel oil taxi.

    • Integrated Similarity Calculation of Project Members Based on Formal Concept Analysis

      2014, 42(6):0983-0988. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.06.025

      Abstract (827) HTML (16) PDF 833.92 K (795) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to address the impacts of invalidations on organization, the project task needs to come up with an adaptive adjustment strategy. This paper presents a research on the absence of the project members, from the view of knowledge properties and structure attributes. An integrated approach of similarity calculation is proposed based on formal concept analysis to cope with the absence of project personnel, so as to ensure the stability of the whole project system.

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